quartic term
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Qing-Hong Cao ◽  
Katsuya Hashino ◽  
Xu-Xiang Li ◽  
Zhe Ren ◽  
Jiang-Hao Yu

Abstract To realize first-order electroweak phase transition, it is necessary to generate a barrier in the thermal Higgs potential, which is usually triggered by scalar degree of freedom. We instead investigate phase transition patterns in pure fermion extensions of the standard model, and find that additional fermions with mass hierarchy and mixing could develop such a barrier and realize a strongly first-order phase transition in such models. In the Higgs potential with polynomial parametrization, the barrier can be generated in the following two patterns by fermionic reduction effects: (I) positive quadratic term, negative cubic term and positive quartic term or (II) positive quadratic term, negative quartic term and positive higher dimensional term, such as dimensional 6 operator.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1630
Keivan Esfarjani

We consider the problem of heat transport by vibrational modes between Langevin thermostats connected by a central device. The latter is anharmonic and can be subject to large temperature difference and thus be out of equilibrium. We develop a classical formalism based on the equation of motion method, the fluctuation–dissipation theorem and the Novikov theorem to describe heat flow in a multi-terminal geometry. We show that it is imperative to include a quartic term in the potential energy to insure stability and to properly describe thermal expansion. The latter also contributes to leading order in the thermal resistance, while the usually adopted cubic term appears in the second order. This formalism paves the way for accurate modeling of thermal transport across interfaces in highly non-equilibrium situations beyond perturbation theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Ary Mauliva Hada Putri

The need for a reliable mathematical model depicting the process inside a column adsorber has become a requisite in designing an effective gas adsorber. Even though this task can be done by using commercial software, it is still important to get an understanding of how the entire process happens.  In this paper, we discuss a new way to approximate the concentration profile inside the porous solids. It is an extension of the work of Liaw et al., who adopted a parabolic (i.e., quadratic) profile, which is a function of pellet radius while retaining the spherical symmetry. We extend their work by adding the quartic term. The inclusion of this new term still preserves the form of linear driving force approximation with some correction to Glueckauf’s parameter (i.e., the effective diffusivity coefficient). The addition of the correction will affect the breakthrough curve so that it affects the saturation time. In the binary system of hydrogen/methane discussed in this study, we found that a negative correction to the diffusivity coefficient will make the saturation happen earlier compared to that of the parabolic case, and vice versa. This study may help us design an efficient gas purifier, in particular when we set out for the regeneration of the adsorbent.Keywords: activated carbon; effective diffusivity coefficient; hydrogen; linear driving force; methane; parabolic profile A B S T R A KKebutuhan model matematis yang dapat menggambarkan proses penyerapan dalam kolom adsorpsi telah menjadi kebutuhan yang tak terelakkan dewasa ini. Walaupun kini telah tersedia berbagai perangkat lunak komersial, namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa memahami bagaimana proses tersebut terjadi tetap menjadi suatu hal yang berguna. Paper ini bertujuan untuk menampilkan cara baru dalam pemodelan konsentrasi adsorbat di dalam adsorben padat berpori. Kami memperluas metode yang dikembangkan Liaw et al. dengan menambahkan suku pangkat empat (kuartik). Penambahan ini akan mengoreksi koefisien difusivitas efektif dari persamaan linear driving force (LDF). Koreksi yang bernilai negatif, misalnya, akan mengurangi nilai koefisien difusivitas tersebut sehingga akan menghambat kemampuan adsorpsi. Hasil perhitungan kami pada sistem biner hidrogen/ metana menunjukkan bahwa suatu koreksi bernilai negatif dapat menyebabkan saturasi berlangsung lebih cepat dari kasus profil parabolik. Begitu pula sebaliknya, koreksi positif akan menambah daya adsorpsi sehingga saturasi dapat diperlambat. Studi ini kami harapkan dapat diterapkan untuk mendesain suatu kolom adsorpsi yang efisien, terutama dalam perencanaan proses regenerasi adsorben.Kata kunci: hidrogen; karbon aktif; koefisien difusivitas efektif; linear driving force; metana; profil parabolik

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 023501
J. Boháčik ◽  
P. Prešnajder ◽  
P. Augustín

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Igor R. Klebanov ◽  
Alexey Milekhin ◽  
Grigory Tarnopolsky ◽  
Wenli Zhao

