cleome gynandra
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Nadjidath ADOME ◽  
Flora Josiane CHADARE ◽  
Fernande Honfo ◽  
Joseph Hounhouigan

Ricinodendron heudelotii, Vitex doniana and Cleome gynandra are three indigenous species of Benin/West Africa. This review focuses on the physicochemical characteristics of their seeds and the nutritional and functional properties of their oils. In this systematic review, scientific articles and reports were used to collect information. The minima, maxima and mean values were considered and converted into a dry basis and/or the same units by using the international system of units when needed to allow comparison. Seeds of Ricinodendron,Vitex and Cleome fat contents were 51.83 g/100 g dw, 28.55 g/100 g dw and 27.35 g/100 g dw, respectively. The three seed oils contained 58.54 to 87% mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ricinodendron seed oil contained a conjugated polyunsaturated fatty acid α-eleostearic acid (49.3–51.1%). Data varied from one author to another due to the methods used. R. heudelotii seeds oil is traditionally used for the treatment of several diseases. Its oil showed phytochemical and antimicrobial properties suggesting its possible use in pharmaceutical industries. Ricinodendron and Vitex seed oil should not be used for cooking at high temperatures or frying because of their high and medium levels of unsaturation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Abhilasha. N ◽  
Beligiriranga. V ◽  
Meghashree. A. M

Antioxidants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1952
Sylvia Maina ◽  
Da Hye Ryu ◽  
Gaymary Bakari ◽  
Gerald Misinzo ◽  
Chu Won Nho ◽  

The presence of nutritional and health-benefiting compounds has increased awareness of orphan leafy vegetables such as Cleome gynandra (CG), whose phytochemicals vary among accessions and organs during growth. This study investigated the polyphenol accumulation and antioxidant activities (AOA) of eight CG accessions from the vegetative stage to the seed set stage. Plants were separated into leaves and stem (LS), flowers, and silique organs, and extracts were analyzed for total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), rutin and astragalin content, and AOA using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) and 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS). There were significant interaction effects of growth stages and accessions that contributed to changes in compounds content and AOA. TPC accumulated in plant generative parts, whereas flavonoids accumulated in young plant organs. HPLC profiling revealed that rutin was the most abundant compound in all organs, with flowers having the highest levels, while astragalin was only found in flowers. Silique extracts, particularly accession KF-14, recorded the highest TPC, which corresponded to the strongest radical scavenging activity in ABTS and DPPH assays and a strong linear correlation. The germplasm contained accessions with significantly different and varying levels of bioactive compounds and AOA. These findings potentiate the exploitation of CG organs such as siliques for AOA, flowers for rutin and astragalin, and young shoots for flavonoids. Moreover, the significant accumulation of the compounds in particular accessions of the germplasms suggest that such superior accessions may be useful candidates in genetic breeding programs to improve CG vegetable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (08) ◽  
pp. 24-41
Ramya Kuber Banoth ◽  

Antiparkinsonian activity of Cleome gynandra (CG) was evaluated and chemical constituents were isolated. The results of the present study showed that spontaneous motor activity, retention time and number of head drippings were decreased, whereas immobility time in Tail suspension (TST) and Forced swimming test (FST) were increased in MPTP treated animals, while they were significantly (P<0.001) increased and (P<0.01) decreased with various extracts of CG. Dopamine, serotonin (P<0.001), epinephrine (P<0.01) and glutathione levels were significantly decreased and lipid peroxidation was increased in MPTP treated groups, while their levels were significantly (P<0.001) increased and decreased with various extracts of CG in a dose dependant manner as compared to MPTP, L-dopamine and control groups. Ethanolic leaf extract of CG leads to isolation of triterpenoid, flavone and anthocyanidin - O- methylated flavonoids, which were characterized by using spectroscopic investigation methods like FTIR, NMR and MS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 483-483
Ondieki J Gekara ◽  
Oliver Sycip ◽  
Cord Brundage ◽  
Mohammad Chaichi

Abstract Stockpiled forage may extend the grazing season for sheep, reducing feeding costs. Additionally, internal parasites are a problem in sheep managed under grazing conditions. Plants high in phenolic compounds have potential to reduce parasite problems. Cleome gynandra is one such plant that has traditionally been used to treat worms in humans. Thirty-six Katahdin × Dorper lambs (38.8 ± 0.7 kg) were used to investigate the effect of stockpiled forages on lamb performance at different stocking densities: (i) 23 lambs/ha (LOW), (ii) 46 lambs/ha (MED), and (iii) 92 lambs/ha (HIGH). To test C. gynandra for anthelmintic properties, lambs were assigned to (i) permanent pastures (PP), and (ii) PP inter-seeded with C. gynandra (CL). The LOW lambs had the highest ADG (83.8 ± 10.5 g/day), MED lambs were intermediate (48.4 ± 11.6 g/day) and HIGH lambs were lowest (11.0 ± 10.6 g/day; P &lt; 0.001). Lamb BCS did not differ between stocking densities or pasture types (P &gt; 0.10). Fecal egg counts did not differ (P &gt; 0.10) between pasture treatments. In conclusion, stockpiled forages may extend the grazing season for yearling lambs in Southern California. The lack of effect on parasite egg counts may be attributed to grazing C. gynandra at mature stage when nutritional and medicinal values were at their lowest. Future research can clarify the economics of grazing stockpiled forages for sheep at different stages of production, and nutritional effect of C. gynandra on carcass quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1S) ◽  
pp. 166-173
Nurul Aini Kamaruddin ◽  
Nur Adilah Mohd Hanafee ◽  
Najihah Ali ◽  
Serene Liew ◽  
Nur Yuhanis Yasin

