natural oils
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Shitanshu Pandey ◽  
Kailas S. Wasewar ◽  
Dipaloy Datta ◽  
Sushil Kumar

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 943-947
Jegannathan Ganesan ◽  
Vighnesh Adikesavan ◽  
Srimathi Devi Jegannathan

Disinfection tunnel (DT) or sanitization tunnel used for disinfecting the persons by spraying with appropriately atomized virucide spray, Direct inhalation or spraying of disinfectants on people with chemical element and different toxicant chemicals may lead to eye and skin irritation and cause numerous allergic disorders. So this obstacle was overcome by Ideal flow control private limited by designing the Pressurized Steam Chamber (PSC) in which Natural oils was mixed in an emulsifier solution, and induced along with steam through multiple nozzles within the chamber, so that persons could get disinfected the entire body. Anti-microbial efficacy of our three essentials oils were determined by standard method, ISO 4833-1:2013 by collecting sample through walk in/walk out chamber protocol.  Our present study report of MSME (ministry of micro, small and medium enterprises) and SGS Chennai, reveals that in phytotherapeutic oils initial microbial load are found to be <1 CFU / mL, in emulsifier and in formulation (water + emulsifier + natural oils) the presence of bacterial colonies found to be 470000 CFU / mL and 20000000 CFU / mL whereas, the distillate collected from essential oils at 65̊ c shows the absence of microbial load. Further swab analysis report of 8 individuals states that samples (hand swab and surface swab) collected for the estimation of Total plate Count showed that there is a reduction in microbial load when exposed to the Steam generated by Pressurized Steam Chamber (PSC) at both the time intervals, 20 and 40 seconds. These findings confirm that three essential phytotherapeutic oils combined with steam have some potent activity against emerging disease.

Rini Devijanti Ridwan ◽  
Tuti Kusumaningsih ◽  
Indeswati Diyatri ◽  
Sidarningsih Sidarningsih

AbstractClean and Healthy Living Behaviors as known as PHBS are all health behaviors that are carried out with awareness, so that family members or families can help themselves in the health sector and play an active role in health activities in the community. One of the activities that can be carried out to achieve PHBS is washing hands using soap (hand rub / hand wash) or cleaning fluid (hand sanitizer). About 98% of the spread of microorganisms in the body comes from our own hands. Maintaining hand hygiene is an effort to avoid various diseases. The benefits of washing hands are very large, washing hands using soap / hand rub or using a hand sanitizer only takes 20 seconds but is very useful for killing microorganisms, namely bacteria, fungi, and viruses. One way to combat the new corona virus or COVID-19, which has become a pandemic at this time, is to always maintain hand hygiene. With the pandemic, the price of hand sanitizers has skyrocketed because the need has increased sharply. When used too often, alcohol as the main ingredient of hand sanitizers, besides being able to irritate the skin, it can also lift natural oils on the hands and tend to be drier, so herbal ingredients are needed as natural ingredients to reduce the side effects of these hand sanitizers. This community service activity was carried out in collaboration with communities in the Bondowoso district, namely the KAPAS Community in Sumbergading Village, Sumberwringin District and the TSS Community in Sukosari Lor Village, Sukosari District. In the Bondowoso area, there are many youth communities with various activities aimed at advancing people's lives and improving the socio-economy in the region. Various plants can be found in the area, including aloe vera and betel leaf.Keywords : Health, hand wash, hand sanitizer, aloe vera, betel leafAbstrakPerilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) merupakan  semua perilaku kesehatan yang dilakukan atas kesadaran, sehingga anggota keluarga atau keluarga dapat menolong dirinya sendiri di bidang kesehatan dan berperan aktif dalam kegiatan kesehatan di masyarakat. Salah satu kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan guna tercapainya PHBS adalah  mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun (hand rub/hand wash) atau cairan pembersih (hand sanitaizer). Sekitar 98% penyebaran mikroorganisme di tubuh bersumber dari tangan kita sendiri. Menjaga kebersihan tangan salah satu upaya terhindar dari berbagai penyakit. Manfaat mencuci tangan sangat besar, mencuci tangan memakai sabun/hand rub atau menggunakan hand sanitizer  hanya membutuhkan waktu 20 detik namun sangat berguna untuk membunuh mikroorganisme, yaitu bakteri, jamur dan virus. Salah satu cara untuk memerangi virus korona baru atau COVID-19 yang telah menjadi pandemi saat ini adalah dengan selalu menjaga kebersihan tangan. Masa pandemi ini mengakibatkan harga hand sanitizer melambung tinggi karena kebutuhan meningkat tajam. Alkohol sebagai bahan utama dari hand sanitizer bila terlalu sering digunakan, selain dapat membuat kulit iritasi juga dapat mengangkat minyak alami pada tangan dan cenderung jadi lebih kering, sehingga diperlukan bahan herbal sebagai bahan alami untuk mengurangi efek samping dari hand sanitizer tersebut. Pada kegiatan pengmas ini dilakukan kerjasama dengan komunitas di wilayah kabupaten Bondowoso yaitu Komunitas KAPAS di Desa Sumbergading  Kecamatan Sumberwringin dan komunitas TSS Desa Sukosari Lor Kecamatan Sukosari. Di wilayah Bondowoso banyak didapatkan komunitas anak muda dengan beragam kegiatan yang bertujuan memajukan kehidupan masyarakat dan meningkatkan sosial ekonomi di wilayah tersebut. Beragam tanaman dapat dijumpai di wilayah tersebut, diantaranya aloe vera dan sirih.Kata kunci: Kesehatan, cuci tangan, hand sanitizer, aloe vera, daun sirih

