analogical thinking
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2021 ◽  
Tanja Bogusz

Interdisciplinary sensitivity takes into account the epistemic upheaval of the Anthropocene. However, the still fragmented academic organization between nature and society counteracts intellectual progress. The paper explores the possibilities of enhancing collaboration between biology and sociology by providing an empirical reflection of common methodological grounds. Building on practice theory, pragmatism, science studies and sociocultural anthropology, I discuss current nature–society relationships through an ethnography of a taxonomist’s laboratory, followed up by a biodiversity expedition in Papua New Guinea. I address analogical thinking as a device for interdisciplinary collaboration through four modes of fieldwork enrollment: Ontological, disciplinary, transdisciplinary and experimental. The paper concludes with two arguments: Firstly, fieldwork could engender new knowledge in between differing epistemic cultures and, secondly, an analogical fieldwork approach based on the interrelatedness of experience, trial and cooperation facilitates promising pathways for sustainable futures of inquiry.

2021 ◽  
Georgios Koronis ◽  
Hernan Casakin ◽  
Arlindo Silva ◽  
Jing Wen William Siew

Abstract This study is aimed at ways to assess and improve design students’ creative outcomes and assist educators in crafting design briefs for design studios. The procedure entails a controlled yet analytical experiment in a university setting intended to test the potential of using analogical thinking to enhance the Novelty and Usefulness of design solutions. The control group received a brief that contained stimuli in the form of typical examples without instructions to use analogies. A second group was provided with a brief including stimuli elicited by text representations in the form of word pairs, and instructions to use textual analogies. The last group received the same stimuli as the other groups above; however, with instructions to identify negative features before using textual analogies. One hundred and seven first-year undergraduate students took part in the study. The results demonstrated that design briefs with specific instructions to use textual-based analogies contributed to highly novel outcomes. However, when analogies were elicited by statements concerning negative issues of the design task, students were able to produce more useful outcomes. We suggest that textual-based analogies can be employed as a good in-class pedagogical tool for improving novice designers’ creative outcomes overall.

2021 ◽  
Zijian Zhang ◽  
Yan Jin

Abstract The goal of this research is to develop a computer-aided visual analogy support (CAVAS) framework that can augment designers’ visual analogical thinking by providing relevant visual cues or sketches from a variety of categories and stimulating the designer to make more and better visual analogies at the ideation stage of design. The challenges of this research include what roles a computer tool should play in facilitating visual analogy of designers, what the relevant and meaningful visual analogies are at the sketching stage of design, and how the computer can capture such meaningful visual knowledge from various categories through analyzing the sketches drawn by the designers. A visual analogy support framework and a deep clustering model, called Cavas-DL, are proposed to learn a latent space of sketches that can reveal the shape patterns for multiple categories of sketches and at the same time cluster the sketches to preserve and provide category information as part of visual cues. The latent space learned serves as a visual information representation that captures the learned shape features from multiple sketch categories. The distance- and overlap-based similarities are introduced and analyzed to identify long- and short-distance analogies. Extensive evaluations of the performance of our proposed methods are carried out with different configurations, and the visual presentations of the potential analogical cues are explored. The evaluation results and the visual organizations of information have demonstrated the potential of the usefulness of the Cavas-DL model.

Maria Marlin Sutejo ◽  
Dwi Noviani Sulisawati

The recitation method is a learning method that is characterized by the work of assignments by students. Analogy ability is the ability of a person (student) in solving problems by drawing conclusions based on the similarity of the process or the data provided. Learning outcomes are abilities possessed by students after students carry out learning activities. This study aims to describe how the process of applying the Recitation method improves students' analogical thinking skills and student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were students of class VIIIA SMP Satya Dharma Jalan Puger, Balung District, Jember Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out with observation sheets, tests, and documentation. This research uses classroom action research (CAR). The results of the study can be seen from the acquisition of the percentage of teacher and student activities in the first cycle of 94.87% and 87.17% respectively, while in the second cycle the percentage of teacher and student activities is the same, namely 97.43%. Analogy thinking ability and student learning outcomes in the first cycle respectively get an average of 41.26% and 60% while in the second cycle the average Analogy thinking ability and student learning outcomes are 66.98% and 80.47%. So it can be concluded that applying the recitation method can improve students' analytical thinking skills and student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174569162096679
C. Dominik Güss ◽  
Sarah Ahmed ◽  
Dietrich Dörner

Steps involved in the creative process have been described in previous research, yet the exact nature of the process still remains unclear. In the current study, we take this investigation further, referring to two flying machines developed by Leonardo da Vinci and his other notes. Nine iterative steps are described with a focus on motivation and cognition: (a) vision and curiosity; (b) social recognition; (c) asking questions; (d) analogical thinking; (e) trial and error; (f) abductive reasoning; (g) incubation and forgetting; (h) overinclusive thinking, latent inhibition, and illumination; and (i) schema elaboration. The influence of da Vinci’s socio-historic context is also briefly discussed. The analyses show how general psychological mechanisms can explain extraordinary acts of creativity. The steps discussed can be further formalized in future research to advance the modeling of creativity.

Hairunnisah Tanjung ◽  
Bornok Sinaga ◽  
Abil Mansyur

This study aims to analyze students 'spatial mathematical abilities in terms of Van Hiele's thinking stages in problem-based learning models, as well as to find out the number of difficult indicators of students' mathematical spatial abilities in terms of Van Hiele's thinking stages in problem-based learning models. Researchers are the main research instrument, data obtained through several previous studies or journals about research on students' spatial abilities in terms of van hiele's thinking stages in problem-based learning. This study uses the analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model. Data analysis activities, namely data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing/ verification. The subjects in this study were journal articles on the analysis of students' spatial abilities in terms of van hiele's thinking stages in problem-based learning. The object of this research is the provision of a problem-based learning process. Based on the results of the study, there are students with high spatial abilities who have exploratory thinking processes, methodical thinking, analogical thinking, abstract thinking, synthesis, serendipity, and recycling ideas, students with high spatial abilities also have high imagination, students with spatial abilities are having a process exploratory thinking, serendipity, analogical thinking, semi-abstract thinking, and recycling of ideas and having moderate imagination, as well as students with low spatial abilities in understanding problems using exploratory, analogical, semi-abstract, synthesis thinking processes and have low imagery.

Banu BEKCİ ◽  

Aim: The main purpose of the study is to create a recreational spatial organization with basic design elements and principles by emulating nature in increasing visual literacy. With this study, it was aimed to stimulate students' imagination and make them design spatial organization by emulating geological rock sections in sustainable design approaches of rural landscape areas. Method: The process of producing solutions to the design problem given was carried out by using (i) 14-week basic design training, (ii) taking thin samples from geological rocks for petrographical studies, and (iii) the analogical thinking method which was the inspiration of Goldschmidt and Smallov (2006) and Cardoso and Badke-Schavub (2011) for the transformation of their ideas into forms. Findings: By analyzing the concepts related to the given problem, the solution of the design problem began, and the designers’ abstract ideas were concretized and handled within the framework of the concept. Students, who received the subject of study during the design process, completed the product they prepared in line with the basic design education they received in order to obtain a product from the concept whichthey created in their mind by emulating geological rock sections. The process was successfully completed by adding something to the obtained product, removing something from the obtained product, and combining something with the obtained product in this process. Result: The ability to have a versatile perspective in design education, which finds common ground forart and architecture education, is vital. This study showed that in architectural education, the design process can collaborate with different disciplines and that the products may be unique and sensitive to ecosystem services.

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