insurance product
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Haviluddin Haviluddin ◽  
Edy Budiman ◽  
Rendy Ramadhan

Insurance product offerings are not always understood by prospective customers (CN) due to limited information related to products. This can cause confusion so that CN does not want to buy it. The purpose of this study is to analyze the selection of insurance products PT. AIA Financial Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multi Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) approach so that CNs can choose based on insurance product facilities that match their abilities. In this study, as many as 10 types of insurance products and 10 CN criteria were then analyzed based on the two methods used. Then, the calculation accuracy of the two methods has been using the confusion matrix (CM) method. Based on the results of CM calculations from 27 CN datasets with a conformity level of 81.5%, it has been obtained which indicates that the two methods can be implemented as an alternative in choosing insurance products according to ability or based on CN criteria. The results show that this method is quite effective, efficient and relatively easy to use in determining insurance products that meet the criteria or according to CN's economic capabilities

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jun Liu ◽  
Zhian Liang

The insurance product with shout options which permit the holders to modify the contract rules is one of the most popular products in European and American markets today. Therefore, it is of great significance to price more precisely. A new mathematical model consisting of a partial differential inequality and constraint conditions is derived for the price of insurance products in a jump-diffusion model. The numerical experiments are performed to analyze the impact of parameters on the insurance product with shout put options, especially for the jump times and the quantities of shout opportunities. The experiment results show that the value of the product is strongly affected by the quantities of shouting opportunities, especially for high values of the underlying asset, while it is only weakly affected for low values. Meanwhile, another meaningful discovery is that the valuation has changed little as the jump times are less than five, while it has shown a sharp increase once the jump times are more than five. Furthermore, the indicator results of course grid errors show that the values of shout put options in the jump-diffusion model are more accurate than those in a Brownian motion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (s1) ◽  
pp. 1-31
David Morel

Objective.— To propose an insurance product called special needs insurance. The insurance will pay parents a lump sum up to $100,000 if they have a child that is born with or develops a special needs condition such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or autism. Background.— Raising a child is expensive; raising a child with a special need can be hundreds of thousands of dollars more expensive. These additional costs include direct costs that are not covered by health insurance and indirect costs such as the loss of earnings when a working parent must tend to a special needs child. Method.— We analyze a gamut of birth and early childhood disabilities, both physical and cognitive, from the medico-actuarial perspective. We describe each condition using relevant medical literature and calculate prevalence rates from epidemiological studies (appendix A1-A15). After accounting for multiple births, we develop a final premium. Results.— We find that physical impairments are sufficiently well understood to guarantee a fixed payout, whereas cognitive impairments such as autism are less understood, and so for these we propose a cognitive fund that does not guarantee a fixed payout. We find that an average single premium of $4,600 allows the insurer to profitably pay out the proposed benefits. Conclusions.— Raising a special needs child can put a significant strain on the affected family's budget. We propose an insurance product that provides relief through a large lump sum payout. Although no new insurance product can be guaranteed success, our analysis of this product gives an interested insurer reasonable justification to take on this new risk.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 2011
Yaodi Yong ◽  
Hailiang Yang

This paper aims to value the cliquet-style equity-linked insurance product with death benefits. Whether the insured dies before the contract maturity or not, a benefit payment to the beneficiary is due. The premium is invested in a financial asset, whose dynamics are assumed to follow an exponential jump diffusion. In addition, the remaining lifetime of an insured is modelled by an independent random variable whose distribution can be approximated by a linear combination of exponential distributions. We found that the valuation problem reduced to calculating certain discounted expectations. The Laplace inverse transform and techniques from existing literature were implemented to obtain analytical valuation formulae.

