recreational area
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Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1165
Krzysztof M. Rostański

This paper describes the experimental developing of a post-zinc industry spoil heap in Ruda Śląska, Silesia (an industrial region of Poland), that was turned into a recreational area. The aim of the present article is to analyse the design process and evaluate its effects. The project in question was meant to be a pilot action of the international one entitled Implementation of Sustainable Land Use in Integrated Environmental Management of Functional Urban Areas—LUMAT, whose Polish part was the Action Plan for the Functional Urban Area of Chorzów, Ruda Śląska and Świętochłowice. The Antonia Hill project involved many aspects and fields of study in order to achieve its aims: limiting the health risk of the Hill’s users, maximising the safety of its use as a recreational area, educating its users in the local history and their cultural identity, raising their awareness of the natural environment and its protection. The predominant remediation method was the process described by Loures and Vaz with a modified order of the elements so as to obtain the effect of remediation and development at the same time. The first step was carried out in the form of the site analysis and the potential adaptation possibilities. The next stage was the participatory workshops in the form of Enquiry by Design. The implementation was carried out in accordance with the evidence-based design. The multi-layered structure of the area was built by selecting ideas, activities and goals following the Modelling Nature Method. After the implementation, the facility evaluation process was made by means of the POE method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 293
Intan Fadhilah Birrul Walidain ◽  
Rully Besari Budiyanti ◽  
Silia Yuslim

Visual quality assessment of The Bay Villas Resort, Tanjung Lesung Banten. The Bay Villas Resort is a recreational area located in Tanjung Lesung, Banten, and is equipped with facilities to stay overnight. The Bay Villas Resort has beautiful natural and visual resource potential. The beach is clean and beautiful, overlooking the Sunda Strait and leading to Mount Krakatau. The problem is that the existing visual potential has not been utilized optimally. This can be seen from the unavailability of facilities for outdoor activities that take advantage of this potential. This study uses qualitative methods with research instruments in the form ofobservation followed by visual potential assessment with assessment methods. Data analysis used interval classes which were then classified according to their visual quality. This study aims to identify the visual potential as the basis for the development of the landscape of The Bay Villas Resort according to the characteristics and visual quality. The results of the research in the form of landscape visual quality which are classified into high, medium, and low landscape visual qualities will be useful as a basis for the placement of facilities in further landscape development.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Faizah Rasya Zita

<p><em>Among the physical that facilitace urban development, public open space is singularly responsible for improving urban quality. Open Space is an elongated area / lane and / or group,</em><em> which used </em><em>by the community. Open Space can create </em><em>a</em><em> character of urban society for social interaction that </em><em>can</em><em> </em><em>united </em><em>all members of the community without distinguishing social, economic and cultural backgrounds.</em> <em>The observation </em><em>proves that area surrounding</em><em> </em><em>west java art and cultural center</em><em> does not have </em><em>an </em><em>open space</em><em> area</em><em> that can facilitate social interaction between community member</em><em>s</em><em>. This causes </em><em>a </em><em>slums around the site </em><em>area </em><em>which </em><em>can’t be used by the comunnity to enjoyed.</em> <em>Therefore, it is necessary to design a</em><em>n o</em><em>pen </em><em>s</em><em>pace in the </em><em>outside of west java art and cultural center building, </em><em>that can be used as an active recreational area to accommodate public activities as much as possible.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
pp. 03005
E. A. Kljushnikova ◽  
R. R. Batyrshin ◽  
N. A. Batyrshina ◽  
Yu. A. Popkova

In society, both in Russia and abroad, there is a situation with a pronounced tendency towards deterioration in the health of young people, the growth of persons with health related conditions. This problem poses special tasks for the State and society to adapt and to integrate such people into society. The paper examines the possibilities of the recreational area of the university and motor technologies for people with disabilities. The importance of using the recreational environment of the university, built for the needs of both a healthy person and those with disabilities, is emphasized. The research work contains the results of an experiment to improve the musculoskeletal system of students with health related conditions using the conditions of the recreational environment of the university. The practical significance of the work was expressed in the justification of the expediency of using a set of exercises for general physical fitness and special gymnastics for the feet for the physical development of students with health related conditions.

