blackwater fever
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2021 ◽  
pp. 004947552110467
George Paasi ◽  
Carolyne Ndila ◽  
Francis Okello ◽  
Peter Olupot-Olupot

Our study aimed at determining clinical factors associated with prolonged hospitalisation and death among children admitted with blackwater fever (BWF). We analysed 920 eligible records for the period January – December 2018 from Mbale and Soroti Regional Referral Hospitals in Eastern Uganda. The median hospitalisation was 3 (IQR: 2–5 days) days. Prolonged hospitalisation was in 251/920 (27.3%). Clinical features independently associated with prolonged hospitalisation included abdominal tenderness, body pain and mild fever. 29/920 (3.2%) died, of these 20 (69.0%) within 48 h of admission. Features of severity associated with mortality were noisy or interrupted breathing, tachypnoea, chest pain, convulsions, delayed capillary refill time (≥3 s), severe pallor, high fever (>38.5°C), altered level of consciousness, prostration and acidotic breathing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
Michael Renner

The article “Drawing It Out” by Haidy Geismar (2014) in Visual Anthropology Review (Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 97–113) focused on the use of images in early anthropology. The drawings by Arthur Bernard Deacon (1903–1927), which he made during his field studies in Vanuatu, New Hebrides from 1926 until his sudden death caused by blackwater fever in 1927, are the starting point of Geismar’s inquiry. The author discusses Deacon’s drawings and infers the potential of drawing as a methodology for anthropology. Deacon was a young PhD candidate who was sent to Vanuatu from the University of Cambridge. It was his intention to continue the studies of the indigenous culture of the New Hebrides at the time, which had been started by the Department of Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. In contrast to his expectations, Deacon found a culture in the process of decay. The subject of his study, the indigenous culture, had been threatened by diseases and cultural influences that settlers, missionaries, and traders imported with them since they landed in the middle of the nineteenth century. Deacon described the impossibility of protecting the indigenous culture and critically reflected on his role as an anthropologist (Geismar 2014, p. 102).

2021 ◽  
George Paasi ◽  
Carolyne Ndila ◽  
William Okiror ◽  
Cate Namayanja ◽  
Benard Phelan Okalebo ◽  

Abstract Background In eastern Uganda, reports suggest that cases of Blackwater Fever (BWF) are on the rise. We summarise the base-line characteristics and routine care available to patients with BWF presenting at two tertiary hospitals in Eastern Uganda prior to the Phase I/II trial on use of paracetamol for acute kidney injury in children with BWF (PARIST; ISRCTN84974248). Methods This was a retrospective descriptive study for the period January – December 2018 for children admitted with a clinical diagnosis of BWF at Mbale and Soroti Regional Referral Hospitals in Eastern Uganda. Data on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, routine in-patient care and outcomes were abstracted using a customised study proforma and analysed using STATA. Results We obtained 9578 admission records during the study period, of which 1241 (13.0%) were admitted with a diagnosis of BWF. The median age was 60 months (IQR 36–90). Male: female ratio was 1.5:1. More cases of BWF 682/1241 (55.0%) were in children > 5 years compared to 559/1241 (45.0%) ≤ 5 years [95% CI (0.41–0.59); P = 0.0002]. The common symptoms included fever 1109/1241 (89.4%), vomiting 599/1241 (48.3%) and abdominal pain 494/1241 (39.8%). Conversely, the common signs recorded were clinical pallor 742/1241 (59.8%), clinical jaundice 369/1241 (29.7%), fever 332/1241 (26.7%) and prostration 231/1241 (18.6%). In addition, abdominal tenderness was documented in 120/1241 (9.7%), splenomegaly in 122/1241 (9.8%) and hepatomegaly in 86/1241 (6.9%). Case records with BWF were more in the second half of the year with a peak in the months of July and September. 510/1241 (41.1%) were treated with antimalarial drugs mainly parenteral Artesunate 501/510 (98.2%). 660/1241(53.2%) of the patients were managed with antibiotics mainly parenteral ceftriaxone 616/660 (93.3%). There were 426/1241 (34.3%) patients who received blood transfusion during admission. Clinicians used steroid treatment in 388/1241 (31.3%), mainly parenteral hydrocortisone 370/388 (95.4%). Conclusions BWF accounted for 13% paediatric hospital admissions in the region. It was predominant in children > 5 years of age. It typically presents with passing dark urine, fever, abdominal pain, clinical jaundice and pallor. Locally there are no treatment guidelines for BWF. These data provide background data useful for future studies on BWF in the region.

