explosion monitoring
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 9987
Jian Li ◽  
Dongwei Hei ◽  
Gaofeng Cui ◽  
Mengmin He ◽  
Juan Wang ◽  

The purpose of seismic data processing in nuclear explosion monitoring is to accurately and reliably detect seismic or explosion events from complex ambient noises. Accurate detection and identification of seismic phases are of great significance to the detection and parameter estimation of seismic events. In seismic phase identification, discriminating between noise signals and real seismic signals is essential. Accurate identification of noise signals helps reduce false detections, improves the accuracy of automatic bulletins, and relieves the workload of analysts. At the same time, in seismic exploration, the prime objective in data processing is also to enhance the signal and suppress the noises. In this study, we combined a generative adversarial network (GAN) with a long short-term memory network (LSTM) to discriminate between noise and phases in seismic waveforms recorded by the International Monitoring System (IMS) array MKAR. First, using the beamforming data of the array as the input, we obtained the signal features of seismic phases through the learning of the GAN discriminator network. Then, we input these features and trained the joint network on mixed seismic phase and noise data, and successfully classified seismic phases and noise signals with a recall of 95.28% and 97.64%, respectively. Based on this model, we established a real-time data processing method, then validated the effectiveness of this method with real 2019 data of MKAR. We also verified whether improved noise signal identification improves the quality of phase association and event detection.

Michael E. Pasyanos ◽  
Andrea Chiang

ABSTRACT Moment tensor (MT) solutions are proving increasingly valuable in explosion monitoring, especially now that they are more routinely calculated for the unconstrained, full (six component) MT. In this study, we have calculated MTs for U.S. underground nuclear tests conducted at the Nevada National Security Site using seismic recordings primarily from the Livermore Nevada Network. We are able to determine them for 130 nuclear explosions from 1970 to 1996 for a range of yields and under a variety of material conditions, which we have supplemented with 10 additional chemical explosions at the test site. The result is an extensive database of MTs that can be used to assess the performance of important monitoring tasks such as event identification and yield determination. We test the explosion event screening on the fundamental lune of the MT eigensphere and find MT screening to be a robust discriminant between earthquakes and explosions. We then explore the estimation of moment-derived yield, in which we find that material properties are the largest contributor to differences in the estimated moment-to-yield ratio. Further research conducted on this dataset can be used to develop, test, and improve various explosion monitoring methodologies.

Jonas A. Kintner ◽  
K. Michael Cleveland ◽  
Ryan Modrak ◽  
Audrey Dunham

ABSTRACT Short-period Rayleigh waves, Rg, provide strong constraints on the depth of shallow seismic events and are of interest for monitoring small explosions. Characterizing the seismic sources that generate Rg requires an understanding of how shallow crustal structure affects Rayleigh wave propagation. In support of these efforts, this study utilizes observed waveforms from small shallow explosions recorded on temporary seismic network deployments in the Bighorn region, Wyoming. We study regional near-surface geology by measuring changes in surface-wave amplitude and polarization during propagation through basins, foothills, and mountains. We develop additional insight by carrying out surface-wave eigenfunction analyses and numerical-wave simulations, which together reproduce many characteristics seen in the observed waveforms. Our results show how sedimentary basins in the Bighorn region allow for amplified prograde-polarized higher-mode and retrograde-polarized fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves, whereas adjacent mountains only support retrograde motion. These different modes provide distinct constraints on the Earth structure and source characteristics, potentially enabling targeted inversions in future studies. Our findings provide insight into Rg propagation through complex near-surface geology, improving our understanding of shallow propagation and source effects that are relevant to explosion monitoring efforts.

Keehoon Kim ◽  
Arthur R. Rodgers ◽  
Milton A. Garces ◽  
Stephen C. Myers

ABSTRACT Chemical explosions generate pressure disturbances in air that radiate as nonlinear shock waves near the source and transition into acoustic waves with distance. Because low-frequency acoustic waves generally travel large distances without significant loss of energy, they are often used for explosion monitoring and yield estimation. However, quantitative relationships between acoustic energy and explosion yields are required for accurate yield estimation. Here, we develop an empirical acoustic source model for chemical explosions from experimental data. The empirical model returns the acoustic pressure waveform for the detonation of 1 kg of trinitrotoluene, which is conventionally used to represent the explosive release of 4.184 MJ of explosion energy. The full-waveform model can be used to predict acoustic signals for an arbitrary yield of a high-explosive detonation based on the standard scaling law and to estimate acoustic energies in a specific frequency range. We evaluate the accuracy of the acoustic source model independently by estimating the yield of other explosive events that are not included in the model development. Statistical characteristics of the model and their implications for the uncertainty quantification of estimated yields are discussed.

Jonas A. Kintner ◽  
K. Michael Cleveland ◽  
Charles J. Ammon ◽  
Andrew Nyblade

ABSTRACT Recent efforts to characterize small (Mw<3) seismic events at local distances have become more important because of the increased observation of human-triggered and induced seismicity and the need to advance nuclear explosion monitoring capabilities. The signals generated by low-magnitude seismic sources necessitate the use of nearby short-period observations, which are sensitive to local geological heterogeneity. Local to near-regional distance (<300  km) surface and shear waves can dominate short-period observations from small, shallow seismic sources. In this work, we utilize these observations to estimate precise, relative locations and magnitudes of ∼700 industrial mining events in Wyoming, using nearly 360,000 observations. The precise, relative location estimates (with formal location uncertainty estimates of less than 1 km) collapse a diffuse collection of mining events into discrete clusters associated with individual blasting operations. We also invert the cross-correlation amplitudes to estimate precise, relative moment magnitude estimates, which help validate and identify disparities in the event sizes reported by regional network catalogs. Joint use of multiple phases allows for the inclusion of more seismic events due to the increase in the number of observations. In some cases, using a single phase allowed us to relocate only 50% of the original reported seismic events within a cluster. Combining shear- and surface-wave phases increased the number of events to above 90% of the original events, allowing us to characterize a broader range of event sizes, source to station distances, and event distributions. This analysis takes a step toward making a fuller characterization of small industrial seismic events observed at local distances.

Joshua D Carmichael

Summary Shallow seismic sources excite Rayleigh wave ground motion with azimuthally dependent radiation patterns. We place binary hypothesis tests on theoretical models of such radiation patterns to screen cylindrically symmetric sources (like explosions) from non-symmetric sources (like non-vertical dip-slip, or non-VDS faults). These models for data include sources with several unknown parameters, contaminated by Gaussian noise and embedded in a layered half-space. The generalized maximum likelihood ratio tests that we derive from these data models produce screening statistics and decision rules that depend on measured, noisy ground motion at discrete sensor locations. We explicitly quantify how the screening power of these statistics increase with the size of any dip-slip and strike-slip components of the source, relative to noise (faulting signal strength), and how they vary with network geometry. As applications of our theory, we apply these tests to (1) find optimal sensor locations that maximize the probability of screening non-circular radiation patterns, and (2) invert for the largest non-VDS faulting signal that could be mistakenly attributed to an explosion with damage, at a particular attribution probability. Lastly, we quantify how certain errors that are sourced by opening cracks increase screening rate errors. While such theoretical solutions are ideal and require future validation, they remain important in underground explosion monitoring scenarios because they provide fundamental physical limits on the discrimination power of tests that screen explosive from non-VDS faulting sources.

2020 ◽  
Laura Matzen ◽  
Christina Ting ◽  
Christopher Young ◽  
Jamie Coram

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