In the present work, we have studied the alpha-like clusters (8Be, 12C, 16O, 20Ne, and 24Mg) decay half-lives in the trans-tin region for (106-116Xe, 108-122Ba, 114-124Ce, and 118-128Nd) and in transition metal region for (156-166Hf, 158-172W, 160-174Os, 166-180Pt, and 170-182Hg) nuclei. These half-lives have been calculated using the shape parametrization model of cluster decay in conjunction with the relativistic mean-field (RMF) model with the NL3* parameter set. Thus calculated cluster decay half-lives are also compared with the half-lives computed using the latest empirical relations, namely Universal decay law (UDL) and the Scaling Law given by Horoi et al.. From the calculated results, it has been observed that in the trans-tin region, the minimum cluster decay half-lives are found at nearly doubly magic or doubly magic daughter 100Sn (Nd = 50, Nd is the neutron number of the daughter nuclei) shell effect at Nd = 50 and in transition metal region, half-lives are minimum at Nd = 82, which is a magic number. Further, the Geiger-Nuttal plots of half-lives showing Q dependence for different alpha-like clusters from various CR emitters that have been plotted are found to vary linearly.