spontaneous polymerization
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Юсуф Ахматович Малкандуев ◽  
Анета Ахмедовна Кокоева ◽  
Абдулахат Турапович Джалилов

Приведены результаты самопроизвольной полимеризации а -хлоракриловой и а -бромакриловой кислот с третичными аминами при невысокой температуре. В результате самопроизвольной полимеризации при взаимодействии а -галоидакриловых кислот с третичными аминами образуются полимеры, содержащие четвертичные аммониевые группы. С целью подтверждения данного предположения были проведены ЯМР- и ИК-спектроскопические исследования продуктов самопроизвольной полимеризации. Показано, что сопутствующая реакция кватернизации, спонтанной полимеризации, имеет место как в смеси реагентов, так и в присутствии растворителя, т.е. и при смешении непредельного амина и галоидного алкила. Изучены кинетические закономерности реакции полимеризации и показано, что реакция кватернизации, являющаяся лимитирующей стадией процесса самопроизвольной полимеризации, протекает по S 2 - механизму. Описываются первые попытки получения новых нанокомпозиционных материалов на основе синтезированных сополимеров и модифицированного монтмориллонита. Анализ литературных данных показывает, что особенности получения нанокомпозитов на основе Na - монтмориллонита и водорастворимых сополимеров ранее не изучались. The results of spontaneous polymerization of а -chloroacrylic and а -bromoacrylic acids with tertiary amines at a low temperature are presented. As a result of spontaneous polymerization during the interaction of а -halodacrylic acids with tertiary amines, polymers containing quaternary ammonium groups are formed. In order to confirm this assumption, nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopic studies of the products of the spontaneous polymerization were carried out. Spontaneous polymerization proceeds, consisting of two stages: the quaternization reaction and the polymerization reaction. The kinetic regularities of the polymerization reaction were studied and it was shown that the quaternization reaction, which is the limiting stage of the spontaneous polymerization process, proceeds according to the S 2 - mechanism. It has described the first attempts to obtain new nanocomposite materials based on synthesized copolymers and modified montmorillonite. Analysis of the literature data shows that the features of the preparation of nanocomposites based on Na - montmorillonite and water-soluble copolymers have not been previously studied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 899 ◽  
pp. 253-261
Yusuf A. Malkanduev ◽  
Madina B. Begieva ◽  
Aneta A. Kokoeva ◽  
Аblulakhat T. Dzhalilov

The reaction of spontaneous polymerization in the N, N-dialkylaminoethyl methacrylate - alkyl halide system in organic solvent solutions is considered. It is shown that polymerization in the system under study begins only after the formation of quaternary ammonium salt in the reaction medium (at a concentration of about 0.2 mol/L) by the Menshutkin reaction, as a result of quaternization of the unsaturated amine with an alkyl halide. For the explanation of the aggregate of the obtained experimental data, fundamental considerations were formulated, kinetic schemes were developed, and the corresponding mechanism of polymerization processes was proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 899 ◽  
pp. 262-268
Yusuf A. Malkanduev ◽  
Aneta A. Kokoeva ◽  
Аblulakhat T. Dzhalilov

The reaction of spontaneous polymerization in the system of N, N-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate with allyl chloride and bromide, orthophosphoric acid in ethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide solutions is considered. Spontaneous polymerization proceeds, consisting of two stages: the quaternization reaction and the polymerization reaction. It was shown that the accompanying reaction of quaternization, spontaneous polymerization, takes place both in a mixture of reagents and in the presence of a solvent, in other words, and by mixing an unsaturated amine and an alkyl halide.

