backcross progeny
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Maria Gay C. Carrillo ◽  
Federico Martin ◽  
Mukund Variar ◽  
J. C. Bhatt ◽  
Alvaro L. Perez-Quintero ◽  

AbstractBiotic stresses, including diseases, severely affect rice production, compromising producers’ ability to meet increasing global consumption. Understanding quantitative responses for resistance to diverse pathogens can guide development of reliable molecular markers, which, combined with advanced backcross populations, can accelerate the production of more resistant varieties. A candidate gene (CG) approach was used to accumulate different disease QTL from Moroberekan, a blast-resistant rice variety, into Vandana, a drought-tolerant variety. The advanced backcross progeny were evaluated for resistance to blast and tolerance to drought at five sites in India and the Philippines. Gene-based markers were designed to determine introgression of Moroberekan alleles for 11 CGs into the progeny. Six CGs, coding for chitinase, HSP90, oxalate oxidase, germin-like proteins, peroxidase and thaumatin-like protein, and 21 SSR markers were significantly associated with resistance to blast across screening sites. Multiple lines with different combinations, classes and numbers of CGs were associated with significant levels of race non-specific resistance to rice blast and sheath blight. Overall, the level of resistance effective in multiple locations was proportional to the number of CG alleles accumulated in advanced breeding lines. These disease resistant lines maintained tolerance to drought stress at the reproductive stage under blast disease pressure.

2021 ◽  
Brent P Murphy ◽  
Laura A Chatham ◽  
Danielle M McCormick ◽  
Patrick J Tranel

The genus Amaranthus is composed of numerous annual herbs, several of which are primary driver weeds within annual production agricultural systems. In particular, Amaranthus tuberculatus, a dioecious species, is noteworthy for rapid growth rates, high fecundity, and an expanding geographic distribution. Interspecific hybridization within and between the subgenera Amaranthus and Acnidia is reported both in controlled environment and field studies, however a gap in knowledge exists with the subgenus Albersia. Interspecific hybridization may contribute to genetic diversity, and may contribute to the current range expansion of A. tuberculatus. Recently, a herbicide resistance survey of A. tuberculatus across five Midwestern states reported alleles of PPX2 similar to sequences of Amaranthus albus, a monoecious species. Here, we seek to generate empirical data for the hybridization potential of A. albus and A. tuberculatus through replicated, controlled crosses in a greenhouse. Of 65,000 progeny screened from A. albus grown with A. tuberculatus males, three were confirmed as hybrids. Hybrids were dioecious, possessed phenotypic traits of both species, and had limited to no fertility. DNA content analysis of backcross progeny suggested a polyploid state may be required for hybrid formation. Screening of 120 progeny of A. tuberculatus females grown with A. albus identified no hybrids, though a skew to female progeny was observed. The female skew may be due to apomixis or auto-pollination, the spontaneous generation of male flowers on otherwise female plants. Our results indicate that introgression between A. albus and A. tuberculatus will occur less frequently than what has often been reported from hybridization studies with different pairs of Amaranthus species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Preetesh Kumari ◽  
Kaushal Pratap Singh ◽  
Sundip Kumar ◽  
Devendra Kumar Yadava

The Brassica coenospeceis have treasure troves of genes that could be beneficial if introgressed into cultivated Brassicas to combat the current conditions of climate change. Introducing genetic variability through plant speciation with polyploidization is well documented, where ploidy augmentation of inter-generic allohexaploids using somatic hybridization has significantly contributed to genetic base broadening. Sinapis alba is a member of the Brassicaceae family that possesses valuable genes, including genes conferring resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria brassicae, pod shattering, heat, and drought stress. This work aimed to synthesize stable allohexaploid (AABBSS) Brassica while incorporating the yellow-seed trait and resistance to S. sclerotiorum stem rot. The two fertile and stable allohexaploids were developed by polyethylene glycol mediated protoplast fusions between Brassica juncea (AABB) and S. alba (SS) and named as JS1 and JS2. These symmetric hybrids (2n = 60) were validated using morphological and molecular cytology techniques and were found to be stable over consecutive generations. The complete chromosome constitution of the three genomes was determined through genomic in situ hybridization of mitotic cells probed with S. alba genomic DNA labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate. These two allohexaploids showed 24 hybridization signals demonstrating the presence of complete diploid chromosomes from S. alba and 36 chromosomes from B. juncea. The meiotic pollen mother cell showed 30 bivalent sets of all the 60 chromosomes and none of univalent or trivalent observed during meiosis. Moreover, the backcross progeny 1 plant revealed 12 hybridization signals out of a total of 48 chromosome counts. Proper pairing and separation were recorded at the meiotic metaphase and anaphase, which proved the stability of the allohexaploid and their backcross progeny. When screening, the allohexaploid (JS2) of B. juncea and S. alba displayed a high degree of resistance to S. sclerotiorum rot along with a half-yellow and half-brown (mosaic) seed coat color, while the B. juncea and S. alba allohexaplopid1 (JS1) displayed a yellow seed coat color with the same degree of resistance to Sclerotinia rot.

