students at risk
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Farnoush Jarollahi ◽  
Akram Pourbakht ◽  
Shohreh Jalaie ◽  
Mahbobeh Oruie

Background and Aim: Early detection of auditory processing disorders (APD) is essential for preventing learning and educational problems in school-aged children. It is crucial to take into account the comorbidity with APD, as well. The goal of APD screening is to obtain the basic information about those with auditory disorders to be referred for further evaluation. This study aimed to identify the elementary school students at risk of APD in Tehran, Iran. Methods: Participants were the parents of 536 children selected from 11 elementary schools in four districts of Tehran city. The schools in each district were selected by a random clustering method. The auditory system of students was first evaluated. The parents were then asked to complete the Persian version of the auditory processing domain questionnaire (APDQ). Results: The prevalence of APD was 3.3% in girls and 8.3% in boys and the difference between them was statistically significant (p=0.021). The overall prevalence of APD was 4.6% based on the cut-off points of four APDQ domains, with a male-to-female ratio of 2.6. Conclusion: It is necessary to screen APD in school-aged children to minimize learning and educational problems in them. Moreover, there is a need for developing screening methods to provide timely detection and appropriate intervention for those at risk of APD.

Tibor Fauszt ◽  
László Bognár ◽  
Ágnes Sándor

Starting with version 3.4 of Moodle, it has been possible to build educational ML models using predefined indicators in the Analytics API. These models can be used primarily to identify students at risk of failure. Our research shows that the goodness and predictability of models built using predefined core indicators in the API lags far behind the generally acceptable level. Moodle is an open-source system, which on the one hand allows the analysis of algorithms, and on the oth-er hand its modification and further development. Utilizing the openness of the system, we examined the calculation algorithm of the core indicators, and then, based on the experience, we built new models with our own indicators. Our re-sults show that the goodness of models built on a given course can be significant-ly improved. In the article, we discuss the development process in detail and pre-sent the results achieved.

Mylene Amor Sayson Pañares ◽  
Reggie Sayson Ybanez

The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of Technology-Driven Intervention in improving science learning among Alegria National High School students at risk of dropping out. This study focused on two groups of twenty (20) Grade 8 Students at Risk of Dropping Out. Ten SARDOs served as the control group and received work text intervention, while the other ten SARDOs received technology-driven intervention. Both groups performed POORLY in Science knowledge at the start of the experiment, according to the results. T-test results also revealed that both the work text intervention and the technology-driven intervention were effective in the learning of SARDOs. The mean gain scores of SARDOs that used technology-driven intervention, on the other hand, were significantly higher. The study concludes that a technology-based intervention is more effective than a traditional intervention for students at risk of dropping out.

2021 ◽  
pp. 321-330
Ahlam Wahdan ◽  
Sendeyah Hantoobi ◽  
Mostafa Al-Emran ◽  
Khaled Shaalan

Halit Karalar ◽  
Ceyhun Kapucu ◽  
Hüseyin Gürüler

AbstractPredicting students at risk of academic failure is valuable for higher education institutions to improve student performance. During the pandemic, with the transition to compulsory distance learning in higher education, it has become even more important to identify these students and make instructional interventions to avoid leaving them behind. This goal can be achieved by new data mining techniques and machine learning methods. This study took both the synchronous and asynchronous activity characteristics of students into account to identify students at risk of academic failure during the pandemic. Additionally, this study proposes an optimal ensemble model predicting students at risk using a combination of relevant machine learning algorithms. Performances of over two thousand university students were predicted with an ensemble model in terms of gender, degree, number of downloaded lecture notes and course materials, total time spent in online sessions, number of attendances, and quiz score. Asynchronous learning activities were found more determinant than synchronous ones. The proposed ensemble model made a good prediction with a specificity of 90.34%. Thus, practitioners are suggested to monitor and organize training activities accordingly.

