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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 063-092
Elżbieta Komarzyńska-Świeściak ◽  
Piotr Kozlowski

Due to the current shortage of traditional public space because of its privatization, commercialization, and securitization, there is an urgent need to reclaim areas affected by motorized traffic in the urbanized areas. On the other hand, the process of adapting them for new purposes should be carefully carried out, addressing several issues, among them environmental acoustics. This study is meant to contribute to our understanding of acoustic conditions of a general model of the bridge underspace. Therefore, the aim of the research was to examine the existing acoustic climate by measuring noise levels and comparing them with equivalent acceptable noise levels for the expected type of space development and Noise Rating curves. In this research, a pilot case study approach was used, as measurements were taken for a chosen space located under an elevated road that represents certain criteria set by the researchers. The results allowed us to: (1) verify the relationship between the geometry of the bridge underspace and the noise levels, (2) assess the initial acoustic conditions in terms of possibilities of acoustic adaptation of the examined space for outdoor public events, and (3) formulate hypotheses and preliminary assumptions for the planned further and broader studies of the issues raised in this article. The presented results and their analysis show that it is possible to bring the acoustic conditions in the studied space to the state required for public or cultural meeting spaces. In comparison with earlier findings, the research undertaken appears to be pioneering and the results can be used as valuable input for further research on this topic.

2022 ◽  
pp. 271-295
Gordon A. Crews ◽  
Garrison Allen Crews ◽  
Samantha Leigh Crews

“Where there's a will there's a way” is a proverb that simply means if someone is determined to do something, he or she will find a way to accomplish it regardless of obstacles. Unfortunately, this is very true for those who wish to commit acts of violence wish to commit acts of violence. The purpose of this chapter is to examine the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on incidents of mass and multiple victim violence in the US. More specifically, what impact did efforts such as stay-at-home/shelter-in-place orders, telecommuting options for workers, school closures, cancellation of large public events, and the suspension of non-essential travel have upon the extent and characteristics of mass violence.

2022 ◽  
pp. 156-168
Salah Eddine Kartobi ◽  
Abdeljamil Aba Oubida

The current world health crisis is characterized by the speed of its spread and its scale, and causing a direct global destructive economic impact that is present in every area of the globe. In this context of high uncertainty, the financial markets, especially the stock exchanges, have witnessed a decline in double figures in a very short period of time. In this chapter, the authors analyze how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts all variables of significant interest to financial economists, market regulators, and investors. This impact will be examined taking into account measures taken by governments, such as cities lockdown, border closures, canceling public events, and stopping public transport in order to slow down and stop the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Meheli Basu ◽  
Vanitha Swaminathan

Purpose This paper aims to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed consumers’ perceptions of outdoor consumption categories, such as retail shopping, eating out, public events and travel and how these perceptions may impact businesses in these domains in the long term. Further, this research aims to understand demographic effects on outdoor consumption inhibition during the current pandemic and discuss how businesses can use these insights to rebrand their offerings and evolve after the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach Data collected by CivicScience, a survey-based consumer intelligence research platform, during April–July 2020 forms the basis of the preliminary analysis, where the chi-square test has been used to examine significant differences in consumer attitudes between different age groups, income groups and genders. Further, a social media analysis of conversations around outdoor consumption activities is undertaken to understand the rationale behind these demographics-based attitude differences. Findings Results lend varying degrees of support to the hypothesized consumer attitudes toward outdoor consumption activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the pandemic wore on, older (vs younger), female (vs male) consumers and lower (vs higher) income-group consumers had reportedly higher inhibition toward different outdoor activities. Older individuals were significantly less likely to shop, dine and attend public events than younger individuals. Lower-income consumers were significantly less likely to dine and travel than higher-income consumer consumers. Female consumers were significantly less likely to shop and travel than male consumers. Social media scan of conversations suggests that differences in perceived health and financial risks may have resulted in demographics-based differences in outdoor consumption activities. Research limitations/implications This study contributes to the literature by understanding demographic differences in consumer participation in outdoor activities. One limitation is that due to the time-sensitive nature of the pandemic research, further studies could not be conducted to understand the implications of other variables, beyond demographics that influence consumer behavior during a crisis. A future research direction is to understand how other psychological variables or traits, influence health and financial risk-taking behavior during a similar crisis. Originality/value The principal contribution of the present research is that it tests the risk-taking theory in the context of outdoor consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic. The present research has implications for businesses as they continue to evolve during and post Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 16-22
A. A. Sultanova ◽  
D. V. Sennikova

