In our day to day life there are several civic issues which are being faced by each& every person in the world.& if we take countries just like India or any other country where population is too much, in such countries there are several civic issues which are faced by each citizen in such countries. Larger the country larger the issues, because there are several complaints regarding a single issue. If we take just an example out of those like street damages, garbage management problems (garbage bin over owing), Electricity problem, Water problem etc. For that there is a system also available in such countries but problem is just like that it’s time consuming. If any one of us go to register complaint into the municipality then they will register our complaint, after registration there are several days required to solve their civic issues of each individual person who are residing at that place. So, from this project we are just reducing the time of the process from both sides, i.e. if any one of the persons sees that garbage or can say that potholes on the road but he / she neglect that& move on, just because of they think that when will we go to the municipality & when they will register complaint against it. Nobody has a time in today’s 21stcentury. There is another kind of people also present in respective countries, they are very sciatic who really wants to act regarding such as garbage wasting or any other issues. They register their complaint but they don’t know the status of their complaint, just because of that they leave from that topic & easily move on. So, this is just an effort for finding remedy for all above mentioned issues.