synoptic wind
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2022 ◽  
Teng Ma ◽  
Wei Cui ◽  
Lin Zhao ◽  
Yejun Ding ◽  
Genshen Fang ◽  

Abstract In addition to common synoptic wind system, the mountainous terrain forms a local thermally driven wind system, which makes the mountain wind system have strong terrain dependence. Therefore, in order to estimate the reliable design wind speeds for structural safety, the samples for extreme wind speeds for certain return periods at mountainous areas can only come from field measurements at construction site. However, wind speeds measuring duration is usually short in real practice. This work proposes a novel method for calculating extreme wind speeds in mountainous areas by using short-term field measurement data and long-term nearby meteorological observatory data. Extreme wind speeds in mountainous area are affected by mixed climates composed by local-scale wind and large scale synoptic wind. The local winds can be recorded at construction site with short observatory time, while the extreme wind speeds samples from synoptic wind climate from nearby meteorological station with long observatory time is extracted for data augmentation. The bridge construction site at Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China is taken as an example in this study. A 10-month dataset of field measurement wind speeds is recorded at this location. This study firstly provides a new method to extract wind speed time series of windstorms. Based on the different windstorm features, the local and synoptic winds are separated. Next, the synoptic wind speeds from nearby meteorological stations are converted and combined with local winds to derive the extreme wind speeds probability distribution function. The calculation results shows that the extreme wind speed in the short return period is controlled by the local wind system, and the long-period extreme wind speed is determined by the synoptic wind system in the mountain area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (59) ◽  
pp. 326-343
Jherbyson Brito ◽  
Letícia Miguel

This work proposes a methodology to optimize a reinforced concrete structure. For this, the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) algorithm was used, an algorithm from the group of metaheuristic algorithms, which presents an easy computational implementation. As a study object, a frame structure adapted from a real reinforced concrete building was used, subjected to the dynamic action of artificially generated synoptic wind. The objective function is to reduce the volume of concrete of the structure. For that, the dimensions of the cross-sections were used as design variables, and the maximum displacement at the top imposed by the ASCE / SEI 7-10 standard as a lateral constraint, as well as the maximum story drift between floors. In addition to this structural optimization, it was also proposed the use and optimization of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD), in different quantities, positions and parameters, improving the dynamic response of the reinforced concrete building. The results show that for this situation it was possible to reduce the concrete volume of the structure by approximately 24%, respecting the maximum limit of displacement at the top required by the standard.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1649
Hee-Jeong Lim ◽  
Young-Hee Lee

We evaluated the performance of the high-resolution (333 m) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in simulating the flow structure at a complex coastal site in Boseong, South Korea, on 15 July 2018, against observations obtained from a 300 m tower and radiosonde, and analyzed the model results to interpret the measurements. The study site is surrounded by mountains, valleys, and bays, and is adjacent to the South Sea; thus, it is influenced by terrain-forced flow and thermally driven circulation. The study day was characterized by the development of nighttime low-level wind maximum (LLWM) and daytime sea breeze under weak synoptic wind conditions. Although the WRF model simulated the onset and cessation of a sea breeze later than was observed, it showed good skill in reproducing the near-surface temperatures, wind vectors, and vertical profiles of potential temperatures and wind vectors in the atmospheric boundary layer at the study site. We analyzed the model results at 05:30 and 14:30 LST when the model’s performance was good for wind. At 05:30 LST, hydraulic jump produced weak wind conditions below 300 m above ground level (AGL), and westerly down-valley flow developed near the surface, leading to an LLWM. At 14:30 LST, heating over land produced a thermal high over land at 1800 m AGL, counteracting the synoptic pressure gradient, and leading to weak wind conditions at this level. We performed three sensitivity simulations to examine the dependence of flow structure on the horizontal and vertical resolution. The results show that an early-morning hydraulic jump can be simulated by applying a high-resolution model in both the horizontal and vertical grids, and the simulated onset and cessation times of the sea breeze depend on the model’s resolution. The dependence of flow structure on the model resolution has been discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103606
Zhi-Rong Huang ◽  
Yi-Jing Zhang ◽  
Ya-Bing Wen ◽  
Yu-Fei Tang ◽  
Cheng-Wei Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Tianning Zhao ◽  
Jianhuai Ye ◽  
Igor O. Ribeiro ◽  
Yongjing Ma ◽  
Hui-Ming Hung ◽  

AbstractLocal atmospheric recirculation flows (i.e., river winds) induced by thermal contrast between wide Amazon rivers and adjacent forests could affect pollutant dispersion, but observational platforms for investigating this possibility have been lacking. Here we collected daytime vertical profiles of meteorological variables and chemical concentrations up to 500 m with a copter-type unmanned aerial vehicle during the 2019 dry season. Cluster analysis showed that a river-forest recirculation flow occurred for 23% (13 of 56) of the profiles. In fair weather, the thermally driven river winds fully developed for synoptic wind speeds below 4 m s−1, and during these periods the vertical profiles of carbon monoxide and total oxidants (defined as ozone and nitrogen dioxide) were altered. Numerical modeling shows that the river winds can recirculate pollution back toward the riverbank. There are implications regarding air quality for the many human settlements along the rivers throughout northern Brazil.