Setaria sphacelata is a high and most prevalent tropical grass, while Cleome gynandra is a tropical annual herb which commonly used as vegetables in Africa and Asia. Both plant samples were found to be high in nutritive value especially in protein and very appetizing in ruminants. The main objectives of the study were to measure and compare the nutritional composition of Setaria sphacelata and Cleome gynandra as a function of their nutritional value for ruminants. The two plant samples were collected near the Tembila area, Besut Terengganu. The samples were dried in a furnace below 60 - 70 ˚C and crushed prior to further analysis using proximate analysis. Proximate analysis was used to measure values for moisture, dry matter (DM), ash, crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), ether extract (EF) and nitrogen-free extract (NFE). The result of this analysis shows that Cleome gynandra had much higher crude protein (CP) (p < 0.05) at 36.86% and ether extract (EF) at 5.50%. Crude protein (CP) is one of the most essential nutrients that ruminants need. Therefore, this study found that Cleome gynandra contains a higher nutritional value in terms of crude protein (CP) than Setaria sphacelate, which can be used as a feed for ruminants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-162
Sahira ◽  
Sri Hilma Siregar ◽  
Rahmadini Syafri ◽  

Jeruk maman merupakan asinan sayur yang menghasilkan asam laktat, sehingga mempunyai cita rasa yang khas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas makanan Jeruk maman dari tiga variasi jeruk maman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, yaitu melakukan penambahan cabai dan garam dalam jumlah yang berbeda pada jeruk maman. Jeruk maman yang dibuat sebanyak tiga variasi yaitu: DKA 01 = daun maman 500 g, ditambah nasi 2% DKA 02= daun maman 500 gr penambahan, nasi 2% garam 2,25% dan cabai 1%, DKA 03= daun maman 500 gr penambahan nasi 2% garam 2,5% dan cabai 1%. Diamkan selama 3 hari, selanjutnya di analisa pH, kadar air,total asam laktat, bakteri asam laktat dan protein untuk semua perlakuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non-faktorial dengan 1 faktor yang diuji terdiri dari 3 taraf perlakuan dan 2 kali ulangangan. Hasil penelitan Kualitas yang terbaik dari ketiga variasi jeruk maman yaitu pada analisa kadar protein kualitas yang terbaik adalah sampel DKA 01 dengan jumlah protein tertinggi yaitu 2,47% dan nilai total asam tertitrasi tertinggi juga pada sampel DKA 01 yaitu 0,37%. Sementara pada analisa pH terbaik adalah sampel DKA 02 yaitu 3,9 %dan DKA 03 yaitu 3,8 %. Hasil analisa BAL terbaik adalah sampel DKA 02 1,7 x 108 dan DKA 03 yaitu 1,5 x 108.

Nadjidath ADOME ◽  
Flora Josiane CHADARE ◽  
Fernande Honfo ◽  
Joseph Hounhouigan

Ricinodendron heudelotii, Vitex doniana and Cleome gynandra are three indigenous species whose seeds contain oil that can provide interesting alternatives to conventional seed oil species. This review focused on the physicochemical characteristics of their seeds and the nutritional properties of the extracted oils. Scientific articles and reports were collected and needed information was extracted and synthesized. Ricinodendron seed oil is higher (51.83 mg/100 g) than that of Vitex (28.55 mg/100 g) and Cleome (27.35 mg/100 g). The three seed oils are polyunsaturated oils. Ricinodendron seed oil is composed mainly of linoleic acid (28.3-51.1%). Cleome seeds oil is mainly composed of linoleic acid (56.3% -61.1%) and oleic acid (19.6-23.9%). Ricinodendron seed oil can be used for the preparation of fast drying binder and resins. Vitex seed oil can be used for the production of resin, paint and skin cream production. No application of Cleome seed oil has been stated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-440
Belyani Vargas Batis ◽  
Adriel Plana Quiala ◽  
Yoannia Gretel Pupo Blanco

Desde su descubrimiento el uso de bioestimulantes en la agricultura es una práctica habitual que beneficia la producción de alimentos. A pesar de ello, la disponibilidad y oferta de productos de esa naturaleza es baja, lo que conlleva a la búsqueda de alternativas que permitan desarrollar productos innovadores de más fácil acceso para los productores. En este sentido las plantas con efectos alelopáticos despiertan interés por el uso potencial de sus extractos en los sistemas de producción (Arroyo 2017). Cleome Linnaeus, 1753 (Brassicales: Cleomaceae), es un género botánico al que se le viene dando seguimiento pues especies como Cleome viscosa L., Cleome gynandra L. y Cleome spinosa Jacq., han mostrado un efecto alelopático positivo en varios cultivos (Pupo et al. 2006; Avilés et al. 2014; Batista 2015; Román 2016 y Montano 2016). Estos resultados apuntan a que dichas especies pueden ser candidatas para elaborar nuevos bioestimulantes de uso agrícola, sin embargo, la obtención de productos naturales necesita una fuente de producción constante del material vegetal.

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