online discussion forum
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Due to the current situation of lock-down and social distancing, many educational institutions have shifted to online learning. This study aims to identify the key factors that should be present for successful online discussion and explores the advantages of merging two activities, e-mentoring and online discussion, to improve the quality of the online discussion. A mixed methods design-based was conducted in the setting of the online program in health professions education. Several success factors were identified by the current study: merging of mentorship and online discussion, shifting of roles, structuring of the discussion, assessment, and the use of guides. The study also magnified the role of supervision as moderation and mentorship and suggested solutions to deal with silent participants. Finally, the use of a student guide and shifting of roles between the students play a crucial role in the success of the ODFs.

Jenilkumar Patel

Abstract: The Online Discussion Forum system can be used for any sort of discussion. It is a web-based application. The goal of this system is to allow users to connect with each other online and to provide new users with discussion services. It enables users to sign up for our website. A registered user can create new posts and respond to existing ones. The current study uses two primary concepts to support the system at two distinct ends termed the front end and the back end to completely automate the Online Discussion Forum, removing all of the constraints of the manually managed Online Discussion Forum. The front end will be Visual Studio 2010 / ASP.NET, and the back end will be SQL SERVER 8. Other tools utilized in this research are Ajax Toolkit and Jquery. A more accurate system is created in the present study to reduce the manual efforts to achieve easy access to the required information.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Natelli

<p>With professional sports continually attracting new supporters and these supporters increasingly using Internet technologies, questions arise about the relationship between sport fan online activities and actual fan support for a professional sport team. This paper explores the behaviours and perceptions exhibited by Yellow Fever (online fan site) members as they interact within their online discussion forum. It also studies how these interactions may influence support for the A-League franchise, the Wellington Phoenix football club. To explore and describe member interactions and opinions, the paper uses a qualitative research approach and data collected from both the forum archives as well as an online questionnaire. The research appears to show that Yellow Fever members do affect fan support for the Wellington Phoenix. It also suggests several ways in which the members can influence fan support. Despite some limitations, there are implications for sporting clubs and technology research. The study also provides a basis for further research both with sport support groups as well as other types of membership dependent organisations such as community projects, local schools and political organisations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Alexander Natelli

<p>With professional sports continually attracting new supporters and these supporters increasingly using Internet technologies, questions arise about the relationship between sport fan online activities and actual fan support for a professional sport team. This paper explores the behaviours and perceptions exhibited by Yellow Fever (online fan site) members as they interact within their online discussion forum. It also studies how these interactions may influence support for the A-League franchise, the Wellington Phoenix football club. To explore and describe member interactions and opinions, the paper uses a qualitative research approach and data collected from both the forum archives as well as an online questionnaire. The research appears to show that Yellow Fever members do affect fan support for the Wellington Phoenix. It also suggests several ways in which the members can influence fan support. Despite some limitations, there are implications for sporting clubs and technology research. The study also provides a basis for further research both with sport support groups as well as other types of membership dependent organisations such as community projects, local schools and political organisations.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (Supplement_3) ◽  
S Pires

Abstract The European Burden of Disease Network (burden-eu) joins 271 members from 50 countries. Upon the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several of these members started studies to estimate the burden of COVID-19 in their countries, and many others showed interest in taking steps to launch such studies. Capacity building is one of the key pillars of burden-eu, and the ultimate goal of several of its activities. In mid-2020, a group within burden-eu convened to establish an approach to support the network's members to establish national studies. First, the grouped discussed the methodology, data requirements and resources needed to implement a national study. Based on the output of these discussions, a comprehensive protocol was published on the network's website, and a scientific article was published in an open-access journal. To present this methodology, share already finalized studies, and discuss challenges and opportunities for future studies, in November 2020 burden-eu organized a public webinar, which was attended by over 100 participants. The network's website collects and continuously posts all published articles related to the burden of COVID Burden-eu. Burden-eu also formed the Burden of COVID-19 Working Group, which is open to all network members conducting or interested in implementing national studies. This group aims to share experiences in national burden of COVID-19 studies; support each other with calculations, model assumptions, data gaps; harmonize methodologies and align strategies for communicating results; and discuss research and upcoming evidence on long-COVID. The group meets regularly to achieve these aims. Lastly, the network launched an online discussion forum, where members can post questions and receive answers from peers in an interactive and rapid way. All these efforts have resulted in several studies being launched, and are allowing for harmonized approaches to be used and comparable estimates to be generated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (67) ◽  
María José Rochera ◽  
Anna Engel ◽  
César Coll

