logical frameworks
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Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1807
Antonio J. Molina ◽  
Rafael M. Navarro-Cerrillo ◽  
Javier Pérez-Romero ◽  
Reyes Alejano ◽  
Juan F. Bellot ◽  

Adaptive forest management (AFM) is an urgent need because of the uncertainty regarding how changes in the climate will affect the structure, composition and function of forests during the next decades. Current research initiatives for the long-term monitoring of impacts of silviculture are scattered and not integrated into research networks, with the consequent losses of opportunities and capacity for action. To increase the scientific and practical impacts of these experiences, it is necessary to establish logical frameworks that harmonize the information and help us to define the most appropriate treatments. In this context, a number of research groups in Spain have produced research achievements and know-how during the last decades that can allow for the improvement in AFM. These groups address the issue of AFM from different fields, such as ecophysiology, ecohydrology and forest ecology, thus resulting in valuable but dispersed expertise. The main objective of this work is to introduce a comprehensive strategy aimed to study the implementation of AFM in Spain. As a first step, a network of 34 experimental sites managed by 14 different research groups is proposed and justified. As a second step, the most important AFM impacts on Mediterranean pines, as one of the most extended natural and planted forest types in Spain, are presented. Finally, open questions dealing with key aspects when attempting to implement an AFM framework are discussed. This study is expected to contribute to better outlining the procedures and steps needed to implement regional frameworks for AFM.

Amy Felty ◽  
Carlos Olarte ◽  
Bruno Xavier

Abstract Linear logic (LL) has been used as a foundation (and inspiration) for the development of programming languages, logical frameworks, and models for concurrency. LL’s cut-elimination and the completeness of focusing are two of its fundamental properties that have been exploited in such applications. This paper formalizes the proof of cut-elimination for focused LL. For that, we propose a set of five cut-rules that allows us to prove cut-elimination directly on the focused system. We also encode the inference rules of other logics as LL theories and formalize the necessary conditions for those logics to have cut-elimination. We then obtain, for free, cut-elimination for first-order classical, intuitionistic, and variants of LL. We also use the LL metatheory to formalize the relative completeness of natural deduction and sequent calculus in first-order minimal logic. Hence, we propose a framework that can be used to formalize fundamental properties of logical systems specified as LL theories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 15
Tareq Alfraidi

The concept of Theme is regarded as a functional linguistic element that exists in many languages. The main aim of this study is to explore the functions of Theme in Arabic, applying the Systemic Functional Linguistics framework adopted by Downing (1991). Methodologically, several related real examples have been selected from the written discourse of Modern Standard Arabic and then analyzed contextually. The empirical analysis has revealed that (i) Theme can provide different functions, such as Individual, Circumstantial and Subjective and Logical Frameworks for the interpretation of the Rheme, and (ii) Theme can interact dynamically with different grammatical functions (e.g. Subject, Object, etc.) and have different pragmatic functions (e.g. Topic, Given and New information). Therefore, the view that makes a necessary link between Theme on the one hand and Noun Phrase, Topic or Given information on the other hand is proven incorrect and empirically invalid. Similar results have been obtained in the context of English (Downing 1991) but not yet for Arabic? This strengthens not only the universality of the concept of Theme but also its functions.

Zhaoshuai Liu ◽  
Liping Xiong ◽  
Yongmei Liu ◽  
Yves Lespérance ◽  
Ronghai Xu ◽  

Representation and reasoning about strategic abilities has been an active research area in AI and multi-agent systems. Many variations and extensions of alternating-time temporal logic ATL have been proposed. However, most of the logical frameworks ignore the issue of coordination within a coalition, and are unable to specify the internal structure of strategies. In this paper, we propose JAADL, a modal logic for joint abilities under strategy commitments, which is an extension of ATL. Firstly, we introduce an operator of elimination of (strictly) dominated strategies, with which we can represent joint abilities of coalitions. Secondly, our logic is based on linear dynamic logic (LDL), an extension of linear temporal logic (LTL), so that we can use regular expressions to represent commitments to structured strategies. We analyze valid formulas in JAADL, give sufficient/necessary conditions for joint abilities, and show that model checking memoryless JAADL is in EXPTIME.

Luca Cimino

The term “impulsive crime” is usually defined as a type of violent crime that arises suddenly under the pressure of intense emotional-affective involvement, against victims with whom an interpersonal relationship. The heterogeneity of the psycho(patho)logical frameworks underlying violent and sudden behavioral outbreaks has always represented one the most controversial and complex topics in forensic psychopathology. For this reason the author emphasizes importance of a approach characterized by a psychopathological and psychodiagnostics analysis, through the use in particular of the Rorschach Test, to understand the enigmatic nature of this type of offence that represents the “breaking point” the a particular and dramatic individual dimension, which develops and articulates within the context of the subject's life history, the analysis of which cannot be omitted if we wish to reach a position of “comprehension” of the criminogenesis and criminodynamics of the act itself, to implement even on appropriate therapeutic and preventive measures.

Michael Kohlhase ◽  
Florian Rabe ◽  
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen ◽  
Jan Frederik Schaefer

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-156
Safira Hasna ◽  

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh inovasi crowfunding terhadap keputusan berdonasi pada platform crowdfunding Kitabisa.com. Penelitian menggunakan teori difusi inovasi serta konsep-konsep mengenai crowdfunding, masalah sosial, dan donasi. Penelitian menggunakan paradigma positivis dan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan melakukan survey kepada donatur Kitabisa.com. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, dengan parameter proporsi P yaitu 96 orang yang pernah melakukan donasi di Kitabisa.com melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan secara online (googleform). Data yang didapat dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh antar variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh inovasi crowdfunding terhadap keputusan berdonasi sebesar 18,2%. Inovasi teknologi membuat kemudahan dalam melakukan donasi, namun kampanye pesan juga perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus untuk membangun kepercayaan sehingga membuat masyarakat melakukan kegiatan donasi.   Kata kunci: Crowdfunding, Donasi, Difusi Inovasi, Kitabisa   Abstract  The objective of this research is to know the influence of crowdfunding innovation on the decision to donate to crowdfunding platforms Kitabisa.com. These are logical frameworks in this research, such as diffusion of innovation theory, crowdfunding, social problems, and donations. This research used the paradigm of positivism and quantitative approach by conducting an online survey from the donor Kitabisa.com.  The sample was selected using purposive sampling with parameter P proportions of 96 people who had made a donation at Kitabisa.com. The data were analysed using linear regression to see the influence between variables. The result of the research showed there was an impact of crowdfunding innovation on the decision to donate is 18.2%. Technological innovation makes it easy to make donations, but more attention has to be given to message campaign which is also essential to build trust so people can make donations.   Keywords: Crowdfunding, Donation, Diffusion innovation, Kitabisa  

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