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1950
Dragana P. C. de Barros ◽  
Patricia Reed ◽  
Marta Alves ◽  
Rafaela Santos ◽  
Abel Oliva

Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) have gained significant attention as tools for the dermal delivery of therapeutics due to their stability, biocompatibility, and ability to improve drug bioavailability. The use of natural plant oils (NPO) in NLC formulations has numerous benefits for the skin due to their therapeutic potential. This work shows the effect of NLC composition on bioavailability in epidermal cells and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Sixteen systems containing fixed (sunflower, olive, corn, peanut, coconut, castor, and sweet almond) and essential (eucalyptus) oils, with different solid lipid (SL): liquid lipid (LL) ratios, were engineered. The structural properties, bioavailability, and antimicrobial action of the particles was studied. The choice of NPO influenced the physicochemical stability by changing the diameter of NLC formulations (between 160 nm and 185 nm) and Z-potential (between −46 mV and −61 mV). All of the systems were characterized by concentration-dependent cytocompatibility with human epidermal keratinocytes (HaCaT) and human dermal fibroblasts (HDFn). The SL:LL ratio in some NLC systems impacted cell cytotoxicity differently. Antimicrobial properties were observed in all 16 systems; however, the type of oil and SL:LL ratio affected the activity of the formulations. Two NLC-NPO systems were found to be non-cytotoxic to human cells lines at concentrations that completely inhibited bacterial growth. These results present a strong argument that the use of natural oils in NLC formulations presents a promising tool for the treatment of skin infections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1287-1294
K. Ashok ◽  
M. Babu ◽  
S. Anandhi ◽  
V. Kalaiarasi

Pulling oil involves actually pulling oil in your mouth for about 10 to 15 minutes around a tablespoon (one teaspoon for children). Traditionally, cocoa, vegetables, sesame, olives, rapeseed and sunflower oils are common options for oil. You pull and shake the oil between the teeth, when removing undesirable food particles, you also take dangerous bacteria with them, which can lead to the formation of plaques, caries and inflammations. This cleansing process is accomplished without disrupting the beneficial balance of the oral microbiome that is essential to a healthy mouth due to the non-aggressive nature of natural oils.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Umesh Luthra ◽  
Prabhakar Babu ◽  
Remya R.R. ◽  
Angeline Julius ◽  
Yogesh Patel ◽  

Purpose β-Carotene is the most appropriate and significant precursor of vitamin A. Synthetic carotene supplements have been known to pose a threat to human health, making natural sources such as the indefensible choice for the production and extraction of carotene. Design/methodology/approach This study considers Blakeslea trispora, a filamentous fungus, as a source of production of carotenoids by fermentation and wet and dry mycelium were used to analyse and obtain better extraction results. Findings In this study, natural oils such as soy oil and cottonseed oil were incorporated into fermentation media to increase the production of carotene. For the optimization process, Plackett–Burman and one-factor-at-a-time (OVAT) models were identified as being of great value. Originality/value OVAT was carried out for corn starch because it plays a major role in the production of carotene and the corn starch at 30 g/L concentration has shown the maximum activity of 3.48 mg/gm. After optimizing process variables, submerged fermentation was eventually carried out under highly controlled media conditions. The resulting product was quantified using UV spectroscopy and extraction of carotene has been observed in the presence of various solvents. Among a range of solvents used, the methylene Di chloride produced-carotene at 86% recovery at a significantly lower temperature of 35°C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Fadi Al-Shoaibi ◽  
Surya Benedicts

