information systems research
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2022 ◽  
Ross Gruetzemacher ◽  
David Paradice

AI is widely thought to be poised to transform business, yet current perceptions of the scope of this transformation may be myopic. Recent progress in natural language processing involving transformer language models (TLMs) offers a potential avenue for AI-driven business and societal transformation that is beyond the scope of what most currently foresee. We review this recent progress as well as recent literature utilizing text mining in top IS journals to develop an outline for how future IS research can benefit from these new techniques. Our review of existing IS literature reveals that suboptimal text mining techniques are prevalent and that the more advanced TLMs could be applied to enhance and increase IS research involving text data, and to enable new IS research topics, thus creating more value for the research community. This is possible because these techniques make it easier to develop very powerful custom systems and their performance is superior to existing methods for a wide range of tasks and applications. Further, multilingual language models make possible higher quality text analytics for research in multiple languages. We also identify new avenues for IS research, like language user interfaces, that may offer even greater potential for future IS research.

2022 ◽  
Cathal Doyle ◽  
Markus Luczak-Roesch ◽  
Tadhg Nagle ◽  
Yi-Te Chiu

Frederik Möller ◽  
Maleen Stachon ◽  
Can Azkan ◽  
Thorsten Schoormann ◽  
Boris Otto

AbstractClassification is an essential approach in business model research. Empirical classifications, termed taxonomies, are widespread in and beyond Information Systems (IS) and enjoy high popularity as both stand-alone artifacts and the foundation for further application. In this article, we focus on the study of empirical business model taxonomies for two reasons. Firstly, as these taxonomies serve as a tool to store empirical data about business models, we investigate their coverage of different industries and technologies. Secondly, as they are emerging artifacts in IS research, we aim to strengthen rigor in their design by illustrating essential design dimensions and characteristics. In doing this, we contribute to research and practice by synthesizing the diffusion of business model taxonomies that helps to draw on the available body of empirical knowledge and providing artifact-specific guidance for building taxonomies in the context of business models.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026839622110622
Ananya Sen ◽  
Gary Smith ◽  
Claire Van Note

It has been reported that many empirical papers published in prestigious journals in economics, psychology, and medicine prioritize statistical significance over practical importance. We investigate whether the same is true of articles published in the MIS Quarterly, a top-tier information systems journal.

Jens Poeppelbuss ◽  
Martin Ebel ◽  
Jürgen Anke

AbstractSmart service innovation is the process of reconfiguring resources, structures, and value co-creation processes in service systems that result in novel data-driven service offerings. The nature of such offerings requires the involvement of multiple actors, which has been investigated by a few studies only. In particular, little is known about the multiple actors’ efforts to manage uncertainty in the process of establishing smart service systems. Empirically grounded in data from 25 interviews with industry experts, we explore how organizations act and interact in smart service innovation processes. For our data analysis, we adopt a microfoundational view to derive a theoretical model that conceptualizes actor engagement as a microfoundation for iterative uncertainty reduction in the actor-to-actor network of the smart service system. Our study contributes to information systems research on service systems engineering and digital transformation by explaining smart service innovation from both a multi-actor and a multi-level perspective, drawing on service-dominant (S-D) logic and microfoundations as well-established theoretical lenses.

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