incentive theory
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12834
Umer Zaman ◽  
Syed Hassan Raza ◽  
Saba Abbasi ◽  
Murat Aktan ◽  
Pablo Farías

Revenge travel has globally emerged as a dominant touristic behavior, signaling a rapid return of global tourism, but with a greater temptation for spending more and staying longer. Despite the expanding focus on global sustainable tourism, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the potential factors that build momentum for revenge travel. The aim of the present study was to develop and test a conceptualized model of revenge travel under the influence of pandemic fatigue, COVID-19-branded destination safety, and travel stimulus incentives. Drawing on the study data of international expats (N = 422) and using covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM), the findings provide new evidence that revenge travel is significantly and positively influenced by pandemic fatigue. Interestingly, the empirical findings also support two positive moderations, highlighting that COVID-19-branded destination safety (CBDS) and travel stimulus incentives (TI) can significantly increase the impact of pandemic fatigue (PF) on revenge travel (RT). Based on prominent theories (i.e., theory of planned behavior, protection motivation theory, and incentive theory of motivation) and newly developed scales (i.e., RT, CBDS, and TI), the study highlights the dynamics of revenge travel as it sets the stage for global tourism to rebound stronger than ever. The implications include new challenges and ways forward through revenge travel as a stepping stone for global sustainable tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Xiuxia Liu

In recent years, the modern medical system has achieved deepening reforms, and the management systems of domestic hospitals have changed accordingly, which has improved the level of modern management to a certain extent. However, the development of hospitals is easily affected by many factors, which gradually highlights the problems of internal human resource management. This is not conducive for improvement in terms of the enthusiasm and initiative of internal employees in addition to restricting the quality of medical services. Based on this, in hope to provide assistance, this article uses incentive theory as the main research object and focuses on its specific application in hospitals’ human resource management.

Hidayatul Khusnah ◽  
Niken Savitri Primasari

Incentive theory states that tournament incentives facilitate competition between senior executives,  and  that  only  the   best will receive large monetary rewards, as well as a superior position in the corporate hierarchy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of tournament incentives on the possibility of fraud in the financial statements of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. This study tested 63 data obtained from 7 companies for 6 consecutive years. The data analysis technique in this study used SEM-PLS analysis using the WarpPLS 5.0 software . The results of this study indicate that tournament incentives have a positive effect on the possibility of fraud in financial statements. The greater the level of competition to get a certain position, the greater the possibility of fraud in the financialstatements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-54
Sudjana - Sudjana

This study discusses the use of constitutive principles (first to file) on brands based on Act No. 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications in the perspective of protection theory and legal purposes. Research methods used: normative juridical approach, by examining library materials or secondary data through primary legal materials (legislation), secondary legal materials (opinions of legal experts), and tertiary legal materials (dictionaries and other sources); descriptive analysis research specifications; and data analysis is done in a qualitative normative manner. The results of the study showed: (1). The theory of protection that is in accordance with the basis for consideration is issued Law No. 20 of 2016 concerning brands in point a is Public Benefit and Economic Growth Stimulus Theory. But in its implementation, it must be supported by other brands of legal protection theory, namely Reward Theory; Recovery Theory; Incentive Theory; and Risk Theory. (2). The use of constitutive principles (first to file) in brands reflects the legal objectives of "certainty" and means of social change but does not pay much attention to aspects of "fairness" and expediency. "

2021 ◽  
Vol 235 ◽  
pp. 02028
Zhao Yan

In the era of intelligent economy, scientific and technological talents have become the key objects of staff incentives in high-tech industries, but the actual effect of scientific and technological talents incentive is not optimistic, mainly manifested in the generally low incentive satisfaction of scientific and technological talents. The main reason for the above problems is that the incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents in high-tech industry is not reasonable. In view of the problems existing in the incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents, a new incentive mechanism of scientific and technological talents is constructed by integrating the ideas and methods of human capital theory, behavioral science and incentive theory. Combining the value-added of financial capital of high-tech enterprises with the ability, contribution, behavior and effort of scientific and technological talents, we can fundamentally stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of scientific and technological talents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 03030
Xiaohui Su ◽  
Xiaoliang Feng ◽  
Leiqing Peng

Crowdsourcing provides an efficiency mode to explore crowd knowledge resource. It can provide diverse solutions for problem solving. However, how to design crowdsourcing strategies to drive crowd to participate in crowdsourcing activities is the focus of crowdsourcing platform management. Extant research mainly concentrated on prize strategy whereas little attention has been paid to scheduling strategy. Yet holistic crowdsourcing strategy should incorporate both scheduling strategy and prize strategy. Based on motivation incentive theory, this research applied over 154 thousand crowdsourcing projects’ secondary data to examine the impact of crowdsourcing strategy. Both prize strategy and scheduling strategy have a positive effect on the number of participants. Furthermore, there is a positive interaction effect between prize and scheduling. These findings can enrich crowdsourcing theory and provide implications in crowdsourcing strategy design.

2021 ◽  
Hajo Rupp

Up to now, there has been no comprehensive acclaim of the basis for protection of phonogram producers' rights. The legislator referred to the "specific technical-organizational effort", which must be protected against unauthorised exploitation. Due to their economic nature, it seems to be appropriate to use economic theory (market failure/incentive theory) as a means of justification for the rights in sound recordings. However, especially US-American scholarship claims that there might be alternative incentives causing investments in sound recordings. The aim of this work is to reveal the interests involved in the production of sound carriers and to examine different protection concepts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-58
Guy A. Rub

Part I explores the challenge that COPYRIGHT’S EXCESS tackles. It explains the core of copyright’s incentive theory, why it is difficult to test it empirically, and how COPY- RIGHT’S EXCESS rises to that challenge, especially by exploring the lack of correlation between sales and productivity, and, in particular, superstars’ productivity in the music industry. Parts II-IV of this Essay consider several explanations for the lack of correlation. Part II addresses the sometimes-neglected role of the recording companies. Those intermediaries profoundly affect the art- ists’ compensation and their creative decisions. Therefore, any analysis of the connection between sales, artistic income, and artistic output (i.e., productivity), needs to consider their role. Part III addresses one of Lunney’s theories for explaining the discrepancy between sales and productivity. Labor economists have long held that while low-paid workers will wish to work more as their compensation increases, highly-paid workers will instead substitute work time for leisure time as their compensation increases and work less. Can this phenomenon explain why superstars became less productive when the music industry’s sales peaked? In Part III, I explain why I find this explanation unlikely. Superstars, this Part suggests, are probably too wealthy to be affected by this phenomenon. Part IV focuses on the superstars’ incentives to continue to create even after their previous successes have made them very wealthy. It suggests that the main driving forces of top musicians are likely their internal joy from creating, and possibly more importantly, the social- psychological reward that is attached to their success. Ultra-wealthy businessmen present a similar phenomenon: They continue to work even when they already accumulate enough wealth to meet all their material needs because, as studies suggest, they enjoy their work, and they love to be considered successful by their reference group. It is reasonable to expect wealthy musicians to act similarly for corre- sponding motivations. Part V briefly considers some of the possible implications. If top- artists are not primarily motivated by money, putting aside the status that is attached thereto, then society should be hesitant to devise a copyright system that makes those wealthy individuals even richer. It might get very little in return. In that respect, this Essay ends close to where COPYRIGHT’S EXCESS does: with the call for copyright law to focus on incentivizing marginal artists and not the super-rich.

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