thermogravimetric analyzer
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Fuel ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 313 ◽  
pp. 123010
Mengjie Liu ◽  
Xiaoming Li ◽  
Xuetao Wang ◽  
Jin Bai ◽  
Lingxue Kong ◽  

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 380
Aekjuthon Phounglamcheik ◽  
Nils Johnson ◽  
Norbert Kienzl ◽  
Christoph Strasser ◽  
Kentaro Umeki

Biochar is attracting attention as an alternative carbon/fuel source to coal in the process industry and energy sector. However, it is prone to self-heating and often leads to spontaneous ignition and thermal runaway during storage, resulting in production loss and health risks. This study investigates biochar self-heating upon its contact with O2 at low temperatures, i.e., 50–300 °C. First, kinetic parameters of O2 adsorption and CO2 release were measured in a thermogravimetric analyzer using biochar produced from a pilot-scale pyrolysis process. Then, specific heat capacity and heat of reactions were measured in a differential scanning calorimeter. Finally, a one-dimensional transient model was developed to simulate self-heating in containers and gain insight into the influences of major parameters. The model showed a good agreement with experimental measurement in a closed metal container. It was observed that char temperature slowly increased from the initial temperature due to heat released during O2 adsorption. Thermal runaway, i.e., self-ignition, was observed in some cases even at the initial biochar temperature of ca. 200 °C. However, if O2 is not permeable through the container materials, the temperature starts decreasing after the consumption of O2 in the container. The simulation model was also applied to examine important factors related to self-heating. The results suggested that self-heating can be somewhat mitigated by decreasing the void fraction, reducing storage volume, and lowering the initial char temperature. This study demonstrated a robust way to estimate the cooling demands required in the biochar production process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Sophia Nawaz Gishkori ◽  
Ghulam Abbas ◽  
Aqeel Ahmad Shah ◽  
Sajjad Ur Rahman ◽  
Muhammad Salman Haider ◽  

In this study we report biofuel potential in waste cake obtained from oil refinery. The sample was analyzed for its calorific value using auto bomb calorimeter (LECO AC-500), proximate analysis using Thermogravimetric analyzer (LECO 701) and elemental analysis using CHNS analyzer (LECO Tru-Spec). The elemental analysis of dry waste cake vs wet cake depicted the percentage composition of carbon (49.8%, 40.8%), hydrogen (7.9%, 6.0%), nitrogen (2.8%, 1.9%), Sulphur (1.9%, 0.5%) and oxygen content (37.6%, 40.4%). As for as the thermal degradation behavior of dry and wet cake in TGA is concerned, higher moisture contents (68.50%) found in wet cake and lower in dry cake (40.1%). Whereas the volatile matter in dry cake (30.9%) and low volatile in wet cake (14.3%). Similarly, %age of ash become high in dry cake (17.3%) and low in wet cake (5.11%). The results reflected that higher heating value of dry waste cake is higher (22.5 MJ/kg) than wet waste cake (20.5 MJ/kg) and commonly used sugarcane bagasse (17.88 MJ/kg).

2022 ◽  
pp. 223-240
Mukesh Kumar Singh ◽  
Annika Singh

Thomas Wolfinger ◽  
Daniel Spreitzer ◽  
Heng Zheng ◽  
Johannes Schenk

AbstractThe reduction behavior of raw and prior-oxidized magnetite iron ore ultra-fines with hydrogen was investigated. Reduction tests were conducted with a thermogravimetric analyzer in a temperature range from 873 K to 1098 K at 1.1 bar absolute, using hydrogen as reducing gas. The experimental results show that a prior oxidation of the magnetite has a positive effect on the reduction behavior because of changing morphology. The apparent activation energies show a turnaround to negative values, depending on the prior oxidation and degree of reduction. A multi-step kinetic analysis based on the model developed by Johnson–Mehl–Avrami was used to reveal the limiting mechanism during reduction. At 873 K and 948 K, the reduction at the initial stage is controlled by nucleation and chemical reaction and in the final stage by nucleation only, for both raw and pre-oxidized magnetites. At higher temperatures, 1023 K and 1098 K, the reduction of raw magnetite is mainly controlled by diffusion. This changes for pre-oxidized magnetite to a mixed controlled mechanism at the initial stage. Processing magnetite iron ore ultra-fines with a hydrogen-based direct reduction technology, lower reduction temperatures and a prior oxidation are recommended, whereby a high degree of oxidation is not necessary.

2021 ◽  
George Ngusale

The manuscript attempts to understand the evolution of NOx precursors: NH3 and HCN from Pyrolysis of furfural residue (FR). The pyrolysis process was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) coupled to Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. The combination revealed insightful information on the evolution of NH3 and HCN. This could help us better understand the characteristics of FR derived from furfural production especially with regard to NH3 and HCN. Nitrogen is considered a minor component in biomass wastes; in this study nitrogen content is about 0.57%. However, the pollution potential poised by low nitrogen content is huge through both direct and indirect processes. Thus, this study presents results that were found with regard to FR pyrolysis in pure nitrogen environment. At the heating rate of 40°C/min−1, the only NOx precursor detected was HCN at 713 cm−1 as per the database provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NH3 was not detected. The particle size of FR used ranged between 0.15–0.25 mm.

