export restrictions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 519-548
Mamadou Thiam ◽  
Jean-Claude Kouakou Brou ◽  
Benur Andrade Varela

As a result of COVID-19, the export of medical goods has been subject to various global restrictions. Consequently, several countries have increased the supply of medical goods to alleviate the effects of this health crisis. This study entails a theoretical and empirical analysis of the effects of such remedial measures. To this end, we have utilized a consistent conjectural variation in a three-country model entailing firms competing in two reciprocal markets in Cournot. When the restrictions are unilateral, the number of medical goods available in the exporting country tends to increase, culminating in better management of the pandemic. In contrast, bilateral restrictions typically reduce the total output of medical goods; therefore, they are inappropriate in a pandemic situation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2100352
Yang Ye ◽  
Qingpeng Zhang ◽  
Zhidong Cao ◽  
Frank Youhua Chen ◽  
Houmin Yan ◽  

Jean Bosco Nzeyimana ◽  
Joseph Butore ◽  
Libère Ndayishimiye ◽  
Melchior Butoyi

Covid-19 represents an unprecedented public health threat and a severe crisis of society globally. Government agencies, policymakers and the global institutions, on the other hand, should give particular attention to and try to alleviate the problem (present and prospective) of the pandemic and related crisis response on key sectors that contribute to food stability, nutrition and livelihoods. The livestock sector plays an essential role in these areas, particularly for the particularly vulnerable population groups. Covid-19’s effects on livestock production are still largely unsubstantiated and not fully felt. Although case studies are not yet possible, observational data show interruptions in livestock’s entire value chain. The consequences of Covid-19 on the livestock production chain are in particular interruptions throughout the entire livestock value chain, lack of sales markets, import/export restrictions due to border closures, substantial financial losses to producers, increased cases of food insecurity.

S. V. Kiselev

Agri-food export and its development are an important area of economic policy in our country. In recent years, its dynamics have been impressive. In this regard, the main factors providing its positive dynamics are of interest. It is also important to assess the impact of the pandemic shock, including changes in migration processes, as well as export restrictions that were introduced in 2020. They remain in effect in the current period. How these factors can affect in the short and long term and what alternative solutions exist is of practical and theoretical interest.

2021 ◽  
pp. 159-184
Alan P. Dobson

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 409
Doan Mauli Tua Siahaan ◽  
Ibrahim Sagio ◽  
Evi Purwanti

This study aims to determine whether Indonesia’s nickel ore export restriction policy is in accordance with the principles of international economic law. It is because Indonesia’s actions in implementing quantitative restrictions on the export of nickel ore are deemed to have violated one of the principles in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, namely the principle of prohibiting quantitative restrictions. This principle is contained in Article XI: 1 GATT. Data was collected through library research techniques. Namely by collecting and analyzing writings and literatures that are closely related to the problems that are being researched by the author, and analyzing data with descriptive analytical techniques, so that Indonesia can analyze their export restriction policies with juridical provisions in international trade law. The results shows that Indonesia’s action is in accordance with Article XI: 2 (a), which regulates the exception to Article XI: 1, with certain conditions which is a dispensation from the principle of quantitative restriction. Indonesia’s nickel ore export restrictions were also implemented to protect the environment in order to prevent scarcity and to encourage the battery industry in Indonesia to improve the economy. So that Indonesian policy is valid and can be justified by international law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-44
Irina Yu. KARKHOVA ◽  

The article presents the results of the authors' analysis of the theoretical aspects of the problem of organizing export supplies of high-tech equipment. The socio-economic aspects of foreign trade logistics are highlighted. This allowed the authors to formulate meaningful spaces of the problem of organizing export supplies of high-tech equipment. This is important both in a theoretical sense and for their application to the practice of foreign economic activity. The main directions of the analysis are considered and substantively developed: economic and financial aspects, issues of export restrictions, international competition, public investment and others.

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