acculturation strategies
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-26
Sarah Demmrich ◽  
Havagül Akçe

Abstract The religious openness hypothesis, which states that religious traditions have the potential to integrate faith with intellect, is examined in this study within a migration context for the first time. Based on two lines of research, our central question is whether the sociological context or the Islamic tradition per se explains the (in)compatibility of faith and intellect orientation and their relation to psychological openness. Religious openness, psychological openness (ambiguity tolerance and acculturation strategies) and religiosity were measured among Muslims with a Turkish migration background in Germany. Our findings show a non-significant relationship between faith and intellect orientation and we therefore propose that the secular context is the crucial explaining factor. Religious reflection also moderates the link between different forms of religiosity and ambiguity tolerance. Finally, heterogeneous religious rationalities were uncovered that challenge the negative view of Muslims as fanatic, closed-minded people which prevails among the German majority society.

2022 ◽  
pp. 187-207
Israel Barrutia Barreto ◽  
Elias Saturnino Toledo Espinoza ◽  
Sipriana Lila Toledo Espinoza ◽  
Renzo Antonio Seminario Córdova

The objective of this study was to explore the acculturation strategies present in the ethnic groups in the internal migration process in Peru, from the self-perception of social well-being and psychological acculturation, as conflict prevention factors. The study methodology was non-experimental and cross-sectional, comprising a non-probabilistic sample of 214 migrants of Quechua ethnic origin residing in Lima and Callao. The results indicated that just over half of the participants perceive themselves as integrated or assimilated to the host society. The results of the research show the prevalence of acculturation strategies linked to social welfare, where internal immigrants of Quechua origin and language seek integration into the environment that enables the performance of roles in the public and private spheres that facilitate adaptation processes and minimization of conflicts.

Adebola Adegboyega ◽  
Jia-Rong Wu ◽  
Gia Mudd-Martin

Although regular cervical cancer screening can prevent cervical cancer, screening utilization remains low among immigrant population including sub-Saharan African immigrants (SAIs). Acculturation is a complex process, which can lead to adoption of positive or negative health behaviors from the dominant culture. Acculturation strategies are the varying ways in which individuals seek to go about their acculturation by either maintaining or rejecting their own cultural values ip or accepting or rejecting the host culture’s cultural values. Cervical cancer screening behaviors among SAI women may be influenced by their acculturation strategies. We conducted a secondary analysis of data to examine the relationship between acculturation strategies and Pap screening among 99 SAI women recruited from community settings. Data were collected on Pap screening behavior and acculturation strategy. Traditionalists and Integrationists were the dominant acculturation strategies; 32.3% women were Traditionalists and 67.7% Integrationists. From the logistic regression models, Integrationists had seven times the odds of having ever been screened compared to Traditionalists (OR = 7.08, 95% CI = 1.54–28.91). Cervical cancer screening interventions should prioritize Traditionalists for cancer screening. Acculturation strategies may be used to tailor cancer prevention and control for SAIs. More research among a larger SAI women sample is warranted to further our understanding of Pap screening patterns and acculturation strategies.

Karina Ostapenko

The need in mature, scientifically ground state migration policy is extremely high, and it is becoming more and more pressing with each subsequent year. There is an increasing demand for crosscultural comparisons, as far as yet more ethnic groups are becoming involved into migration processes. The research applied the conceptual approach, covering representatives of three generations of one and the same family. The research has demonstrated that four types of acculturation statements correspond to certain types of behavior in the process of acculturation, types of ethnic and civic identity formation. It has also revealed essential correlations of ethnic identity with acculturation strategies in three generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 100069
B. Choy ◽  
K. Arunachalam ◽  
Gupta S ◽  
M. Taylor ◽  
A. Lee

2021 ◽  

Abstract Background. Adaptation to the educational space of a university is a process that is a prerequisite and a way of socialization, allowing international students to actively engage in various elements of the social environment. This process can be made more complicated as a result of existing linguistic, every day, climatic, intercultural, interethnic, and motivational barriers. This research studies the relationship between acculturation strategies, socio-cultural adaptation, ethnic identity, cultural distance among students from arabic countries (Morocco, Syria, Egypt).Methods. The questionnaire included scales for assessing acculturation attitudes, ethnic identity, cultural distance, and sociocultural adaptation. The following techniques were used during the study: methodology of J. Finney, measuring the severity of ethnic identity (Phinney, 1992; Phinney & Ong, 2007), scales for measuring cultural distance (Wark & Galliher, 2007), questionnaire measuring acculturation strategies for migrants (Berry, 1997; Berry, 2005), scales for measuring sociocultural adaptation (Ward, Kennedy, 1999). The overall number of respondents was 248 (56 from Syria, 84 from Egypt, 108 from Morocco). The average age of the respondents is 28 years (min – 20, max – 34 years).Conclusion. Using correlation and regression analysis, we found that cultural distance is interconnected with sociocultural adaptation. However, among young migrants from arabic countries,ethnic identity and acculturation strategies are not linked to sociocultural adaptation. As a whole, our research shows the specific of adaptation of young arabs in relation to their host country.

Chen Yanrenjing ◽  
Pande Made Kutanegara

This article tries to analyze the acculturation process and acculturation strategies of Chinese students in Indonesia, particular in Yogyakarta. In recent years, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has increased rapidly, and Indonesia has also become one of the destinations. In response to the call of the “One Belt, One Road” policy, Chinese universities have established Indonesian language majors. More and more Chinese students come to Indonesia as exchange students, and at the same time are experiencing the process of acculturation. This research uses Yogyakarta as a research base and aims to propose strategies for the acculturation of Chinese students in Yogyakarta. The research uses ethnographic methods; literature reviews, participant observation, and structured interviews for data collection. The study found that in the early period, Chinese students had quite a lot of difficulty in adapting and acculturating with local people and culture. In the process of adaptation, Chinese students should improve the initiative of acculturation, cultivate new ideas and value systems, and learn to enjoy Indonesian customs.

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