government report
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2021 ◽  
pp. 213-232
Peter Irons

This chapter examines the continuing disparities between Whites and Blacks through extensive social science data and studies of the impacts of systemic racism. It first utilizes what demographers call the dissimilarity index to measure housing segregation in major metropolitan areas; cities with heavily Black populations, such as Detroit, have become “hyper-segregated” with almost total “social isolation” of Blacks. The chapter then examines the long-standing academic and political debates over the causes of systemic racism, beginning in 1965 with a government report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, by a young Labor Department aide, Daniel Patrick “Pat” Moynihan. He found the main cause of Black poverty and increasing single Black motherhood in the “pathology” of a “matriarchal” Black family structure in which males are neither needed nor welcome. Moynihan’s report spurred an angry rebuttal in a book by psychology professor William Ryan, Blaming the Victim, which found the main cause of Black poverty in the systemic racism of White society and culture. The chapter then looks at social science studies by William Julius Wilson (explaining the “racial invariance” of White and Black crime); psychologist John Dollard (explaining the prevalence of Black-on-Black crime with the “frustration-aggression-displacement” theory); and Black psychiatrists William Grier and Price Cobbs (explaining “Black rage” as rooted in White control of institutions that exclude or discriminate against Blacks). The chapter concludes with a look at the War on Drugs of the 1980s and 1990s and the resulting mass incarceration of Black men.

Headline CHILE: Government report adds to mining reform moves

Linda McGuire ◽  
Elizabeth Prior Jonson ◽  
Steve Perryman ◽  
Tui McKeown

Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 673
Bernd-Alois Tenhagen ◽  
Matthias Flor ◽  
Katja Alt ◽  
Marie-Theres Knüver ◽  
Christiane Buhler ◽  

We investigated trends in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in poultry between 2010 and 2016 in Germany and their association with antimicrobial use. Campylobacter had been isolated from the caeca of broilers and turkeys at slaughter by regional laboratories according to current ISO methods in the framework of a national monitoring program. Isolates were submitted to the National Reference Laboratory for Campylobacter and tested for AMR using broth microdilution methods. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were evaluated according to epidemiological cut-off values. Antimicrobial use (AMU) data from 2014 to 2016 were taken from a government report. AMR was higher in C. coli than in C. jejuni and higher in turkeys than in broilers. AMR was highest to tetracycline and the tested (fluoro)quinolones while it was rare to gentamicin in both bacterial species, infrequent to erythromycin in C. jejuni, and moderate in C. coli. AMR to tetracycline and erythromycin decreased over time while it increased to (fluoro)quinolones. An association of AMU and AMR was observed for resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin, while it was not observed for the aminoglycosides. Resistance to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin increased despite a decrease of fluoroquinolone use between 2014 and 2016, indicating that other factors have a strong influence on resistance to (fluoro)quinolones in Campylobacter.

Significance The newly formed opposition and civil society alliance, the Movement for the Defense of Democracy (M2D), has questioned the independence and rationale for the Commission, given that a government report has already claimed Sonko instigated the violence. Impacts The politicisation of the charges and demonisation of Sonko's alleged victim may undermine lagging efforts to combat gender-based violence. Despite an inevitable public outcry, Sall is highly likely to try to win a third term in 2024. A Sonko presidency could lead to a review of various state contracts, including in the oil sector. Despite growing opposition cooperation, a formal electoral alliance is still some way off.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Syafwendi Syafril

Indonesia’s financial inclusion and literacy index level in the Islamic capital market sector is quietly low at around 0.02% and 0.01%. Though Indonesia is known as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world with more than 85%. Furthermore, the fact of Indonesia is the 4th highest growth country in the capital market industry in Asia-Pacific throughout 2017. The potential for growth and development of the Islamic capital market in Indonesia is very high, but this fact is not followed by the growth rate of financial literacy and inclusion index especially in the capital market sector. The aim of this paper is to identify the new applicable strategic approach to improve Islamic financial literacy and inclusion in term of Islamic capital market sector. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature review from the article journal, government report, news report, and others in reviewing, identifying, and knowing the strategies that will be implemented. The results show there are six specific strategies used in improving Islamic capital market literacy and inclusion indexes namely,  rebranding investment negative stereotype, building a sustainable promotion and campaign through offline and online platform, creating an online integrated marketplace for Islamic capital market products, improving corporate Sukuk and introducing a new SRI Sukuk product, forming agents & groups of Islamic capital market lovers, and monitoring & evaluating the applied strategy.

Barry Pollock

The yellowfin bream A. australis supports an important commercial net and angling fishery on the east coast of Australia. Saddleback, a deformity of the dorsal fin and profile, occurs in this species, with the occurrence of fish with saddleback being as high as 10% in some areas. The present study provides new information and analysis of causation of the saddleback deformity in the yellowfin bream fishery. Lateral line scale regeneration due to injury, and soft tissue abnormalities indicative of deep wounding are present in yellowfin bream with saddleback. X-ray images of the entire skeleton of specimens with saddleback were also examined. An unpublished government report on chemical residues in saddleback and normal yellowfin bream is appended and discussed. The absence of both chemical residues, and lack of other skeletal deformities in yellowfin bream with saddleback provide indirect evidence of physical injury as the cause of saddleback in this case. The role of discarding of meshed yellowfin bream, which are smaller than the legal minimum size, as causation of the saddleback deformity is evaluated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
James D. Livingston

AbstractTo date, peer-reviewed research has found no evidence linking supervised consumptions sites (SCSs) to increased crime. Yet, in March 2020, a government Report released in the province of Alberta, Canada, presented the results of a review that reached a different conclusion. This commentary highlights the Report’s major methodological limitations with respect to its criminological components, including that crime was poorly operationalized and measured, change in crime was inadequately assessed, and the effect of SCSs on crime was not ascertained. It is argued that the magnitude of methodological flaws in the Report undermine the validity of its criminological claims and raise significant issues with the soundness of its conclusions.

Eksos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Sulaiman Sulaiman ◽  
Grace Kelly Sihombing ◽  
Anistya Fitri Larasati

This research was conducted in Sambas Regency. The reason for choosing Sambas Regency was because: (1) the Regent of Sambas was that his period was almost over; (2) The Regent of Sambas as the first regent who hafidz quran. (3) Mr. Atbah Romin Suhaili has a good performance in the government report version. In addition, there are achievements from the Sambas Regency Government, such as zero villages that are very backward, the highest are the achievements of independent villages and others. However, these achievements need to be proven by people's perceptions, because increasing according to the elite level does not necessarily increase according to society. To measure its performance, it uses the mission of the Regent and also the achievements of the Regent as mentioned above, and uses performance indicators, namely productivity, quality, quantity, timeliness, and effectiveness. This type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The research location is located in Teluk Keramat District, which consists of 25 villages. The sampling technique used in this research is proportional sampling, which is based on the number of residents in each village. Data analysis for the questionnaire used an index scale. The overall performance of the Sambas Regency Government during the leadership of Mr. Atbah Romin Suhaili in 2016-2020 was in the good category with an average index of 2.73. These results were obtained based on answers from the community, but there are some notes that need to be improved, namely health insurance that has not been evenly distributed and has not been on target, because of these 2 things that are considered not good by the community. However, related to the achievements expressed by the elite level and also the performance indicators that reached 100% in the 2020 LKJ were also felt by the people of Teluk Keramat.

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