In development of the methodology proposed in previous publications for assessing the network entrepreneurial potential of territories for the design and management of business networks, which are an effective form of innovation in the information paradigm of productivity, the article developed a methodology for assessing the network entrepreneurial potential of the population of territorial socio-economic systems. The variety of potential stakeholders in the innovative development of the territory, formally or informally participating in the formation of network interactions, suggests that for effective design and management of business networks, it is advisable to form approaches to assessing the network potential of as many types of stakeholder groups as possible. The degree of adherence of the population of the territories to the ideas of the knowledge economy, the ability to support and implement these ideas in everyday life, are the sources of increasing the entrepreneurial potential of the territories and their usefulness for networked entrepreneurial projects. Therefore, for designing effective entrepreneurial networks,along with assessing the potential of business, civil society institutions, government bodies, corporations and other network actors, the task of assessing the entrepreneurial potential of the population of the territories is relevant. To achieve the research objective the approaches to defining and assessing the entrepreneurial potential of the population of the territories are considered; the definition of the entrepreneurial potential of the population for the purposes of this study has been clarified; an assessment methodology has been developed and this methodology has been applied on the example of territories representing the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The conclusion was made about the high degree of influence of the entrepreneurial potential of the population on the complex network potential of the territories.