2020 ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Joseph M. Bodi ◽  
Célestin N. Nsibu ◽  
Roland L. Longenge ◽  
Michel N. Aloni ◽  
Pierre Z. Akilimali ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Doutchi Mahamadou ◽  
Diongolé M. Hassane ◽  
Moussa Tondi Maiga Zeinabou ◽  
Iliassou Aboubacar ◽  
Ali Osseini ◽  

Background. Blackwater fever (BWF) is a rare but serious complication of malaria that is a consequence of antimalarial treatment. Its prevalence seems to have increased. Its diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and urine color. We report on 4 BWF cases admitted to the infectious diseases department of Zinder National Hospital. Results. Four patients were hospitalized in September 2017 for a hepatorenal syndrome of jaundice, port wine-colored urine, renal failure, and hepatic cytolysis following antimalarial treatment with quinine salts. Quinine treatment was stopped and treatment was continued with injectable artemether. Three patients underwent extra-renal purification. Their evolution was favorable. One patient died less than 24 hours after admission. Conclusion. A rare and severe complication, blackwater fever must be considered for patients under antimalarial treatment who present with jaundice, abdominal pain, and acute renal insufficiency with port wine-colored urine. Rapid diagnosis and management in an intensive care unit are crucial for improving the prognosis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (11) ◽  
pp. 2247-2254 ◽  
Robert O Opoka ◽  
Ali Waiswa ◽  
Nambuya Harriet ◽  
Chandy C John ◽  
James K Tumwine ◽  

Abstract Background Blackwater fever (BWF), one of the complications of severe malaria, has recently re-emerged as a cause of severe anemia (SA) in African children. However, postdischarge morbidity in children with BWF has previously not been described. Methods This was a descriptive cohort study in which children, aged 0–5 years, admitted to Jinja Regional Referral Hospital with acute episodes of SA (hemoglobin ≤5.0 g/dL) were followed up for 6 months after hospitalization. Incidence of readmissions or deaths during the follow-up period was compared between SA children with BWF and those without BWF. Results A total of 279 children with SA including those with BWF (n = 92) and no BWF (n = 187) were followed for the duration of the study. Overall, 128 (45.9%) of the study participants were readmitted at least once while 22 (7.9%) died during the follow-up period. After adjusting for age, sex, nutritional status, and parasitemia, SA children with BWF had higher risk of readmissions (hazard ratio [HR], 1.68; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–2.5) and a greater risk of death (HR. 3.37; 95% CI, 1.3–8.5) compared with those without BWF. Malaria and recurrence of SA were the most common reasons for readmissions. Conclusions There is a high rate of readmissions and deaths in the immediate 6 months after initial hospitalization among SA children in the Jinja hospital. SA children with BWF had increased risk of readmissions and deaths in the postdischarge period. Postdischarge malaria chemoprophylaxis should be considered for SA children living in malaria endemic areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Paul John Huggan ◽  
Chin Hin Ng ◽  
Jennifer Ho ◽  
Raymond Tzer Pin Valentine Lin ◽  
Jean-Marc Chavatte

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
N Rodriguez-Valero ◽  
P Castro ◽  
G Martinez ◽  
J Marco Hernandez ◽  
S Fernandez ◽  

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