A pesar de su importancia, los efectos de la retroalimentación en entornos en línea no han sido ampliamente evaluados; tampoco hay consenso sobre cómo deben medirse. El objetivo de este estudio exploratorio es analizar los efectos de la retroalimentación del profesorado durante el desarrollo de un foro de discusión en línea. Durante un período de tres semanas, los participantes (14 estudiantes universitarios y su tutor) participaron en un debate virtual sobre el uso de Wikipedia con fines académicos, utilizando la plataforma Knowledge Forum (los participantes realizaron 328 publicaciones en total). Sobre la base de las características de los entornos de aprendizaje en línea, desarrollamos un modelo multidimensional para estudiar los comentarios del profesor y sus efectos durante la interacción en línea. Los resultados muestran los principales efectos de la retroalimentación tanto en la discusión de los estudiantes sobre los temas de aprendizaje -efecto en cadena y efecto en racimo-, como en las reglas de participación en el debate. El documento concluye con una discusión sobre las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas de estos resultados. Despite its importance, the effects of feedback in online environments has not been widely assessed; nor is there any consensus on how it should be measured. The aim of this exploratory study is to analyse the effects of teacher feedback during the development of an online discussion forum. Over a three-week period, the participants (14 university students and their tutor) engaged in a virtual debate on the use of Wikipedia for academic purposes, using the Knowledge Forum platform (participants made 328 posts in total). Based on characteristics of online learning environments, we developed a multidimensional model to study feedback and its effects during online interaction. The results show the main effects of the teacher's feedback both on the students' discussion about learning topics –chain effect and cluster effect– and on the rules of participation in the debate. The paper concludes with a discussion on the theoretical and practical implications of these results.  

Alwaleed Mohamed Abdullah Alshengiti ◽  
Rabab Alshaiekh Idres Musa

Purpose: Flipped Learning is an educational approach that combines the traditional classroom with online tools to find its best method in the Flipped classroom where the responsibility for the teaching process is somehow shifted to the students who have direct access to the lesson's contents before going to school. In this strategy, the instructor becomes an information facilitator and leads students in the transition from lecturing to the acquisition exercise of abilities and competencies. This paper explores E-learning approaches and the exceptional strategies implications students may additionally have. It also illustrates how such activities and methodologies can be a complete learning system. Methods: Furthermore, the most appropriate way to carry out Flipped teaching has been to create virtual classes on social media such as Facebook, Edmodo, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams which are also helpful as a sort of online discussion forum between the teacher and their students. From this new perspective, students have experienced new techniques and methods through cooperative Learning, a teaching/learning model that allows them to figure together in small groups to achieve the same goals. In addition, students can create digital products and post them on the Internet, thereby attaining great results. Results: All the activities are planned to require critical thinking and different learning styles at the end, supporting the idea of individual Learning rather than group learning. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0879/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

Kasiyah Junus ◽  
Harry Budi Santoso ◽  
Mubarik Ahmad

AbstractThis current study investigates the use of online role-playing, in an online discussion forum, in learning the community of inquiry framework – an area of learning covered in the Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) course, an elective course for Computer Science undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia. The participants were divided into different roles. Each group was triggered to discuss the implementation of online collaborative learning. A mixed-methods approach was utilised to analyse the qualitative and quantitative data. The result of content analysis exhibited students implementing all the components of the CoI framework. Teaching presence was the rarest, as students were focused on delivering their ideas. Social presence appeared in almost all messages since it is the easiest, and students can feel the impact immediately. The discussion moved to the integration phase but did not proceed to resolution. This study suggested some recommendations and future research topics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. pp209-219
L Square ◽  
V Van der Heyde ◽  
D. Smith

Nuclear power forms part of the first-year physics undergraduate course work in the extended curriculum program at the University of the Western Cape. This investigation intends to assist students in mastering their understanding of how nuclear power works through the development of critical thinking skills around the topic and to create awareness among students of the implications of expanding a nuclear power footprint. Through debate, students in this course investigate the impact of South Africa increasing its nuclear footprint within a global context. In this work, students were encouraged to explore publications and reputable websites surrounding this topic and based on their findings formulate arguments. The authors conceptualized and developed a Sakai tool (based on Learning Tools Interoperability), called Reference Register (RR) to compliment the work. RR stores the reference uploaded by each student, shares uploaded literature resources to the group members, and quantifies the number of times a student uses a reference when presenting their argument. The incorporation of the RR was intended to encourage students to formulate arguments based on well-founded literature. Authors sort to investigate in which ways and to what extent does an online discussion forum facilitate students becoming ethically, environmentally, and socially aware in the area of nuclear energy and to assist students in becoming better in their professional communication skills. The outcome of this student engagement included students becoming familiar with what constitutes a well-formulated scientific argument based on a literature review, group engagement, becoming aware of South African current affairs regarding nuclear power, and its social and economic impact.

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