complex systems theory
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Maarten J. Wensink ◽  
Alan A. Cohen

The classical evolutionary theories of aging suggest that aging evolves due to insufficient selective pressure against it. In these theories, declining selection pressure with age leads to aging through genes or resource allocations, implying that aging could potentially be stalled were genes, resource allocation, or selection pressure somewhat different. While these classical evolutionary theories are undeniably part of a description of the evolution of aging, they do not explain the diversity of aging patterns, and they do not constitute the only possible evolutionary explanation. Without denying selection pressure a role in the evolution of aging, we argue that the origin and diversity of aging should also be sought in the nature and evolution of organisms that are, from their very physiological make up, unmaintainable. Drawing on advances in developmental biology, genetics, biochemistry, and complex systems theory since the classical theories emerged, we propose a fresh evolutionary-mechanistic theory of aging, the Danaid theory. We argue that, in complex forms of life like humans, various restrictions on maintenance and repair may be inherent, and we show how such restrictions are laid out during development. We further argue that there is systematic variation in these constraints across taxa, and that this is a crucial factor determining variation in aging and lifespan across the tree of life. Accordingly, the core challenge for the field going forward is to map and understand the mosaic of constraints, trade-offs, chance events, and selective pressures that shape aging in diverse ways across diverse taxa.

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2190
Vaiva Šiaučiūnaitė ◽  
Minvydas Ragulskis ◽  
Alfonsas Vainoras ◽  
Babak Dabiri ◽  
Eugenijus Kaniusas

The analysis of human physiological systems from the point of view of complex systems theory remains a very ambitious task. The complexity of the problem often encourages the use of innovative mathematical methods analyzing the processes that take place in space and time. The main goal of this paper is to visualize the cardiovascular system during auricular vagus nerve stimulation (aVNS) using the matrix differences to evaluate the dynamic signal interfaces by cointegrating the initial signal data into the matrices during each case. Algebraic relationships between RR/JT and JT/QRS cardiac intervals are used not only to track the cardiovascular changes during aVNS but also to characterize individual features of the person during the transit through the therapy. This paper presents the computational techniques that can visualize the complex dynamical processes taking place in the cardiovascular system using the electrical aVNS therapy. Four healthy volunteers participated in two verum and two placebo experiments. We discovered that the body’s reaction to the stimulation was very different in each of the cases, but the presented techniques opened new possibilities for a novel interpretation of the dynamics of the cardiovascular system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 629-633
Mengyao Ma ◽  
Xuesong (Andy) Gao

Book Review: Individual differences in language learning: A complex systems theory perspective. Authors: Carol Griffiths, Adem Soruç. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-52900-0. Pages: 220.

2021 ◽  
Jiliang Hu ◽  
Daniel R. Amor ◽  
Matthieu Barbier ◽  
Guy Bunin ◽  
Jeff Gore

Natural ecological communities display striking features, such as high biodiversity and a wide range of dynamics, that have been difficult to explain in a unified framework. Using experimental bacterial microcosms, we perform the first direct test of recent complex systems theory predicting that simple aggregate parameters dictate emergent behaviors of the community. As either the number of species or the strength of species interactions is increased, we show that microbial ecosystems transition between distinct qualitative dynamical phases in the predicted order, from a stable equilibrium where all species coexist, to partial coexistence, to emergence of persistent fluctuations in species abundance. Under the same conditions, high biodiversity and fluctuations allow and require each other. Our results demonstrate predictable emergent diversity and dynamics in ecological communities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 146470012110463
Steve Garlick

Although there is much feminist work that has examined the intersection of gender and neoliberalism, critical work on men and masculinities remains underdeveloped in this area. This article suggests that complexity theory is a crucial resource for a critical analysis of the ways in which masculinities contribute to the ongoing maintenance of neoliberal socio-economic systems. Critical work on neoliberalism and capitalist economics has recently been drawn to complex systems theory, as evidenced by the work of scholars such as Sylvia Walby, William Connolly and Brian Massumi. Their work produces important insights into neoliberalism, but does not develop a sustained reflection on the place of men and masculinities in this domain. In order to develop a critical account of the relation of masculinity to complexity, the article draws on the work of Judith Butler and Bonnie Mann. It suggests that Butler’s theorising on precariousness contains important resources for understanding how hegemonic masculinities are positioned in relation to the complexity of neoliberal systems, as illustrated in Mann’s concept of ‘sovereign masculinity’. Finally, drawing on two different examples of the enactment of masculinities in neoliberal contexts, the article argues that hegemonic forms of masculinity can be understood as technologies for the amelioration of the complexities and insecurities generated by neoliberal markets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Eric Silverman ◽  
Umberto Gostoli ◽  
Stefano Picascia ◽  
Jonatan Almagor ◽  
Mark McCann ◽  

AbstractToday’s most troublesome population health challenges are often driven by social and environmental determinants, which are difficult to model using traditional epidemiological methods. We agree with those who have argued for the wider adoption of agent-based modelling (ABM) in taking on these challenges. However, while ABM has been used occasionally in population health, we argue that for ABM to be most effective in the field it should be used as a means for answering questions normally inaccessible to the traditional epidemiological toolkit. In an effort to clearly illustrate the utility of ABM for population health research, and to clear up persistent misunderstandings regarding the method’s conceptual underpinnings, we offer a detailed presentation of the core concepts of complex systems theory, and summarise why simulations are essential to the study of complex systems. We then examine the current state of the art in ABM for population health, and propose they are well-suited for the study of the ‘wicked’ problems in population health, and could make significant contributions to theory and intervention development in these areas.

Mike Unrau ◽  
Liane Gabora

We apply complex systems science to the study of social systems and show how a complex-systems-inspired theory of creativity, which is referred to as ‘honing theory’, provides insight into social innovation. We propose that creativity and social innovation are processes of self-organization that yield a lower-entropy state in worldviews, which are self-organizing webs of understanding. This allows us to offer a novel perspective on the evolution of technology, the role of creativity in cultural evolution and the manner in which creativity drives innovation in social systems, such as the economy. We also introduce creative destruction as having metaphoric relevance for a social system transition from entropy to negentropy, and offer a social innovation example addressing economic collapse and resilient reorganization. We conclude that concepts from complex systems theory, and particularly entropy, shed light on both creativity and social innovation and further our understanding of how innovation affects social systems, such as in cultural and economic change.

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