program manager
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 463-463
Zachary Baker

Abstract We recorded and inductively coded an open-ended discussion of jargon surrounding “dementia” with the “Supporting Dementia Caregivers After Death” community advisory board (CAB). CAB-members included current and former caregivers of PLWD due to early- and normal-onset Alzheimer’s, Lewy body, and Parkinson’s, a co-president of the Alzheimer’s Association (ALZ) Young Champions, a dementia trainer/consultant and member of a Catholic church that preserves American Indian spiritual traditions, a senior program manager at ALZ who was entrusted by American Indian reservation elders to provide dementia education, a care partner support group leader, and an Alzheimer’s Ambassador chosen by multiple US senators. Themes identified included differential inclusiveness of terms like “memory loss” versus “dementia”, misuse and misunderstanding of “dementia” versus “Alzheimer’s,” and the difficulty of translating “dementia” into the American Indian Ojibwe (i.e., Anishinaabemowin) language where suggested translations directly translated to “slow memory loss”, “brain deterioration”, “absent mindedness”, or even “craziness”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 620
Novelia Novelia ◽  
Wisroni Wisroni

This research was motivated by the success of the Hoshi Hikari Skills and Training Institute in Padang City in managing the Japanese language training program. This can be seen from the number of participants who passed each training, namely 95% of the participants who attended the training passed and 5% of most participants did not pass the medical test. This achievement cannot be separated from the program manager who is very competent in the field of training management at LPK Hoshi Hikaro, Padang City. This study aims to see an overview of the use of audio-visual learning media in the Japanese Language Training program based on aspects of preparation, implementation and evaluation. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study were training participants at LPK Hoshi Hikari Padang City, totaling 24 people. The sampling technique is Cluster Random Sampling, the sample is taken as many as 20 people. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. While the data collection tool is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses the percentage formula. The results showed that (1) the description of the use of audio-visual learning media in the Japanese language training program at the Hoshi Hikari Training and Skills Institute (LPK) of Padang City in the preparation aspect was good, (2) the description of the use of audio-visual learning media in the Japanese language training program. at the Hoshi Hikari Training and Skills Institute (LPK) Padang City in the implementation aspect it was good, and (3) the description of the use of audio visual learning media in the Japanese Language training program at the Hoshi Hikari Training and Skills Institute (LPK) Padang City in the evaluation aspect was good

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 85-85
Martina Peuser

Zur Person: Frank Bambach ist Digital Program Manager bei der E.ON Digital Technology GmbH in Hannover. Er verantwortet aktuell das Projekt Management Office bei der Umstrukturierung eines Unternehmensbereichs der E.ON Digital Technology.

2021 ◽  
pp. 161-173
Ralf Müller ◽  
Nathalie Drouin ◽  
Shankar Sankaran

This case study discusses the application of balanced leadership in Transport for New South Wales in Australia (Transport). It reports on three aspects of balanced leadership in Transport: how decisions are made regarding projects and programs; how leadership shifts between the vertical leader (project or program manager) and horizontal leader (subject matter experts in teams); and elements of socio-cognitive space that support the transition between vertical and horizontal leadership. The predominant methodology used to deliver programs in Transport was found to be agile, and all the programs delivered from the unit where the interviewees were located were aimed at supporting the creation of value from big data. The unit managing programs in this organization was not fully involved in implementing projects in the programs, creating an additional level of leadership where some tasks were also undertaken by project team members in a vendor’s organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1105-1110
Rinda Fithriyana ◽  
Alini Alini

COVID-19 is a disease that currently affects the entire population of the world. Preventive efforts in the health protocols implemented by the community in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID 19 during the new normal period are by getting used to wearing masks, washing hands with soap (handsanitanizer), maintaining distance (social distancing), staying away from crowds and avoiding traveling outside the area. especially areas that have been declared as red zones. But in reality, they are not very obedient in implementing government appeals and instructions regarding health protocols in handling COVID 19. This study aims to describe the public's knowledge about health protocols and compliance with health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic in Langgini Village. The design used in this research is descriptive analysis. The population in this study was the entire community in Langgini Village, Bangkinang Health Center Working Area, Kampar Regency with a total adult population of 3,885 people. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a total sample of 97 people. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, it is known that most of the respondents have good knowledge about health protocols, as many as 68 respondents (70.1%), most of the respondents comply with health protocols, as many as 59 respondents (58.8%). It is hoped that the health program manager will increase the provision of information regarding the importance of complying with health protocols to reduce the spread of COVID 19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 220
Athik Hidayatul Ummah