This study is aimed to investigate the antimicrobial activity of Garlic, Thyme and Clove essential oils against Micrococcus luteus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Using natural oils to fight the bacteria will limit the usage of antibiotics, reducing the probability of antibiotic resistance which is a global increasing problem. Also, it will eliminate antibiotic side-effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, Which occurs around 1 in 10 people (NHS, 2019). Antibiotics also have an effect the biofilm layer, causing a decrease in immunity. Micrococcus luteus has shown no growth in the trail run when the extracts where undiluted, nor in the main investigation when dilutions took place. This reveals the susceptibility of the bacteria to the following essential oils. Staphylococcus epidermidis has shown to be more resistant than micrococcus luteus. The oils however have produced a diameter of inhibition zone (DIZ), which means the oils are effective. Clove essential oil has produced the smallest inhibition zones in all concentrations carried out, suggesting that it’s the least effective extract. Thyme oil and clove oil have produced similar results; however, Thyme has shown a stronger antimicrobial effect at the 30 and 40% concentrations, whereas garlic has shown a stronger effect using the 20% concentration which has the highest coefficient of variation at 32.00% suggesting that it’s the least precise result.  These results indicate that these essential oils have strong antimicrobial properties suggesting a potential clinical relevance in tackling bacteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (7) ◽  
pp. 1084-1090
Muhammad Bilal Khan ◽  
Rehan Zahid ◽  
Ali Hussain Kazim ◽  
Khalid Javed

Purpose Depleting reserves of crude oils and their adverse environmental effects have shifted focus toward environment friendly and biobased lubricant base oils. Natural oils and fats act as good lubricants but they have low oxidation and thermal stability which makes them unsuitable for modern day uses. This paper aims to produce trimethylolpropane ester biolubricant from cottonseed oil and study the effects of its use in spark ignition (SI) engines. Design/methodology/approach In this work, cottonseed oil is converted to TMP lubricant by a two-step based catalyzed esterification. The lubricants thermophysical properties are then analyzed and a 20% blend with synthetic poly-alpha olefin is used in an spark ignition engine. Findings The produced lubricant has viscosity @100oC of 4.91 cSt, a viscosity index of 230 and a flash point of 202oC. When used as a 20% blend in a petrol engine, the rate of oil deterioration was reduced by 18%, however, the overall wear increased by 6.7%. However, this increase is offset by its improved environmental impacts. Originality/value In its current state, such a biolubricant can be used as an additive to most commercially available lubricants to improve oil deterioration characteristics and environmental impact. However, further work on improving biolubricant’s wear characteristics is needed for the complete replacement of mineral oil-based lubricants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 0462
Mosleh Mohammad Abomughaid

Isolation of fungi was performed from February to July, 2019. One hundred clinical specimens were collected from King Abdullah Hospital (KAH) Bisha, Saudi Arabia. Samples were collected from twenty patients of different ages (30 - 70 years old) ten males and ten females. The samples were collected from patients with the two types of diabetics. Specimens included blood, hair, nail, oral swabs and skin.  Specimens were inoculated on Sabourauds Dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol. Thirteen fungal species were isolated and identified. The isolated species were: Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. terrus, A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. Tropicalis, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium solani, Penicillium marneffei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Identification of molds was carried out morphologically and microscopically using available methods and books of identification, while identification of yeasts was carried out using API system. C. albicans recorded the highest isolated number where 31 colonies were isolated from 18 patients, representing relative density of 22.5%. (R. D.: is the number of a certain fungal species divided by the total number of fungi). Other isolated fungal species recorded relative density less than 16 %. The most common isolated fungus Candida albicans was molecularly identified using the 5.8S and flanking ITS regions. The antifungal activity of some natural essential oils (cinnamon, thyme, coconut, almond and clove) was assayed against isolated fungi using disk diffusion method. The used concentration was 5 µl / plate. The MIC values were also determined using different oil concentrations (1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 µl / disc).

Wani Khalid Shafi ◽  
MS Charoo

The paper aims to introduce a sustainable solution in the field of lubrication science. A green nano additive, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is mixed with two biofriendly natural oils (avocado oil and hazelnut oil) and the tribological properties of the nanolubricants are evaluated on a four-ball tribotester. The nanoparticles are less than 100 nm in diameter and are added in varying concentrations of 0-1 wt.%. The tribological properties are evaluated as per ASTM D4172 and the stability of the nanoparticles is measured for a period of 24 hours using a double beam spectrophotometer. The UV spectroscopy results indicate the nanoparticles are stable after the sonication process and sediment very less after 24 hours. The antiwear properties of both natural oil improve with the increase in the concentration of h-BN nanoparticles. The maximum improvement in the wear properties is observed at 1 wt.% and is equal to 19.5% and 36.55% for avocado oil and hazelnut oil respectively. The improvement in the antiwear properties are ascribed to the different nanolubrication mechanisms: tribofilm formation, non-direct contact phenomenon, and entrapment of nanoparticles between wear agglomerates.

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