JACS Au ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 344-353
Xiaolin Liu ◽  
Xin Liang ◽  
Yubing Hu ◽  
Lei Han ◽  
Qing Qu ◽  

Blood ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 136 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 2-3
Min Xia ◽  
Liron David ◽  
Matthew Teater ◽  
Ozlem Onder ◽  
Kojo S. J. Elenitoba-Johnson ◽  

ABC-DLBCLs are among the most aggressive DLBCLs. Genome sequencing studies identified BCL10 gain-of-function mutations in DLBCL mostly within the ABC-DLBCLs. ABC-DLBCLs were recently split into further subtypes according to their genomic characteristics, among which BCL10 somatic mutations were most common in BN2/Cluster 1 cases. These are likely transformed marginal zone lymphomas and were recently suggested to be sensitive to ibrutinib treatment. Pooling publicly available data we noted that most BCL10 mutations are missense or nonsense SNVs affecting its CARD domain, MALT1 binding domain, and the C-terminal S/T rich domain. We generated a large panel of mutant BCL10 constructs including the top hotspot missense mutation R58Q (CARD domain) and nonsense truncation mutations such as E140X. We found that almost all mutants induced aberrantly strong induction of NF-κB activity in lymphoma cells as compared to WT BCL10, indicating that they induce gain of function. BCL10 forms a high order complex with CARD11 and MALT1 (CBM signalosome) downstream of BCR signaling. Normally, CARD11 activation induces polymerization of BCL10 which induces MALT1 activity and downstream NF-κB signaling. To investigate the impact of BCL10 mutants on CBM complex formation we performed fluorescence polarization and filamentation formation assays with purified WT and mutant BCL10 species. Both BCL10R58Q and BCL10E140X manifested faster and even spontaneous polarization compared to BCL10WT. BCL10R58Q formed thicker and more heavily bundled filaments (~20 nm) that provide greater surface area to dock signaling proteins, whereas filaments formed by BCL10E140X had the normal ~10 nm structure. Even though the BCL10E140X deletes the canonical MALT1 binding site, the mutant filament still featured robust MALT1 recruitment. Cryo-EM studies revealed that BCL10R58Q mutant gains new interactions within the filament structure that could explain the observed stabilization and bundling effects. Notably, cryo-EM structure of the BCL10E140X mutant in complex with MALT1 showed that it retains its interaction with MALT1 in the filament form despite its predicted lack of interaction with MALT1 in the monomeric form due to the C-terminal deletion. To gain further functional insight we performed mass spectrometry to identify proteins interacting with WT, BCL10R58Q and BCL10E140X. BCL10R58Q featured gain of many novel protein interactors including NF-κB2 and TAB1 etc. consistent with bundled filament formation enabling more signaling protein recruitment. However, the BCL10E140X interactome was quite different and most notably featured loss of binding to negative regulators of non-canonical NF-κB. NF-κB2 (p100/p52) level was indeed elevated in the presence of this mutant. In addition, both BCL10 mutant classes showed aberrant activation of canonical and non-canonical NF-κB activation (IkBa/p65 and p52) through distinct mechanisms. As a functional readout of BCL10 function, we generated a MALT1 GloSensor reporter DLBCL lines to detect MALT1 protease activity. Indeed, both classes of mutations showed potent induction of MALT1 protease activity (GloSensor), enhanced cleavage of canonical MALT1 target proteins (Western Blot), expression of canonical NF-κB target genes (QPCR) such as IL6 and IL10. In striking contrast to BCL10WT, and consistent with our structural data showing spontaneous polymerization of BCL10 mutants, we found that CARD11 knockdown did not impair MALT1 activation, NF-κB signaling, or cell growth in ABC-DLBCL lines expressing both BCL10 mutants. This CARD11 independence was concerning, since it suggests that BCL10 mutant lymphomas might be resistant to drugs targeting upstream components of the BCR signaling pathway such as ibrutinib. Indeed, expression of BCL10R58Q and BCL10E140X (but not BCL10WT) in various ABC-DLBCL cell lines abrogated the ability of ibrutinib to inhibit MALT1 (GloSensor), NF-κB activity (Reporter), cell growth (Growth inhibition) as well as proliferation. Collectively, we find that BCL10 mutations induce aberrant canonical and non-canonical NF-κB activity through novel and structurally distinct biochemical mechanisms that are at least partially dependent on MALT1. BCL10 mutation should be considered as a biomarker for ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL, so that alternative targeted therapies can be prioritized for these patients. Disclosures Fontan: Johnson & Johnson: Current Employment. Melnick:Epizyme: Consultancy; Jubilant: Consultancy; Constellation: Consultancy; Janssen: Research Funding; Daiichi Sankyo: Research Funding.