Abstract As shown in [1], two copies of the large N Majorana SYK model can produce spontaneous breaking of a Z2 symmetry when they are coupled by appropriate quartic terms. In this paper we similarly study two copies of the complex SYK model coupled by a quartic term preserving the U(1) × U(1) symmetry. We also present a tensor counterpart of this coupled model. When the coefficient α of the quartic term lies in a certain range, the coupled large N theory is nearly conformal. We calculate the scaling dimensions of fermion bilinear operators as functions of α. We show that the operator $$ {c}_{1i}^{\dagger }{c}_{2i} $$ c 1 i † c 2 i , which is charged under the axial U(1) symmetry, acquires a complex dimension outside of the line of fixed points. We derive the large N Dyson-Schwinger equations and show that, outside the fixed line, this U(1) symmetry is spontaneously broken at low temperatures because this operator acquires an expectation value. We support these findings by exact diagonalizations extrapolated to large N.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (10) ◽  
Hsin-Chia Cheng ◽  
Yi Chung

Abstract Composite Higgs models provide an attractive solution to the hierarchy problem. However, many realistic models suffer from tuning problems in the Higgs potential. There are often large contributions from the UV dynamics of the composite resonances to the Higgs potential, and tuning between the quadratic term and the quartic term is required to separate the electroweak breaking scale and the compositeness scale. We consider a composite Higgs model based on the SU(6)/Sp(6) coset, where an enhanced symmetry on the fermion resonances can minimize the Higgs quadratic term. Moreover, a Higgs quartic term from the collective symmetry breaking of the little Higgs mechanism can be realized by the partial compositeness couplings between elementary Standard Model fermions and the composite operators, without introducing new elementary fields beyond the Standard Model and the composite sector. The model contains two Higgs doublets, as well as several additional pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. To avoid tuning, the extra Higgs bosons are expected to be relatively light and may be probed in the future LHC runs. The deviations of the Higgs couplings and the weak gauge boson couplings also provide important tests as they are expected to be close to the current limits in this model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
L.A. Ferreira ◽  
L.R. Livramento

Abstract We study a recently proposed modification of the Skyrme model that possesses an exact self-dual sector leading to an infinity of exact Skyrmion solutions with arbitrary topological (baryon) charge. The self-dual sector is made possible by the introduction, in addition to the usual three SU(2) Skyrme fields, of six scalar fields assembled in a symmetric and invertible three dimensional matrix h. The action presents quadratic and quartic terms in derivatives of the Skyrme fields, but instead of the group indices being contracted by the SU(2) Killing form, they are contracted with the h-matrix in the quadratic term, and by its inverse on the quartic term. Due to these extra fields the static version of the model, as well as its self-duality equations, are conformally invariant on the three dimensional space ℝ3. We show that the static and self-dual sectors of such a theory are equivalent, and so the only non-self-dual solution must be time dependent. We also show that for any configuration of the Skyrme SU(2) fields, the h-fields adjust themselves to satisfy the self-duality equations, and so the theory has plenty of non-trivial topological solutions. We present explicit exact solutions using a holomorphic rational ansatz, as well as a toroidal ansatz based on the conformal symmetry. We point to possible extensions of the model that break the conformal symmetry as well as the self-dual sector, and that can perhaps lead to interesting physical applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 124 (25) ◽  
Csaba Csáki ◽  
Cong-Sen Guan ◽  
Teng Ma ◽  
Jing Shu

Lauro Tomio ◽  
Ramavarmaraja Kishor Kumar ◽  
Arnaldo Gammal

By considering symmetric- and asymmetric-dipolar coupled mixtures (with dysprosium and erbium isotopes), we report a study on relevant anisotropic effects, related to spatial separation and miscibility, due to dipole-dipole interactions (DDIs) in rotating binary dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. The binary mixtures are kept in strong pancake-like traps, with repulsive two-body interactions modeled by an effective two-dimensional (2D) coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The DDI are tuned from repulsive to attractive by varying the dipole polarization angle. A clear spatial separation is verified in the densities for attractive DDIs, being angular for symmetric mixtures and radial for asymmetric ones. Also relevant is the mass-imbalance sensibility observed by the vortex-patterns in symmetric- and asymmetric-dipolar mixtures. In an extension of this study, here we show how the rotational properties and spatial separation of these dipolar mixture are affected by a quartic term added to the harmonic trap of one of the components.

2019 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
Noemi Zabari ◽  
Sebastian Kubis ◽  
Włodzimierz Wójcik

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