Ruolong Gan ◽  
Junrong Li ◽  
Xiuhua Cao ◽  
Jun Huang ◽  
Liying Qian

The copper end paste used in multilayer ceramic capacitors sintered in nitrogen atmosphere will lead to carbon residue of organic vehicle, which will lead to the reduction of electrode conduc-tivity and high scrap rate. With an attempt to leave no residue in the sintering, the compatibility of solvents and thickeners should be improved because it has an important influence on the hi-erarchical volatilization and carbon residue of organic vehicles. In this work, the volatility of different solvents was compared and several solvents were mixed in a definite proportion to prepare an organic vehicle with polyacrylate resins. The hierarchical volatility and solubility parameters of mixed solvents were adjusted effectively by changing proportions of different components, the thermogravimetric curves of resins and organic vehicles were measured by thermogravimetric analyzer, the effect of solubility parameter on the dissolvability of resins in the solvent and the residual of organic vehicles were studied. Results showed that the hierar-chical volatilization of solvents can be obtained by mixing different solvents; the intrinsic vis-cosity of the organic vehicle is higher and the thermal decomposition residue of polyacrylate resins is lower when the solubility parameters of mixed solvents and polyacrylate resins are closer. The low residual sintering of organic vehicles can be achieved by using the mixed solvent with hierarchical volatility and approximate solubility parameters as resins.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 181
R. Zhao ◽  
F. He ◽  
F. Behrendt ◽  
J. Cai ◽  
A. Dieguez-Alonso ◽  

In order to deepen the understanding of the thermochemical behavior of reactive inorganics, which play an important role in slagging and fouling during combustion of agro-stalks, the oxidation behavior of the water-soluble fraction of corn stover, wheat straw and rice straw was examined using a simultaneous thermogravimetric analyzer. The oxidation characteristics were discussed in combination with elemental analysis of water-soluble fractions. Results showed that reactive inorganics elements account for 30–40% in water-soluble fractions of the three agro-stalks and carbon was oxidized at two separate stages. Four stages were found during oxidation of water-soluble fractions – (1) devolatilisation of organics (100‒400 °C); (2) oxidation of char (400–650 °C); (3) oxidation of char with melting of salts or decomposition of carbonate (650–800 °C); (4) vaporization of KCl (800–1000 °C). This work provides a base study for an optimized design of combustion for agro-stalks and pharmaceutical waste.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6548
Xian Li ◽  
Nan Zhong ◽  
Huan Hu ◽  
Yufan Zhang ◽  
Yawen Huang ◽  

Benzocyclobutene-modified silsesquioxane (BCB-POSS) and divinyl tetramethyl disiloxane-bisbenzocyclobutene (DVS-BCB) prepolymer were introduced into the containing benzocyclobutene (BCB) unit matrix resin P(4-MB-co-1-MP) polymerized from 1-methyl-1-(4-benzocyclobutenyl) silacyclobutane (4-MSCBBCB) and 1-methyl-1-phenylsilacyclobutane (1-MPSCB), respectively. The low dielectric constant (low-k) siloxane/carbosilane hybrid benzocyclobutene resin composites, P(4-MB-co-1-MP)/BCB-POSS and P(4-MB-co-1-MP)/DVS-BCB, were prepared. The curing processes of the composites were assessed via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The effects on dielectric properties and heat resistance of those composites with different proportion of BCB-POSS and DVS-BCB were investigated using an impedance analyzer and thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), respectively. The thermal curing of composites could be carried out by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of the BCB four-member rings of BCB-POSS or DVS-BCB and those of P(4-MB-co-1-MP). With increasing the proportion of BCB-POSS to 30%, the 5% weight loss temperature (T5%) of P(4-MB-co-1-MP)/BCB-POSS composites was raised visibly, whereas the dielectric constant (k) was decreased owing to the introduction of nanopores into POSS. For P(4-MB-co-1-MP)/DVS-BCB composites, the T5% and k were slightly raised with increasing the proportion of DVS-BCB. The above results indicated that the BCB-POSS showed advantages over conventional fillers to simultaneously improve thermostability and decrease k.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1285
Ewelina Ksepko ◽  
Rafal Lysowski

This paper contains the results of research on a promising combustion technology known as chemical looping combustion (CLC) and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU). The remarkable advantages of CLC are, among others, that concentrated CO2 stream can be obtained after water condensation without any energy penalty for its separation or significant decrease of NOx emissions. The objective of this work was to prepare a novel bi-metallic Fe–Mn supported on ZrO2 oxygen carriers. Performance of these carriers for the CLOU and CLC process with nitrogen/air and hard coal/air was evaluated. One-cycle CLC tests were conducted with supported Fe–Mn oxygen carriers in thermogravimetric analyzer utilizing hard coal as a fuel. The effects of the oxygen carrier chemical composition and process temperature on the reaction rates were determined. Our study proved that for CLOU, properties formation of bixbyite and spinel forms are responsible. Among iron ferrites, we concluded that iron-rich compounds such as Fe2MnO4 over FeMn2O4 spinel type oxides are more effective for CLOU applications.

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