Risks ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 83
Piotr Tereszkiewicz ◽  
Katarzyna Południak-Gierz

The use of personalization mechanisms should allow the insurance distributor to reduce exploration costs and adjust the offered insurance product to the needs, features, and situation of each individual client. This study seeks to examine how liability should be allocated when the process of the personalization of an insurance product does not result in the client’s choice of an optimal product. First, we identify the typical uses of new technologies allowing for an adjustment of insurance contracts. Second, we analyze the interplay between their application and the legal obligations of insurance product distributors. Subsequently, the paper discusses the scope of factors the insurance distributor is liable for when using personalizing tools in contacts with clients. We submit that offering an online personalization of insurance products ought to be regarded as being equivalent to providing advice under Art. 2, Sec. 1, Point 15 of the European Union Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD). From the consumer’s perspective, our analysis makes the case for the insurance distributor’s liability for mispersonalization of an insurance contract.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Christine Magdalena Kurniasih Sena ◽  
Suherman Suherman

This study aims to determine and understand how the legal liability of the Prudential Life Assurance Company in carrying out and marketing unit-linked life insurance products, namely insurance products that are linked to investment according to the prevailing laws and regulations. In addition, this study also aims to determine how the responsibility of agent who act for and on behalf of the company in entering into unit-linked insurance product agreements and what risks must be borne by the insurer and the insured against the unit-linked life insurance agreement. This research uses normative legal research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The result of this research is that the unit linked insurance agreement is included in the agreement in general which contains the principle of consensualism, namely the existence of a voluntary agreement in this case to enter into an insurance contract agreement between the insurer and the insured. Prudential Indonesia in marketing unit-linked life insurance products has also complied with the provisions in the Financial Services Authority Circular Letter Number /SEOJK.05/2019 concerning Insurance Products Related to Investment.

Peter Zweifel

AbstractThis contribution evokes Orio Giarini’s courage to think ‘outside the box’. It proposes a practical way to bridge the gap between risk (where probabilities of occurrence are fully known) and uncertainty (where these probabilities are unknown). However, in the context of insurance, neither extreme applies: the risk type of a newly enrolled customer is not fully known, loss distributions (especially their tails) are difficult to estimate with sufficient precision, the diversification properties of a block of policies acquired from another company can be assessed only to an approximation, and rates of return on investment depend on decisions of central banks that cannot be predicted too well. This contribution revolves around the launch of an innovative insurance product, where the company has a notion of whether a favourable market reception is more likely than an unfavourable one, of the chance of obtaining approval from the regulatory authority and the risk of a competitor launching a similar innovation. Linear partial information theory is proposed and applied as a particular practical way to systematically exploit the imprecise information that may exist for all of these aspects. The decision-making criterion is maxEmin, an intuitive modification of the maximin rule known from games against nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (516) ◽  
pp. 119-133
O. А. Klepikova ◽  
Z. M. Sokolovska ◽  

The article is aimed at studying and automating the stages of decision-making process for the development and implementation of health insurance products using the economic, mathematical, and simulation modeling. When analyzing the scientific works of scholars on the development of health insurance in Ukraine, the main stages of the decision-making process are allocated, the major of them are: the market need for an insurance product in the external environment; clear definition of the company’s tactical and strategic goals; examining the properties and characteristics of the insurance product; risk assessment and profitability of the insurance product. In the course of the study, the modeling of risk assessment, profitability of health insurance programs and analysis of the obtained results were carried out in detail. It is substantiated that a comprehensive analysis of the risk and profitability of health insurance programs will allow to form the necessary insurance reserves, to ensure the competitive position of an insurance company and to fulfill the targeted goals. If statistical information is available, any health insurance programs, including the COVID-19 insurance programs that require an assessment of pandemic risk, which requires special attention from both society and insurance, can be analyzed. It should be noted that modeling is a key element for assessing and managing pandemic risk. Prospects for further research in this direction are the expansion of the base of economic, mathematical and analytical models for assessing the risk of insurance portfolio and the inclusion in the simulation model of a wider range of factors of both the external and the internal environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Yaodi Yong ◽  
Hailiang Yang

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>In this paper, we consider the problem of valuing an equity-linked insurance product with a cliquet-style payoff. The premium is invested in a reference asset whose dynamic is modeled by a geometric Brownian motion. The policy delivers a payment to the beneficiary at either a fixed maturity or the time upon the insured's death, whichever comes first. The residual lifetime of a policyholder is described by a random variable, assumed to be independent of the asset price process, and its distribution is approximated by a linear sum of exponential distributions. Under such characterization, closed-form valuation formulae are derived for the contract considered. Moreover, a discrete-time setting is briefly discussed. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate our proposed approach.</p>

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