Women have some part in the pandemic Covid-19, especially in providing true information. This article tends to describe how Lombok woman empower themselves through managing community radio during Pandemic Covid-19. Related to the role of community radio is increasing especially in providing the true information needed by the public. These women manage the radio community called “Nina Bayan” in North Lombok Regency. This phenomenon is interesting to be studied since the people in this area have been facing long-standing difficulties, from the Lombok earthquake that occurred in 2018 to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The resilience of society, especially women's groups, in facing this difficult situation is to form a media broadcast which is community radio. The purpose of the research is to explore the role and strategy of the radio community “Nina Bayan” in building pandemic communication during the digital era managed by these women. This study uses a qualitative approach to describe the phenomenon of the study in depth and detail. Research data obtained from interviews (three interviewees: founder, program manager, announcer or teacher), observations and literature review to strengthen the study in theory and methodology. The results show that (1) Dissemination of pandemic communication was packed through the communication media of the radio based on community needs and local wisdom so that it was easily accepted and accessed by the community. (2) The strategy carried out by the radio community to survive amid the challenges of the broadcasting world is capacity building for radio managers and broadcasters, using an inclusiveness approach, creating programs based on community needs and broadcasting digitalization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Akila Labiba ◽  
Asmaripa Ainy

Maternal and child health is an important concern for all nations in the world including Indonesia. “Fun For Mom” is an innovation program at Sako Public Health Center in Palembang for increasing the knowledge of mothers regarding breastfeeding practice, complementary feeding, and maternal health during pregnancy and breastfeeding period.  This study describes the Fun for Mom program at Sako Public Health Center in Palembang.  This was a qualitative study that involved the analysis of data collected from in-depth interviews, documents review, and observations to describe the Fun for Mom program using the RE-AIM framework at Sako Public Health Center in Palembang. The purposive sampling technique has been applied and twelve interviews were conducted with a Head of Sako Public Health Center, a Program Manager, two Program Implementers, three Cadres, and five Program Participants. RE-AIM framework is a multi-attribute model with five dimensions: reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance. According to this framework, the findings illustrated that around ten pregnant or breastfeeding mothers participated in each activity session. Exclusive breastfeeding increased after a year of its implementation from 2017 to 2018. Mothers easily understand the information given because of the use of game media in this program. All information is conveyed in simple language and can be applied in daily childcare. Health operational assistance (it is called BOK) is used to fund this program. Other financial supports are needed for the sustainability of the program. The Fun for Mom program is feasible as a community empowerment effort in a health center setting and can be developed further. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-79
I Putu Eka Viqtrayana

  Abstract Background: Emergency conditions cannot be predicted at any time and require immediate help, so PSC 119 emergency services are here to help when handling victims, save lives, improve emergency services, and prevent them. After less than two years of implementing the Tabanan Serasi PSC 119 program, there are still many people in Tabanan Regency who do not know for sure about the existing PSC 119 services. Objective: This study aims to determine the constraints of providers and users in utilizing the PSC 119 emergency service program in Tabanan Regency. Methods: This study used a qualitative research design with an exploratory approach. This research was conducted in Unit PSC 119 of the Tabanan District Health Office in June-July 2020. The research data were analyzed using thematic methods. Data were collected through observation of the implementation, tracing documents and exploring 12 informants. Two main informants as providers are coordinator and implementer. Ten supporting informants as users, namely the community has not and have used it. Results: The results showed that the use of PSC 119 in emergency services from providers/managers were, lack of procurement of infrastructure, human resource constraints, program structure position, round table, not yet utilizing call center 119, PSC operators lack of coordination with PSC 119 network. , do not have radiomedical equipment, and lack of monitoring and evaluation. Constraints from users/communities are contacting the 119 call center, public knowledge about PSC 119 services, and outreach activities. Strategies to overcome obstacles are to propose priorities according to the priority scale, seek human resources, seek infrastructure; training for implementing officers; implementation monitoring and evaluation; create innovation services; and socialize to the community about the program. Conclusion: There are several obstacles to the use of PSC 119 in emergency services, both from providers/managers and users/communities, so the advice obtained is that the program manager continues to socialize, utilize existing personnel and make service innovations. The Tabanan District Health Office is expected to facilitate the implementation, carry out monitoring and evaluation of the PSC 119 program every year and improve the development and facilitate the program proposing PSC 119 to become a Technical Implementing Unit.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 2107-2114
Sally D. Miller ◽  
Robin Urquhart ◽  
George Kephart ◽  
Yukiko Asada ◽  
Tallal Younis

Coordinating breast cancer treatment is a complex task that can overwhelm patients and their support networks. Though the Cancer Patient Navigator (CPN) program in Nova Scotia (NS) provides professional assistance to patients, certain groups of patients may still face barriers to accessing its services. Employing interviews and a modified Delphi approach with CPN participants, this study sought to identify factors associated with the need for navigation to help better target CPN program referrals among breast cancer patients. Six CPNs were recruited directly through the CPN program manager for interviews and surveys. The CPNs identified 27 different factors, which were divided into 4 categories: sociodemographic, psychological, clinical and health systems. While these patient factors (particularly sociodemographic) are not directly modifiable, awareness of their association with the need for navigation could be used to better target patients with a high need for navigation for referral to CPN services.

2021 ◽  
Robert Margevicius ◽  
Laura Worl ◽  
Rudy Goetzman ◽  
Michelle Silva

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