Konrad Pomianowski ◽  
Konrad Ocalewicz

Abstract Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) hybridize and their offspring is viable and fertile. This may be a real treat for the native European stocks of Arctic char which gene pools might be unintendedly contaminated with the genetic elements of brook trout. On the other hand, hybrids of these two species are appreciated by customers and have some potential for the aquaculture. Moreover, Salvelinus hybrids and backcross individuals are interesting models in the research focused on influence of hybridization on the genomic organization and chromosome rearrangements. Thus, the main goal of the present study was to examine chromosomes of Arctic char × brook trout F1, F2 hybrids and backcross individuals and compare with genomic information concerning parental species to recognize karyotypic changes provoked by the hybridization events. Application of conventional and molecular (FISH) techniques allow to identify characteristic chromosomes for both parental species in the hybrid progeny and show multiplicity of cytotypes among different types of crosses with variability in structure and number of chromosome (81–85) and chromosome arm (99–101). Chromosome fragment was detected in the karyotype of one F1 and one backcross individual and the presence of one triploid (3n) fish was documented. Occurrence of chromosomes containing internally located telomeric sequences (ITS) inherited after brook trout or both parental species was shown in F1 and backcross progeny. Moreover, additional CMA3-positive signal on chromosome from Arctic char pair no. 2 in F1 fish and interstitially located active NOR visible on subtelo-acrocentric (F2 hybrid) and acrocentric (Sf × H individual) chromosomes were detected. Described polymorphic chromosomes together with specific, interstitial location of CMA3-positive found in F2 and Sf × H hybrids and DAPI-positive regions observed in H × Sa fish at different uniarmed chromosomes pair presumably are remnants of chromosomal rearrangements. Provided results strongly indicate that the hybridization process influenced the genome organization in the Salvelinus hybrid progeny.

2020 ◽  
Bernadette Rubio ◽  
Guillaume Lalanne-Tisné ◽  
Roger Voisin ◽  
Jean-Pascal Tandonnet ◽  
Ulysse Portier ◽  

Abstract Background: Muscadine (Muscadinia rotundifolia) is known as a resistance source to many pests and diseases in grapevine. The genetics of its resistance to two major grapevine pests, the phylloxera D. vitifoliae and the dagger nematode X. index, vector of the Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) was investigated in a backcross progeny between the F1 resistant hybrid material VRH8771 (Muscadinia-Vitis) derived from the muscadine R source ‘NC184-4’ and V. vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’ (CS). Results: In this pseudo-testcross, parental maps were constructed using simple-sequence repeats markers and single nucleotide polymorphism markers from a GBS approach. For the VRH8771 map, 2271 SNP and 135 SSR markers were assembled, resulting in 19 linkage groups (LG) and an average distance between markers of 0.98 cM. Phylloxera resistance was assessed by monitoring root nodosity number in an in planta experiment and larval development in a root in vitro assay. Nematode resistance was studied using 10-12 month long tests for the selection of durable resistance and rating criteria based on nematode reproduction factor and gall index. A major QTL for phylloxera larval development, explaining more than 70% of the total variance and co-localizing with a QTL for nodosity number, was identified on LG 7. Additional QTLs were detected on LG 3 and LG 10, depending on the in planta or in vitro experiments, suggesting that various loci may influence or modulate nodosity formation and larval development. Using a Bulk Segregant Analysis approach and a proportion test, markers clustered in three regions on LG 9, LG 10 and LG 18 were shown to be associated to the nematode resistant phenotype. QTL analysis confirmed the results, although a LOD-score below the significant threshold value was obtained for the QTL on LG 18. Conclusions: Based on a high-resolution linkage map and a segregating grapevine backcross progeny, the first QTLs for resistance to Daktulosphaira vitifoliae and to Xiphinema index were identified from a muscadine source. All together these results open the way to the development of marker-assisted selection in grapevine rootstock breeding programs based on muscadine derived resistance to phylloxera and to X. index in order to delay GFLV transmission.

