impulse approximation
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Yahya Younesizadeh ◽  
Fayzollah Younesizadeh

In this work, we study the differential scattering cross-section (DSCS) in the first-order Born approximation. It is not difficult to show that the DSCS can be simplified in terms of the system response function. Also, the system response function has this property to be written in terms of the spectral function and the momentum distribution function in the impulse approximation (IA) scheme. Therefore, the DSCS in the IA scheme can be formulated in terms of the spectral function and the momentum distribution function. On the other hand, the DSCS for an electron off the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] nuclei is calculated in the harmonic oscillator shell model. The obtained results are compared with the experimental data, too. The most important result derived from this study is that the calculated DSCS in terms of the spectral function has a high agreement with the experimental data at the low-energy transfer, while the obtained DSCS in terms of the momentum distribution function does not. Therefore, we conclude that the response of a many-fermion system to a probe particle in IA must be written in terms of the spectral function for getting accurate theoretical results in the field of collision. This is another important result of our study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Nora Shipp ◽  
Denis Erkal ◽  
Alex Drlica-Wagner ◽  
Ting S. Li ◽  
Andrew B. Pace ◽  

Abstract Stellar streams are excellent probes of the underlying gravitational potential in which they evolve. In this work, we fit dynamical models to five streams in the Southern Galactic hemisphere, combining observations from the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S 5), Gaia EDR3, and the Dark Energy Survey, to measure the mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). With an ensemble of streams, we find a mass of the LMC ranging from ∼14–19 × 1010 M ⊙, probed over a range of closest approach times and distances. With the most constraining stream (Orphan–Chenab), we measure an LMC mass of 18.8 − 4.0 + 3.5 × 10 10 M ⊙ , probed at a closest approach time of 310 Myr and a closest approach distance of 25.4 kpc. This mass is compatible with previous measurements, showing that a consistent picture is emerging of the LMC’s influence on structures in the Milky Way. Using this sample of streams, we find that the LMC’s effect depends on the relative orientation of the stream and LMC at their point of closest approach. To better understand this, we present a simple model based on the impulse approximation and we show that the LMC’s effect depends both on the magnitude of the velocity kick imparted to the stream and the direction of this kick.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (6) ◽  
Si-Na Wei ◽  
Rong-Yao Yang ◽  
Jing Ye ◽  
Niu Li ◽  
Wei-Zhou Jiang

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 525
Chen-Kai Qiao ◽  
Jian-Wei Wei ◽  
Lin Chen

The Compton scattering process plays significant roles in atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics and material science. It could provide useful information on the electromagnetic interaction between light and matter. Several aspects of many-body physics, such us electronic structures, electron momentum distributions, many-body interactions of bound electrons, etc., can be revealed by Compton scattering experiments. In this work, we give a review of ab initio calculation of Compton scattering process. Several approaches, including the free electron approximation (FEA), impulse approximation (IA), incoherent scattering function/incoherent scattering factor (ISF) and scattering matrix (SM) are focused on in this work. The main features and available ranges for these approaches are discussed. Furthermore, we also briefly introduce the databases and applications for Compton scattering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Chen-Kai Qiao ◽  
Shin-Ted Lin ◽  
Hsin-Chang Chi ◽  
Hai-Tao Jia

Abstract The millicharged particle has become an attractive topic to probe physics beyond the Standard Model. In direct detection experiments, the parameter space of millicharged particles can be constrained from the atomic ionization process. In this work, we develop the relativistic impulse approximation (RIA) approach, which can duel with atomic many-body effects effectively, in the atomic ionization process induced by millicharged particles. The formulation of RIA in the atomic ionization induced by millicharged particles is derived, and the numerical calculations are obtained and compared with those from free electron approximation and equivalent photon approximation. Concretely, the atomic ionizations induced by mllicharged dark matter particles and millicharged neutrinos in high-purity germanium (HPGe) and liquid xenon (LXe) detectors are carefully studied in this work. The differential cross sections, reaction event rates in HPGe and LXe detectors, and detecting sensitivities on dark matter particle and neutrino millicharge in next-generation HPGe and LXe based experiments are estimated and calculated to give a comprehensive study. Our results suggested that the next-generation experiments would improve 2-3 orders of magnitude on dark matter particle millicharge δχ than the current best experimental bounds in direct detection experiments. Furthermore, the next-generation experiments would also improve 2-3 times on neutrino millicharge δν than the current experimental bounds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (6) ◽  
J. M. Franco-Patino ◽  
J. Gonzalez-Rosa ◽  
J. A. Caballero ◽  
M. B. Barbaro

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Tetsuo Noro ◽  
Tomotsugu Wakasa ◽  
Takashi Ishida ◽  
Hidetomo P Yoshida ◽  
Masahiro Dozono ◽  

Abstract We have measured the differential cross-sections and analyzing powers for ($p,2p$) reactions at an incident energy of 392 MeV on $^{12}$C, $^{16}$O, $^{40}$Ca, and $^{208}$Pb nuclei, leading to discrete states of the residual nuclei. The data are compared with two kinds of distorted-wave impulse approximation (DWIA) calculations, a standard calculation using a global optical potential and a calculation using wave functions generated in a relativistic Hartree model. The spectroscopic factors deduced from these two calculations agree with those determined in ($e,e'p$) studies mostly within 15% in the case of the lighter three target nuclei. However, those for the $^{208}$Pb target are overestimated compared with the ($e,e'p$) results. In the heavy target case, the DWIA results are very sensitive to the radius parameter of the bound-state potential and thus a careful treatment is required. Regarding the analyzing powers of the present measurement, we confirmed that the $j$-dependence is sufficient for practical spectroscopic use.

Arie Bodek ◽  
Tejin Cai

Abstract Precise modeling of neutrino interactions on nuclear targets is essential for neutrino oscillations experiments. The modeling of the energy of final state particles in quasielastic (QE) scattering and resonance production on bound nucleons requires knowledge of both the removal energy of the initial state bound nucleon as well as the average Coulomb and nuclear optical potentials for final state leptons and hadrons. We extract the average values of the real part of the nuclear optical potential for final state nucleons ($$U_{opt}^{QE}$$UoptQE) as a function of the nucleon kinetic energy from inclusive electron scattering data on nuclear targets ($$_\mathbf{6 }^\mathbf{12 }{} \mathbf{C} $$612C+$$_\mathbf{8 }^\mathbf{16 }{} \mathbf{O} $$816O, $$_\mathbf{20 }^\mathbf{40 }{} \mathbf{Ca} $$2040Ca+$$_\mathbf{18 }^\mathbf{40 }{} \mathbf{Ar} $$1840Ar, $$_\mathbf{3 }^\mathbf{6 }{} \mathbf{Li} $$36Li, $$_\mathbf{18 }^\mathbf{27 }{} \mathbf{Al} $$1827Al, $$_\mathbf{26 }^\mathbf{56 }{} \mathbf{Fe} $$2656Fe, $$_\mathbf{82 }^\mathbf{208 }{} \mathbf{Pb} $$82208Pb) in the QE region and compare to calculations. We also extract values of the average of the real part of the nuclear optical potential for a $$\varDelta (1232)$$Δ(1232) resonance in the final state ($$U^\varDelta _{opt}$$UoptΔ) within the impulse approximation. We find that $$U^\varDelta _{opt}$$UoptΔ is more negative than $$U_{opt}^{QE}$$UoptQE with $$U^\varDelta _{opt}\approx $$UoptΔ≈1.5 $$U_{opt}^{QE}$$UoptQE for $$_\mathbf{6 }^\mathbf{12 }{} \mathbf{C} $$612C.

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