tauberian conditions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Hemen Dutta ◽  
Jyotishmaan Gogoi

We discuss Tauberian conditions under which the statistical convergence of double sequences of fuzzy numbers follows from the statistical convergence of their weighted means. We also prove some other results which are necessary to establish the main results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (8) ◽  
pp. 1085-1101
Z. Önder ◽  
İ. Çanak

UDC 517.5 Let be a sequence of nonnegative numbers such that andLet be a sequence of fuzzy numbers.The weighted mean of is defined byIt is known that the existence of the limit implies that of For the the existence of the limit - we require the boundedness of in addition to the existence of the limit But, in general, the converse of this implication is not true. In this paper, we obtain Tauberian conditions, under which the existence of the limit follows from that of or - These Tauberian conditions are satisfied if satisfies the two-sided condition of Hardy type relative to

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Anu Choudhary ◽  
Kuldip Raj ◽  
M. Mursaleen

Tauberian theorem serves the purpose to recuperate Pringsheim’s convergence of a double sequence from its (C, 1, 1) summability under some additional conditions known as Tauberian conditions. In this article, we intend to introduce some Tauberian theorems for fuzzy number sequences by using the de la Vallée Poussin mean and double difference operator of order r . We prove that a bounded double sequence of fuzzy number which is Δ u r - convergent is ( C , 1 , 1 ) Δ u r - summable to the same fuzzy number L . We make an effort to develop some new slowly oscillating and Hardy-type Tauberian conditions in certain senses employing de la Vallée Poussin mean. We establish a connection between the Δ u r - Hardy type and Δ u r - slowly oscillating Tauberian condition. Finally by using these new slowly oscillating and Hardy-type Tauberian conditions, we explore some relations between ( C , 1 , 1 ) Δ u r - summable and Δ u r - convergent double fuzzy number sequences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 517-527 ◽  
Ümit Totur ◽  
İbrahim Çanak

AbstractFor a locally integrable function f on {[0,\infty)}, we defineF(t)=\int_{0}^{t}f(u)\mathop{}\!du\quad\text{and}\quad\sigma_{\alpha}(t)=\int_% {0}^{t}\biggl{(}1-\frac{u}{t}\biggr{)}^{\alpha}f(u)\mathop{}\!dufor {t>0}. The improper integral {\int_{0}^{\infty}f(u)\mathop{}\!du} is said to be {(C,\alpha)} integrable to L for some {\alpha>-1} if the limit {\lim_{x\to\infty}\sigma_{\alpha}(t)=L} exists. It is known that {\lim_{t\to\infty}F(t)=\ell} implies {\lim_{t\to\infty}\sigma_{\alpha}(t)=\ell} for {\alpha>-1}, but the converse of this implication is not true in general. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the general control modulo of non-integer order for functions and obtain some Tauberian conditions in terms of this concept for the {(C,\alpha)} integrability method in order that the converse implication hold true. Our results extend the main theorems in [Ü. Totur and İ. Çanak, Tauberian conditions for the (C,\alpha) integrability of functions, Positivity 21 2017, 1, 73–83].

Firat Ozsarac ◽  
Ibrahim Canak

Let $q$ be a positive weight function on $\mathbf{R}_{+}:=[0, \infty)$ which is integrable in Lebesgue's sense over every finite interval $(0,x)$ for $0<x<\infty$, in symbol: $q \in L^{1}_{loc} (\mathbf{R}_{+})$ such that $Q(x):=\int_{0}^{x} q(t) dt\neq 0$ for each $x>0$, $Q(0)=0$ and $Q(x) \rightarrow \infty $ as $x \to \infty $.Given a real or complex-valued function $f \in L^{1}_{loc} (\mathbf{R}_{+})$, we define $s(x):=\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt$ and$$\tau^{(0)}_q(x):=s(x), \tau^{(m)}_q(x):=\frac{1}{Q(x)}\int_0^x \tau^{(m-1)}_q(t) q(t)dt\,\,\, (x>0, m=1,2,...),$$provided that $Q(x)>0$. We say that $\int_{0}^{\infty}f(x)dx$ is summable to $L$ by the $m$-th iteration of weighted mean method determined by the function $q(x)$, or for short, $(\overline{N},q,m)$ integrable to a finite number $L$ if$$\lim_{x\to \infty}\tau^{(m)}_q(x)=L.$$In this case, we write $s(x)\rightarrow L(\overline{N},q,m)$. It is known thatif the limit $\lim _{x \to \infty} s(x)=L$ exists, then $\lim _{x \to \infty} \tau^{(m)}_q(x)=L$ also exists. However, the converse of this implicationis not always true. Some suitable conditions together with the existence of the limit $\lim _{x \to \infty} \tau^{(m)}_q(x)$, which is so called Tauberian conditions, may imply convergence of $\lim _{x \to \infty} s(x)$. In this paper, one- and two-sided Tauberian conditions in terms of the generating function and its generalizations for $(\overline{N},q,m)$ summable integrals of real- or complex-valued functions have been obtained. Some classical type Tauberian theorems given for Ces\`{a}ro summability $(C,1)$ and weighted mean method of summability $(\overline{N},q)$ have been extended and generalized.  

İbrahim Çanak ◽  
Gizem Erikli ◽  
Sefa Anıl Sezer ◽  
Ece Yaraşgil

We first define the concept of weighted mean method of summability and then present necessary and sufficient Tauberian conditions for the weighted mean summability of sequences in two-normed spaces. As corollaries, we establish two-normed analogues of two classical Tauberian theorems.

Sefa Anıl Sezer ◽  
İbrahim Çanak

Given a $q$-integrable function $f$ on $[0, \infty)$, we define $s(x)=\int_{0}^{x}f(t)d_qt$ and $\sigma(s(x))=\frac{1}{x}\int _{0}^{x} s(t)d_{q}t$ for $x>0$. It is known that if $\lim _{x \to \infty}s(x)$ exists andis equal to $A$, then $\lim _{x \to \infty}\sigma(s(x))=A$. But the converse of this implication is not true in general. Our goal is to obtain Tauberian conditions imposed on the general control modulo of $s(x)$ under which the converse implication holds. These conditions generalize some previously obtained Tauberian conditions.

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