hardening models
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Finite Element (FE) simulation of sheet/tube forming precision depends mainly on the accuracy of the constitutive modeling. The present paper aim is to compare the constitutive models to fit the stress-strain curves. The accurate deformation behavior of the SS 304 tubes depends on the constitutive modeling of hardening behavior. Deformation data of the tensile specimens cut from tubular sample were collected by conducting Uniaxial tensile tests (UTT) at three different rolling directions. Five constitutive relationships were then recognized by fitting the true stress and strain data with the constitutive models of Hollomon, Power, Krupowsky, Voce and Ghosh, and the fitting accuracy were analyzed and compared. Effects of hardening models on Forming Limit Curves (FLC), pressure loading and bulge height of the hydroformed tube were then studied. The obtained FLC from the simulations were compared with experimental FLC to predict the accuracy of the hardening models.

Wenjia Wang ◽  
Peter M. Clausen ◽  
Kai-Uwe Bletzinger

AbstractIn this paper, load step reduction techniques are investigated for adjoint sensitivity analysis of path-dependent nonlinear finite element systems. In particular, the focus is on finite strain elastoplasticity with typical hardening models. The aim is to reduce the computational cost in the adjoint sensitivity implementation. The adjoint sensitivity formulation is derived with the multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient, which is applicable to finite strain elastoplasticity. Two properties of adjoint variables are investigated and theoretically proved under certain prerequisites. Based on these properties, load step reduction rules in the sensitivity analysis are discussed. The efficiency of the load step reduction and the applicability to isotropic hardening and kinematic hardening models are numerically demonstrated. Examples include a small-scale cantilever beam structure and a large-scale conrod structure under huge plastic deformations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2079 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
Xinyu Wang ◽  
Junjie Shen ◽  
Xiangru Guo ◽  
Jixin Qiao

Abstract Based on the theory of crystal plasticity, coupled with dislocation and lath hardening models, this paper establishes a crystal plasticity finite element model describing the high temperature creep of P92 steel. Open source software was used to generate lath models with an average size of 350nm, 650nm and 950nm to explore the effect of lath coarsening on the high-temperature creep behavior of P92 steel. The results show that the roughening of the slats increases the rate of creep deformation, resulting in a decrease in the service life of the material. Observing the slat model, it can be seen that the roughening of the slats enlarges the numerical gradient of stress and strain, and aggravates the overall plastic strain of the model. The coarsening of the slats accelerates the movement of dislocations, causing the density of movable dislocations to increase, and at the same time the shear strain amplitude of the slip system increases, thereby reducing the hardening behavior of the material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-108
Peter Mulidrán ◽  
Emil Spišák ◽  
Miroslav Tomáš ◽  
Janka Majerníková ◽  
Ján Varga

In this work, the influence of material models used in the FEM simulation on the springback prediction is investigated. The interest of this paper is to extend the knowledge base regarding springback predictions in numerical simulation. The springback effect of a V-shaped sheet metal part made of TRIP steel, with a thickness of 0.75 mm was investigated. The bending angle was set to 90°.  In the numerical simulation, Hill48 and Barlat yield criteria were used in combination with Ludwik's and Swift's hardening models. Achieved data from the numerical simulations were compared and evaluated with experimental test results. The experimental results showed the relation between springback and calibration force. The effect of specimen cut direction on the springback was smaller in comparison with the calibration force. The numerical results of the springback were not identical with the experimentally achieved springback values in most cases. Particularly, when a calibration force of 1 800 N was used in the simulation. The simulation results showed a good correlation between experimental and numerical results, when Hill48 and Barlat yield criteria were used in combination with Ludwik hardening law and calibration force F with the value 900 N was applied.

Gabriela Aksascki Caetano ◽  
Tiago Bristt Gonoring ◽  
Lucas Mirandola Coelho ◽  
Temístocles de Sousa Luz ◽  
Jesualdo Luiz Rossi ◽  

Mengxiao Li ◽  
Yu Deng ◽  
Hexin Zhang ◽  
Simon H. F. Wong ◽  
Ahmed Mohamed ◽  

AbstractThe paper presents a new multi-material topology optimization method with a novel adjoint sensitivity analysis that can accommodate not only multiple plasticity but also multiple hardening models for individual materials in composite structures. Based on the proposed method, an integrated framework is developed which details the nonlinear finite element analysis, sensitivity analysis and optimization procedure. The proposed method and framework are implemented and illustrated by three numerical examples presented in this paper. An in-depth analysis of the numerical results has revealed the significant impact of the selection of plasticity and hardening model on the results of topology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 799 ◽  
pp. 140103 ◽  
L. Wu ◽  
T. Osada ◽  
I. Watanabe ◽  
T. Yokokawa ◽  
T. Kobayashi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (09) ◽  
pp. 612-616
Bernhard Karpuschewski ◽  
Jens Sölter ◽  
Andrey Vovk ◽  
Rainer Glüge

Bei der spanenden Endbearbeitung treten an der Oberfläche zyklische Belastungen in wechselnden Richtungen auf. Isotrope Verfestigungsmodelle wie das Johnson-Cook-Modell berücksichtigen dies nicht. In diesem Beitrag wird eine Erweiterung des JC-Modells um einen kinematischen Verfestigungsanteil untersucht, um genauere Vorhersagen zu ermöglichen. In zyklischen Biegetests wurden für 42CrMo4 die Parameter für einen Armstrong-Frederick-Ansatz ermittelt, der im FE-System „Abaqus“ implementiert wurde.   During the finishing of components, cyclic loads occur on the surface in alternating directions. Isotropic hardening models do not take this into account. Here, an addition of kinematic hardening to the Johnson-Cook model is investigated. In cyclic bending tests, a Bauschinger effect was observed on 42CrMo4. This can be simulated by supplementing the JC model with the Armstrong-Frederick approach with a Vumat in the FE-System „Abaqus“.

Yanfeng Yang ◽  
Gabriela Vincze ◽  
Cyrille Baudouin ◽  
Hocine Chalal ◽  
Tudor Balan

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 104047
Sai Hao ◽  
Xianghuai Dong

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