N. V. Pomazkova

The development of domestic tourism in the eastern regions of the Russian Federation is based on visiting the most popular places of recreation: beautiful landscapes, rivers and lakes, mineral springs, including in protected natural areas (PNA). Increased mobility of the population leads to increased recreational flows, and as a result, a multiple increase in recreational loads on natural objects and landscapes of protected areas. The potential for long-term sustainable use of such territories should be regularly assessed. The purpose of the study is to assess the recreational impact on natural complexes and develop recommendations for reducing the anthropogenic load in the Park «Arey» in the Transbaikal territory. In September 2019, diagnostic studies of the state of the recreation area of the Park were conducted, which included landscape studies at key sites . The works were carried out using the route-reconnaissance method. The key sites were selected based on the types of natural and territorial complexes that lead to the lake shore. To assess the degradation of biocomplexes in key areas, we determined the terrain features, the stage of recreational forest degradation, and the floral composition. According to expert estimates, an average of 30 thousand people visit the Park annually, mainly in the period from June to September. The season of intensive recreational activity is short — 45–50 days. The maximum load is observed from 5 to 25 July. The Park was created in 2013. The Directorate of the Park «Arey» partially improved the recreational area and restricted vehicle access to the Northern shore of the lake and to the coastal zone. This generally had a positive impact on the landscape and aesthetic condition of the territory, it was noted: 1) reduction of the number of campfires on the entire coast; 2) reduction of the number of felled and damaged trees; 3) overgrowing of clearings with the growth of trees and shrubs, outside the places of concentration of recreants. At the same time, the most vulnerable and affected areas of the coast were identified. The most noticeable deterioration of ecosystems is in the southern and south-western sections of the recreational zone. The territory is characterized by the V stage of forest digression; the territories of the «Kristall base» are at the IV stage of digression, and the rest of the coast is characterized mainly by the III stage. In General, the recreational use of the southern coast of lake Ares exceeds the potential for restoration of natural complexes, where not only the vegetation cover, but also the soil has undergone significant changes. Here you can expect rapid degradation and death of woody vegetation, which will lead to increased erosion of sandy soils and change the overall appearance of the landscape. It is necessary to note the problem for the territory of the Park — the state of the territories where recreation centers and campsites are located does not meet sanitary standards Based on the results obtained, recommendations were developed to reduce the degree of anthropogenic impact on natural complexes. It is necessary to make a number of management and planning decisions: the formation of a road and path network, the concentration of visitors in equipped places, the organization of attendance records, and the updating of sanitary and hygienic infrastructure. The combined development of recreational and environmental activities is a key element in the organization of the Park. The condition for achieving both goals will be to improve the infrastructure of the recreational area

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Renata Krukowska ◽  
Mirosław Krukowski

Abstract Introduction . The article contains an analysis of landscape changes taking place as a result of the development of tourism in the areas of Lake Białe and Lake Glinki (eastern Poland). Material and methods . The paper refers to the results of research covering the years of 1960-1990 and shows the changes in space that took place until 2017. In the first stage of the research, the methods of analysis of archival materials and land use plans were used. In the last period, remote sensing methods were applied – the orthophotomap from 2017 and cadastral data were used to classify land use. Results. In the first period of the development of the recreational region (until 1990), a decrease in the area of meadows and pastures, forest areas and arable land was noticed in favour of areas occupied for collective and individual recreational buildings. The most recent changes in the landscape show a decreasing importance of the agricultural function (mainly a decrease in the arable land area) and an increase in colonisation space, related to summer buildings and areas with a recreational function (wooded areas). Conclusions. With a view to further development of tourism in the area of Lake Białe and Lake Glinki, particular emphasis should be placed on harmonising land use and spatial development.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1632 ◽  
Catarina Jóia Santos ◽  
Umberto Andriolo ◽  
José C. Ferreira

Beach nourishment is a soft engineering intervention that supplies sand to the shore, to increase the beach recreational area and to decrease coastal vulnerability to erosion. This study presents the preliminary evaluation of nourishment works performed at the high-energy wave-dominated Portuguese coast. The shoreline was adopted as a proxy to study beach evolution in response to nourishment and to wave forcing. To achieve this aim, images collected by a video monitoring system were used. A nourishment calendar was drawn up based on video screening, highlighting the different zones and phases where the works took place. Over the six-month monitoring period, a total amount of 25 video-derived shorelines were detected by both manual and automated procedures on video imagery. Nourishment works, realized in summer, enlarged the emerged beach extension by about 90 m on average. During winter, the shoreline retreated about 50 m due to wave forcing. Spatial analysis showed that the northern beach sector was more vulnerable and subject to erosion, as it is the downdrift side of the groin.

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