The article analyzes the problems of holding public events. The authors draw attention to the need to transform legislation on the exercise of the right to assemble peacefully without weapons, to establish criteria for a mass event and to define an open list of public events, so that demonstrations in new and emerging forms are possible within the framework of current legislation and achieve the goal of ensuring the rights of citizens, as well as ensuring public order and public safety. In addition, the article raises the question of the inadmissibility of unjustified restrictions on the constitutional right to express one’s opinion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-20
Д В Белых-Силаев ◽  
И.А. Каляев ◽  
Я.С. Коровин

Статья посвящена применению бесконтактных полиграфных устройств для обеспечения безопасности массовых меро- приятий. Формулируется понятие инновационного бесконтактного полиграфного устройства, анализируется его структура. Приводится обзор бесконтактных полиграфных устройств, используемых за рубежом, изучается организация и тактика их применения. Формулиру- ются рекомендации по применению бесконтактного полиграфа в ближней и дальней зонах. Анализируются возможности применения бесконтактного полиграфа для обеспечения безопасности массовых мероприятий. The article is devoted to the problem of usage of contactless polygraphs to provide security of public events. The definition of innovative contactless polygraph is formulated, its structure is analyzed. There is a review of contactless polygraphs which are used aboard, its organization and tactics are inspected. Recommendations of using contactless polygraphs in near and far zones are formulated. Opportunities of using contactless polygraphs to provide security of public events are analyzed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-106
Bruce Ledewitz

America is now in the Age of Evasion. Our public events are scripted and phony. Our political rhetoric is filled with lies. Our symbols are fake. Our proposals are unreal. Virtue signaling has replaced reflection. We avoid deep questions, such as, in the abortion controversy, when life begins. Cancel culture has drowned rational debate. Politics are narrow and frozen. We long for more in our public life but feel that it is out of reach. We evade out of fear of the consequences of the Death of God. We do not want to acknowledge how alone we feel. We need a new story.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 197-198
Thomas P. Keating ◽  
Anna Storm

Abstract. This paper approaches the question of nuclear safety in relation to the prospects of living archives, and in particular, it explores two public events where sociocultural aspects of nuclear waste management in Sweden were enacted. Drawing on an ongoing research collaboration with the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), the paper examines (1) a grass-roots play entitled Kopparkistans hemlighet (or The Secret of the Copper Box), and (2) a drawing competition hosted by schools located near a nuclear waste storage facility in the Östhammar municipality, considering how these events help reproduce certain kinds of social and cultural responsibility. Contributing to critical debates in the social sciences and humanities intersecting questions of memory preservation, nuclear waste, and post-nuclear natures, we consider how the forms of responsibility produced through these public experiments inform important, albeit unconventional, modes of nuclear waste management insofar as they suggest how long-lived nuclear waste sites might become living archives without assuming a narrow notion of heritage and human memory preservation for all time and space. To conclude, we evaluate how the legacy of the two events might be incorporated into wider strategies of nuclear waste management.

Bioethics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-52
Yulian O. Kroman ◽  
Irina V. Fomenko ◽  
Vladimir V. Delarue ◽  

The results of a survey of 129 parents whose children underwent surgery for ankyloglossia showed: 67.5 % of parents believed that dentists provided them with sufficient information about this medical service, but only 25.6 % of them gave informed voluntary consent exclusively independently, and 74.4 % – after consulting with other people and / or getting acquainted with other sources (among the latter, first of all, the Internet appeared, where thematically scandalous or alarmist information is often found). Accordingly, this ethical and psychological collision should be taken into account by doctors when implementing the practice of informed voluntary consent, and healthcare organizers should better conduct public events on topical medical problems of both federal and, especially, regional nature (with the participation of people representing the most various, up to diametrically opposed points of view on the problem under discussion).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
Sergey D. Andreev ◽  
Emma V. Bitsieva ◽  
Olga V. Lepeshkina ◽  
Dmitry M. Polonsky ◽  
Marina S. Savchenko

This paper presents the results of a study devoted to the legal phenomenon of political pluralism as a factor in the development of modern society and the state by the example of classical democratic countries. At the same time, attention is focused on such components of political pluralism as formalization of freedom of speech and assembly; a multi-party system, as well as a mechanism for coordinating the interests of various social groups at the parliamentary level. It was found that the most acceptable is the model operating in the FRG, since it allows people to find a balance between guarantees of political diversity, such as freedom of speech and the right to public events. The interaction between civil society institutions and parliamentarians is especially advisable when making decisions in the domestic and foreign policy of the state.

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