2021 ◽  
Poulomi Ganguli

Abstract Compound warm-dry spells over land, which is expected to occur more frequently and expected to cover a much larger spatial extent in a warming climate, result from the simultaneous or successive occurrence of extreme heatwaves, low precipitation, and synoptic conditions, e.g., low surface wind speeds. While changing patterns of weather and climate extremes cannot be ameliorated, effective mitigation requires an understanding of the multivariate nature of interacting drivers that influence the occurrence frequency and predictability of these extremes. However, risk assessments are often focused on univariate statistics, incorporating either extreme temperature or low precipitation; or at the most bivariate statistics considering concurrence of temperature versus precipitation, without accounting for synoptic conditions influencing their joint dependency. Based on station-based daily meteorological records from 23 urban and peri-urban locations of India, covering the 1970-2018 period, this study identifies four distinct regions that show temporal clustering of the timing of heatwaves. Further, combining joint probability distributions of interacting drivers, this analysis explored compound warm-dry potentials that result from the co-occurrence of warmer temperature, scarcer precipitation, and synoptic wind patterns. The results reveal a 50-year severe heat stress tends to be more frequent and is expected to become 5 to 17-year events at each location. Notably, considering dependence among drivers, a median 6-fold amplification (ranging from 3 to 10-fold) in compound warm-dry spell frequency is apparent relative to the expected annual number of a local 50-year severe heatwave episode, indicating warming-induced desiccation is already underway over most of the urbanized areas of the country.

2021 ◽  
Xuelong Chen

<p>The spatial-temporal structure of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) over mountainous areas can be strongly modified by topography. The PBL over the mountainous terrain of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is more complex than that observed over its flat areas. To date, there have been no detailed analyses which have taken into account the topography effects exerted on PBL growth over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). A clear understanding of the processes involved in the PBL growth and depth over the TP’s mountainous areas is therefore long overdue.The PBL in the Himalayan region of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is important to the study of interaction between the area’s topography and synoptic circulation.</p><p>This study used radiosonde, <em>in-situ</em> measurements, ERA5 reanalysis dataset and numerical model to investigate the vertical structure of the PBL and the land surface energy balance in the Rongbuk Valley on the north of the central Himalaya, and their association with the Westerlies, which control the climate of the Himalaya in winters. Two sunny November days in 2014 with different synoptic conditions in terms of large-scale wind direction and speed were selected to investigate the ways in which large-scale synoptic forcing affected the vertical structure of the PBL, atmospheric stability, surface wind field, and land surface energy fluxes. The results revealed that the valley winds and PBL growth were strongly influenced by the variations of the westerlies. When the synoptic wind direction at the height of the mountain ridges was parallel to the axis of the valley, the downward transmission of the westerlies to the valley floor (DTWTV) was strong and cause high near-surface wind speeds and sensible heat flux value, then produced an extremely deep PBL (9 km above sea level) in the early afternoon of November 23. When the synoptic wind direction at the ridge height intersected the axis of the valley and was weak, the DTWTV was weak, and the PBL became relatively low on November 28. These results demonstrate that the interaction between the topography and synoptic circulation plays a critical role in PBL growth.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 440
Anzhou Cao ◽  
Zheng Guo ◽  
Yunhe Pan ◽  
Jinbao Song ◽  
Hailun He ◽  

Near-inertial waves (NIWs) are a kind of internal wave, which are usually generated by synoptic wind forcing and play an important role in the oceanic energy budget. However, the lack of in situ observations limits our understanding of NIWs to some extent. Through a comparison with in situ observations, in this study, we first showed that the hybrid coordinate ocean model reanalysis results could reasonably reproduce the typhoon-induced NIWs, and we then adopted these data to investigate the NIWs induced by typhoon Megi in 2010 in the South China Sea (SCS). The results indicate that Megi-induced near-inertial kinetic energy was mainly concentrated in the SCS Basin. In the vertical direction, Megi-induced NIWs could propagate to 1000 m depth. The damping and modal content of Megi-induced NIWs were site-dependent: In the region near Megi’s track, NIWs were dominated by the first three baroclinic modes and damped quickly; whereas in two zones to the west of the Luzon Island and Luzon Strait, the e-folding time of Megi-induced NIWs could be longer than 20 days and higher modes (mode-4 to mode-7) were enhanced several days after the passage of Megi. Possible mechanisms of these phenomena were also explored in this study.

Horia Hangan ◽  
Ahsan Kareem

This Oxford handbook on non-synoptic wind systems is an outlook of the state of knowledge of various aspects of these wind systems and their impacts on our natural and build environment. During the last two decades, it has become clear that these types of winds dominate in terms of damage in some geographical areas; at the same time, they are different from the large-scale synoptic winds for which the knowledge matured. As opposed to the synoptic winds, the non-synoptic ones are localized in both space and time, three dimensional in nature while having similar intensities. The handbook explores the particularities of this type of wind in terms of climatology, surface layer, and aerodynamic and structural impacts on buildings, structures, and natural habitat. It also addresses the implications on risk analysis, engineering guidelines and codes, socioeconomic aspects, and insurance policies. The handbook comes at the moment when the state of knowledge in this area has evolved but is not yet mature. Therefore, it provides the opportunity to inform and trigger debate.

Horia Hangan ◽  
Ahsan Kareem

This chapter summarizes the book's study on non-synoptic wind storms (NSWSs). The book covers aspects related the general vulnerability to NSWSs in terms of (1) incidence, including the flow field and intensity and the frequency and occurrence of these storms; and (2) exposure, including preparedness for NSWSs. In doing so, it presents the state of the art regarding full-scale data acquisition and analysis, mesoscale and microscale numerical modeling, physical simulations, structural analysis, risk modeling, building codes implementation, and insurance analysis. For each of these aspects, the presentation aims at being informative, reviewing a large palette of approaches and presenting their advantages and limitations. It also stresses the need for future research.

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