Н.П. Ничипоренко

Данная статья посвящена проблеме отношений между субъектами образовательной среды в контексте психологической безопасности. Актуальность темы обусловлена необходимостью своевременной профилактики отклоняющегося поведения среди обучающихся, наиболее уязвимых в отношении негативных влияний со стороны социальных факторов. Цель статьи – выявить общие и специфические черты восприятия отдельных аспектов образовательной среды обучающимися группы риска. Мониторинг охватывал 244143 обучающихся школ 6 - 11 классов, колледжей и вузов РТ. В группу риска вошли 860 человек, имеющие высокий суммарный показатель агрессивности и депрессивности. Анализ результатов исследования выявил следующие закономерности: обучающиеся группы риска достоверно чаще своих сверстников испытывают негативные эмоциональные состояния, связанные с учебой, подвергаются буллингу в образовательной среде, сталкиваются с проявлениями насилия на улице, описывают как небезопасные отношения со сверстниками и учителями. Результаты проведенного исследования могут быть применимы в нескольких направлениях: психологическое просвещение всех субъектов образовательного процесса, профилактика психических расстройств агрессивно-депрессивного спектра, психогигиена образовательной среды, психологическое сопровождение обучающихся группы риска и превенция отклоняющегося поведения антисоциальной направленности. Данное исследование предназначено для специалистов, способных повлиять на улучшение образовательного пространства учебных заведений: психологов, педагогов, представителей администрации, сотрудников правоохранительных органов, причастных к работе с детьми и молодежью. This article is devoted to the problem of relations between the subjects of the educational environment in the context of psychological security. The relevance of the topic is due to the need for timely prevention of deviant behavior among students who are most vulnerable to negative influences from social factors. The purpose of the article is to identify general and specific features of the perception of certain aspects of the educational environment by students of the risk group. The monitoring covered 244,143 students of schools (grades 6 - 11), colleges and universities of the Republic of Tatarstan. The risk group included 860 people with a high total index of aggressiveness and depression. The analysis of the results of the study revealed the following patterns: students at risk are significantly more likely than their peers to experience negative emotional states associated with studying, are bullied in the educational environment, face violence on the street. They describe their relationships with peers and teachers as unsafe. The results of the conducted research can be applied in several directions: psychological education of all subjects of the educational process, prevention of mental disorders of the aggressive-depressive spectrum, psychohygiena of the educational environment, psychological support of students at risk and prevention of deviant behavior of an antisocial orientation. This study is intended for specialists who can influence the improvement of the educational space of educational institutions: psychologists, teachers, representatives of the administration, law enforcement officers involved in working with children and youth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-117
Samantha Bates ◽  
LaShonda Linnen ◽  
Stephanie Columbia ◽  
Dawn Anderson-Butcher

This chapter covers the Response to Intervention framework, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and multitiered systems of supports (MTSS). The Response to Intervention framework is a central step in implementing a successful MTSS framework. MTSS delivers school-based supports across three tiers: tier 1 (universal), tier 2 (targeted), and tier 3 (individualized). The MTSS framework is a resource that enables schools to use data not only to identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes but also to monitor student progress and deliver evidence-based interventions. The chapter provides examples of ways social workers can maximize the utility of these models and school teams to improve student outcomes.

Jennifer M. Tiburcio ◽  
Camille Z. Lariosa ◽  
Jonathan P. Nacua

This research aimed to identify the resonance of the tagline on the students of Ignacio B. Villamor Senior High School. The researchers utilized the case study as the method of the study.  The participants of the study are students-at-risk of dropping out, SSG students, and honor students in second quarter of S.Y. 2020-2021. There are 108 students who became the participants of the study.  To gather data, the researchers used purposive sampling in the study. It is a non-probability sampling. The researcher identified common codes, categories, and themes. Aside from these, the researchers included statements of the participants of the study; but, their names are not identified to maintain confidentiality. The researchers proposed an organizational action plan based on themes emerged from the study.

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