2020 ◽  
Bernadette Rubio ◽  
Guillaume Lalanne-Tisné ◽  
Roger Voisin ◽  
Jean-Pascal Tandonnet ◽  
Ulysse Portier ◽  

Abstract Muscadine ( Muscadinia rotundifolia ) is known as a resistance source to many pests and diseases in grapevine. The genetics of its resistance to two major grapevine pests, the phylloxera D. vitifoliae and the dagger nematode X. index , vector of the Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) was investigated in a backcross progeny between the F1 resistant hybrid material VRH8771 ( Muscadinia-Vitis ) and V. vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’. Phylloxera resistance was assessed by monitoring root nodosity number in an “ in planta ” experiment and larval development in a root “ in vitro ” assay. Nematode resistance was studied using 10-12 month long tests for the selection of durable resistance and rating criteria based on nematode reproduction factor and gall index. A major QTL for phylloxera larval development, explaining more than 70% of the total variance and co-localizing with a QTL for nodosity number, was identified on LG 7. Additional QTLs were detected on LG 3 and LG 10, depending on the “ in planta ” or “in vitro” experiments, suggesting that various loci may influence or modulate nodosity formation and larval development. Using a Bulk Segregant Analysis approach and a proportion test, markers clustered in three regions on LG 9, LG 10 and LG 18 were shown to be associated to the nematode resistant. All these results open the way to the development of marker-assisted selection in grapevine rootstock breeding programs based on muscadine derived resistance to phylloxera and to X. index in order to delay GFLV transmission.

2020 ◽  
Bernadette Rubio ◽  
Guillaume Lalanne-Tisné ◽  
Roger Voisin ◽  
Jean-Pascal Tandonnet ◽  
Ulysse Portier ◽  

Abstract Background: Muscadine (Muscadinia rotundifolia) is known as a resistance source to many pests and diseases in grapevine. The genetics of its resistance to two major grapevine pests, the phylloxera D. vitifoliae and the dagger nematode X. index, vector of the Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) was investigated in a backcross progeny between the F1 resistant hybrid material VRH8771 (Muscadinia-Vitis) derived from the muscadine R source ‘NC184-4’ and V. vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’ (CS). Results: In this pseudo-testcross, parental maps were constructed using simple-sequence repeats markers and single nucleotide polymorphism markers from a GBS approach. For the VRH8771 map, 2271 SNP and 135 SSR markers were assembled, resulting in 19 linkage groups (LG) and an average distance between markers of 0.98 cM. Phylloxera resistance was assessed by monitoring root nodosity number in an in planta experiment and larval development in a root in vitro assay. Nematode resistance was studied using 10-12 month long tests for the selection of durable resistance and rating criteria based on nematode reproduction factor and gall index. A major QTL for phylloxera larval development, explaining more than 70% of the total variance and co-localizing with a QTL for nodosity number, was identified on LG 7. Additional QTLs were detected on LG 3 and LG 10, depending on the in planta or in vitro experiments, suggesting that various loci may influence or modulate nodosity formation and larval development. Using a Bulk Segregant Analysis approach and a proportion test, markers clustered in three regions on LG 9, LG 10 and LG 18 were shown to be associated to the nematode resistant phenotype. QTL analysis confirmed the results, although a LOD-score below the significant threshold value was obtained for the QTL on LG 18. Conclusions: Based on a high-resolution linkage map and a segregating grapevine backcross progeny, the first QTLs for resistance to Daktulosphaira vitifoliae and to Xiphinema index were identified from a muscadine source. All together these results open the way to the development of marker-assisted selection in grapevine rootstock breeding programs based on muscadine derived resistance to phylloxera and to X. index in order to delay GFLV transmission.

2019 ◽  
Bernadette Rubio ◽  
Guillaume Lalanne-Tisné ◽  
Roger Voisin ◽  
Jean-Pascal Tandonnet ◽  
Ulysse Portier ◽  

Abstract Muscadine ( Muscadinia rotundifolia ) is known as a resistance source to many pests and diseases in grapevine. The genetics of its resistance to two major grapevine pests, the phylloxera D. vitifoliae and the dagger nematode X. index , vector of the Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) was investigated in a backcross progeny between the F1 resistant hybrid material VRH8771 ( Muscadinia-Vitis ) and V. vinifera cv. ‘Cabernet-Sauvignon’. Phylloxera resistance was assessed by monitoring root nodosity number in an “ in planta ” experiment and larval development in a root “ in vitro ” assay. Nematode resistance was studied using 10-12 month long tests for the selection of durable resistance and rating criteria based on nematode reproduction factor and gall index. A major QTL for phylloxera larval development, explaining more than 70% of the total variance and co-localizing with a QTL for nodosity number, was identified on LG 7. Additional QTLs were detected on LG 3 and LG 10, depending on the “ in planta ” or “in vitro” experiments, suggesting that various loci may influence or modulate nodosity formation and larval development. Using a Bulk Segregant Analysis approach and a proportion test, markers clustered in three regions on LG 9, LG 10 and LG 18 were shown to be associated to the nematode resistant. All these results open the way to the development of marker-assisted selection in grapevine rootstock breeding programs based on muscadine derived resistance to phylloxera and to X. index in order to delay GFLV transmission.

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