surface phase transitions
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Xueping Zhao ◽  
Giacomo Bartolucci ◽  
Alf Honigmann ◽  
Frank Jülicher ◽  
Christoph A. Weber

2021 ◽  
Diana Cholakova ◽  
Maciej Lisicki ◽  
Stoyan K. Smoukov ◽  
Slavka Tcholakova ◽  
E. Emily Lin ◽  

2021 ◽  
Eugenio Vogel ◽  
Julian Riccardo ◽  
José Riccardo ◽  
Pedro Pasinetti ◽  
Antonio Ramirez-Pastor

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (21) ◽  
pp. eaay9322 ◽  
Pablo Llombart ◽  
Eva G. Noya ◽  
Luis G. MacDowell

With climate modeling predicting a raise of at least 2°C by year 2100, the fate of ice has become a serious concern, but we still do not understand how ice grows (or melts). In the atmosphere, crystal growth rates of basal and prism facets exhibit an enigmatic temperature dependence and crossover up to three times in a range between 0° and −40°. Here, we use large-scale computer simulations to characterize the ice surface and identify a sequence of previously unidentified phase transitions on the main facets of ice crystallites. Unexpectedly, we find that as temperature is increased, the crystal surface transforms from a disordered phase with proliferation of steps to a smooth phase with small step density. This causes the anomalous increase of step free energies and provides the long sought explanation for the enigmatic crossover of snow crystal growth rates found in the atmosphere.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (7) ◽  
pp. 2884-2892 ◽  
Lianfeng Zou ◽  
Wengao Zhao ◽  
Haiping Jia ◽  
Jianming Zheng ◽  
Linze Li ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 32-47 ◽  
Nikolai Denkov ◽  
Slavka Tcholakova ◽  
Diana Cholakova

J. S. Wettlaufer

Interfaces divide all phases of matter and yet in most practical settings it is tempting to ignore their energies and the associated implications. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the introduction of a new pair of canonically conjugate variables—interfacial energy and its counterpart the surface area. A key set of questions surrounding the treatment of multiphase flows concerns how and when we must account for such effects. I begin this discussion with an abbreviated review of the basic theory of lower-dimensional phase transitions and describe a range of situations in which the bulk behaviour of a two-phase (and in some cases two-component) system is dominated by surface effects. Then I discuss a number of settings in which the bulk and surface behaviour can interact on equal footing. These can include the dynamic and thermodynamic behaviour of floating sea ice, the freezing and drying of colloidal suspensions (such as soil) and the mechanisms of protoplanetesimal formation by inter-particle collisions in accretion discs. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The physics and chemistry of ice: scaffolding across scales, from the viability of life to the formation of planets’.

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