2020 ◽  
Xin Liang ◽  
Qing Qu ◽  
Dongming Liu ◽  

Catalyst-free spontaneous polymerization for the synthesis of halogen-rich polysulfonates at room temperature in air with 100% atom economy in high yields was developed. The resulting polymers possess various properties, including post-functionalization, extraordinarily high refractive index, visible photodegradation, photoacid generation, multi-color and 3D fluorescent photopatterning, and practical broad-spectrum antibacterial activity.

2020 ◽  
Xin Liang ◽  
Qing Qu ◽  
Dongming Liu ◽  

Catalyst-free spontaneous polymerization for the synthesis of halogen-rich polysulfonates at room temperature in air with 100% atom economy in high yields was developed. The resulting polymers possess various properties, including post-functionalization, extraordinarily high refractive index, visible photodegradation, photoacid generation, multi-color and 3D fluorescent photopatterning, and practical broad-spectrum antibacterial activity.

ACS Omega ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (29) ◽  
pp. 18391-18396
Hiroya Abe ◽  
Kohei Nozaki ◽  
Shu Sokabe ◽  
Akichika Kumatani ◽  
Tomokazu Matsue ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 295 (32) ◽  
pp. 11303-11315
Pei-Wen Chen ◽  
Neil Billington ◽  
Ben Y. Maron ◽  
Jeffrey A. Sload ◽  
Krishna Chinthalapudi ◽  

The Arf GTPase-activating protein (Arf GAP) with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 (ASAP1) establishes a connection between the cell membrane and the cortical actin cytoskeleton. The formation, maintenance, and turnover of actin filaments and bundles in the actin cortex are important for cell adhesion, invasion, and migration. Here, using actin cosedimentation, polymerization, and depolymerization assays, along with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), confocal, and EM analyses, we show that the N-terminal N-BAR domain of ASAP1 directly binds to F-actin. We found that ASAP1 homodimerization aligns F-actin in predominantly unipolar bundles and stabilizes them against depolymerization. Furthermore, the ASAP1 N-BAR domain moderately reduced the spontaneous polymerization of G-actin. The overexpression of the ASAP1 BAR–PH tandem domain in fibroblasts induced the formation of actin-filled projections more effectively than did full-length ASAP1. An ASAP1 construct that lacked the N-BAR domain failed to induce cellular projections. Our results suggest that ASAP1 regulates the dynamics and the formation of higher-order actin structures, possibly through direct binding to F-actin via its N-BAR domain. We propose that ASAP1 is a hub protein for dynamic protein–protein interactions in mechanosensitive structures, such as focal adhesions, invadopodia, and podosomes, that are directly implicated in oncogenic events. The effect of ASAP1 on actin dynamics puts a spotlight on its function as a central signaling molecule that regulates the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton by transmitting signals from the plasma membrane.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 444 ◽  
Paolino ◽  
Reale ◽  
Razzano ◽  
Giuliani ◽  
Donati ◽  

A new polymer brush was synthesized by spontaneous polymerization of benzofulvene macromonomer 6-MOEG-9-T-BF3k bearing a nona(ethylene glycol) side chain linked to the 3-phenylindene scaffold by means of a triazole heterocycle. The polymer structure was studied by SEC-MALS, NMR spectroscopy, and MALDI-TOF MS techniques, and the results supported the role of oligomeric initiatory species in the spontaneous polymerization of polybenzofulvene derivatives. The aggregation features of high molecular weight poly-6-MOEG-9-T-BF3k-FE were investigated by pyrene fluorescence analysis, dynamic light scattering studies, and transmission electron microscopy, which suggested a tendency towards the formation of spherical objects showing dimensions in the range of 20–200 nm. Moreover, poly-6-MOEG-9-T-BF3k-FE showed an interesting cytocompatibility in the whole concentration range tested that, besides its aggregation features, makes this polybenzofulvene brush a good polymer candidate for nanoencapsulation and delivery of drug molecules. Finally, the photo-physical features of poly-6-MOEG-9-T-BF3k-FE could allow the biodistribution of the resulting drug delivery systems to be monitored by fluorescence microscopy techniques.

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