demand pull
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2022 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
Lora dos Anjos Rodrigues ◽  
José Gustavo Féres

Resumo: Tem-se por objetivo investigar se a tendência de alta no preço do petróleo e as políticas públicas regulatória e fiscal afetam a inovação no setor de biodiesel. Também, se há influência da proporção do gasto do governo em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D). A existência de uma relação entre o preço relativo do petróleo e a inovação no biodiesel é fundamentada na teoria da inovação induzida, proposta por Hicks (1932) e formalizada por Ahmad (1966). Para mensurar a inovação, empregam-se dados de patentes em biodiesel depositadas (por residentes) no Brasil, Estados Unidos, Alemanha, França, Espanha, Reino Unido, Áustria e República Checa de 2000 a 2011. Aplica-se o estimador de Método dos Momentos Generalizados (GMM2) no modelo de Poisson em painel de Efeito Fixo. Os resultados indicam que o preço do petróleo e a existência de política regulatória e fiscal são fatores demand-pull, que estimulam a inovação no biodiesel por aumentar sua demanda e a expectativa de retorno. Já o investimento governamental em P&D constitui um fator technology-push, que afeta a inovação pelo lado da oferta, na medida que aumenta a capacidade tecnológica da qual o setor de biodiesel pode se beneficiar.

2021 ◽  
Siti Alwiyah

Inflasi adalah kenaikan harga secara umum dan terjadi terus menerus. Dengan kata lain, inflasi juga merupakan kondisi mata uang terdepresiasi terus menerus. Secara umum, inflasi disebabkan oleh: besarnya permintaan masyarakat terhadap barang, kenaikan biaya produksi dan peredaran uang di masyarakat sangat tinggi.Menurut Al Maqrizi Taqyudin (1996:412), dalam ekonomi Islam, inflasi disebabkan oleh inflasi alamiah (natural) dan inflasi kesalahan manusia (human error). Menurut sifatnya, inflasi dibagi menjadi inflasi yang meningkat, sedang (derap inflasi) dan tinggi (hiperinflasi). Tergantung penyebabnya Inflasi dibagi menjadi Demand Pull Inflation dan Cosh Push Inflation. Menurut asal Inflasi dibedakan menjadi inflasi domestik dan inflasi luar negeri. Menurut perkiraan masyarakat, itu dibagi menjadi inflasi yang diharapkan dan inflasi yang tidak terduga. Dalam ilmu ekonomi konvensional, cara mengatasi inflasi adalah melaksanakan kebijakan moneter, kebijakan fiskal, kebijakan nonmoneter/nonfiskal. Sedangkan dalam Islam, inflasi diatasi dengan mencetak uang dalam jumlah besar rendah/minimal, menerapkan strategi dana iuran yang dinonaktifkan dan kebijakan fiskal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Shihua Ren ◽  
Dezhi Zheng ◽  
Yang Qu ◽  
Rongjun Qin ◽  
Xiaomiao Jiao ◽  

Coal is the most reliable energy resource in China and has been in existence for a long time. The development model of coal industry is of great significance to carbon emission and environmental protection. In order to evaluate the development mode of China’s coal industry, this paper presents the constructed evaluation index system of the development mode of the coal industry from two dimensions, demand pull and factor drive. And, coal consumption is the measurement index of demand pull and selecting resources, capital, technology, human resources, and the energy system form the measurement index of factor drive. By analyzing the evaluation index system of the coal industry development mode and optimal evaluation method, the minimum deviation comprehensive weighting evaluation model, based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and entropy are constructed. The evaluation results show that the coal industry has continued the factor driven growth, driven by demand, in the past decades. Finally, the study analyzes the changes and challenges of the development of China’s coal industry from four aspects, development power, development mode, development effect, and development bottleneck, to provide support for revealing the internal mechanism of the development mode of China’s coal industry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107-130
Guilherme Spinato Morlin

This paper reviews interpretations of the moderate inflation observed in the US during the 1950s and early 1960s. In this period, moderate and persistent inflation disconcerted economists and challenged policymakers. The opposition between demand-pull and cost-push views stimulated different interpretations, as sectorial demand-shift inflation theory and the modified Phillips curve. As policy targeted growth and employment, incomes policy was applied to contain inflation. The pa-per provides an overview of explanations to the moderate inflationary process in light of the historical events of the Golden Age of capitalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 120863
Joern Hoppmann ◽  
Geng Wu ◽  
Jillian Johnson

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 417-430
María José Carbajal ◽  
Jesús María De Miguel Calvo

This study aims to identify factors related to the Immigration rates experienced by OECD member states, it focused on “net immigration rates” as the main dependent variable.  We considered that “Demand- Pull” factors that trigger variations on the immigration rates are perceived economic stability and their socio-political stance toward immigrants. Even though the two of the proposed hypothesis in this study were rejected, other variables which seem to have a greater impact on migration, such a trade and globalization were identified.  As the indices globalization increase, the rates of immigration seem to increase, in contrast there is a negative correlation between the variable trade and immigration, findings that seemed to be supported by empirical evidence provided by other scholars presented in this report.

2021 ◽  
Vol 232 ◽  
pp. 02015
Heri Akhmadi ◽  
Suryo Pratolo

Online food marketing through a marketplace platform has been a trend in today’s food product marketing, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic that has increased food product purchases through online platforms. Bedukmutu is an online marketplace platform developed by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) that provides food product transactions and other products and services. This paper investigated the Bedukmutu marketplace business model in the marketing of food products and how far the Muhammadiyah community ties influence the consumers. Descriptive analysis, website observation, and in-depth interviews with Bedukmutu stakeholders were utilized to explore the extent of online food product marketing practices in this marketplace. The results revealed several key factors in the Bedukmutu business model on food products marketing, including entrepreneurship as a value proposition with the consumer to consumer e-commerce (C2C) model and Muhammadiyah network as a key partner in market development. The offered food products vary from fresh to processed food originating from traders within students, employees and Muhammadiyah community networks. The implementation of purchasing incentives in measuring the performance of UMY employees is one of the motivations for consumer demand (demand-pull) apart from the affiliation factor with Muhammadiyah organizations (community-based).

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