line parallel
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Tri Ardilia Maya Sari ◽  
Alkaromah Nur Sholehatun ◽  
Syifa Aulia Rahma ◽  
Rizky Budi Prasetyo

Batik is an extraordinary work of art that must be preserved, it can be through formal or non-formal education. So far, cultural products are not always recognized for their usefulness in the scope of formal education. This study aims to map mathematical concepts on Madura batik that can be integrated in mathematics learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with an ethnographic approach by conducting observations and interviews, then a literature study is carried out related to the geometry. The instrument in this study is a human instrument, the researcher is directly related to the research and acts as a data collector. The data were analyzed by making codes which were then reduced based on the concepts and learning materials of geometry. The results of this study in the form of mathematical concepts contained in the Madura Batik motif are: straight line, curved line, parallel line, symmetry, point, angle, triangle, circle, rhombus and similarity concept. Some Madura batik motifs can be used as a medium to introduce mathematical concepts such as concepts in geometry so that it is expected to make it easier to understand abstract mathematical concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1005-1016
Yanling Zhao ◽  
Enwen Zhou ◽  
Jingwei Zhang ◽  
Chunya Wu ◽  
Chuang Yang

Abstract. The working space of small motor stators is narrow, and most of them are manual winding. It is difficult to guarantee the uniform arrangement of enameled wires by multi-wire winding. To solve these problems, a three-phase parallel equivalent multi-wire winding robot is proposed to achieve large output torque of the motor. Firstly, according to the equivalent model, the structure of the large arm, small arm and manipulator is designed to determine the motion model of the winding robot. Euler's kinematics theory is used to analyze the change of the working position of the arm, and the rotation matrix of the arm and the constraint equation of the motion vector of each branch chain are established. The motion model of the arm and the manipulator are established using inverse kinematics and analytical analysis. The motion pose of each joint of the winding robot is studied to ensure that the robot realizes a three-phase parallel multi-wire winding motion. ADAMS software was used for kinematic simulation analysis of the winding robot. The displacement of the branch chain on the xyz axis was represented by the torque of the virtual motor to verify the correctness of the inverse kinematics solution and the closure condition of the manipulator block. Finally, the ROS simulation platform is built to simulate the joint motion planning of the winding robot to verify the multi-line parallel principle and the feasibility of the multi-line parallel winding hybrid robot. The research results of this paper provide a theoretical reference for multi-wire parallel winding equipment control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Anandhan Dhanasingh ◽  
Daniel Erpenbeck ◽  
Masoud Zoka Assadi ◽  
Úna Doyle ◽  
Peter Roland ◽  

AbstractIdentification of the inner ear malformation types from radiographs is a complex process. We hypothesize that each inner ear anatomical type has a uniqueness in its appearance in radiographs. The outer contour of the inner ear was captured from the mid-modiolar section, perpendicular to the oblique-coronal plane, from which the A-value was determined from CT scans with different inner ear anatomical types. The mean A-value of normal anatomy (NA) and enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVAS) anatomical types was greater than for Incomplete Partition (IP) type I, II, III and cochlear hypoplasia. The outer contour of the cochlear portion within the mid-modiolar section of NA and EVAS resembles the side view of Aladdin’s lamp; IP type I resembles the side-view of the Sphinx pyramid and type II a Pomeranian dog’s face. The steep spiraling cochlear turns of IP type III resemble an Auger screw tip. Drawing a line parallel to the posterior margin of internal auditory canal (IAC) in axial-view, bisecting the cavity into cochlear and vestibular portions, identifies common-cavity; whereas a cavity that falls under the straight-line leaving no cochlear portion identifies cochlear aplasia. An atlas of the outer contour of seventy-eight inner ears was created for the identification of the inner malformation types precisely.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-317
Seon-Mi Jang ◽  
Won-Ji Jung

Purpose: To provide basic data for haircut style education by applying a combination of two basic hair cut styles, medium-graduation cut and the same layer cut based on the division of the scalp, and demonstrating change of shape and length of the cut depending on the location of the slice lines.Method: After the division of the hair into the front side point-golden point+2 (F-G+2), side point-golden back medium point+1 (S-GBMP+1), and ear point-back point (E-B), the same layer cut, and medium-graduation cut were applied to the upper and lower part, respectively. Finally, the hair cut was completed using the slice lines of A-line, parallel line, and V line.Result: After dividing the hair, the same layer cut was applied to the upper part and the medium-graduation cut to the lower part. Due to this, there were changes in the shape of the haircut and the length of the hair, depending on the location of division, and the shape lines were affected by slice lines of the medium-graduation cut.Conclusion: The combination of medium gradation cut and the same layer cut applied to the head area demonstrated that predictable and creative cut design is possible because the volume and layer level can be adjusted according to the area’s location.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-281
Nurhasima ◽  
Aditya Hikmat Nugraha ◽  
Dedy Kurniawan

The health of coral reef ecosystems can be seen through the emergence of coral recruitment. Aim of this research was to compared the scleractinia coral recruitment list based on genus, life form, and variations in size of the scleractinia coral recuit in the waters of Kampung Baru Lagoi and Teluk Bakau Village, Bintan Regency by geomorfology zone. The research was conducted using a Purposive sampling method in consideration of the presence of scleractinia coral in reef flat and reef slope areas using a 1x1 m square frame mounted along a 70 m transverse line parallel to the shoreline. Research has found 164 colonies of 24 genus dominated by Favia and Favites. Based on the most extensive life form of Coral encrusting and Coral massive variations in size 4.5-6 cm or medium category. The results of t test showed that the geomorphological differences in the research locations did not have a significant impact on the abundance of corals recruitment

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 28-37
Ligia Tudurachi

From persiflage to pornographic literature, everything in Junimea is an alternative form of discourse deconstructing to the official one. The cultural society from Iași chooses a “lateral” way of representation, moving on a line parallel to the main one. Persiflage is used in order to define a model of salon conversation but also as an instrument of literary criticism, and thus a stimulator of literary production: it becomes a technique of the critical performance, a characteristic evaluative gesture. Originating in the core of the critical act, this lateral thread almost engages a manifest dissent – which will then be emphasized by its emergence in the profane, detabooed forms of pornographic literature. Representing itself on such a lateral thread, Junimea makes possible the construction of its image as a Balkan, Eastern society; and therefore as a particular, local way of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-34
A. E. Korneev ◽  
A. A. Korneev ◽  
A. S. Gugenko ◽  
E. M. Simich-Lafitskaya

Austenitic stainless steels are widely used in nuclear and thermal power engineering due to their high mechanical, corrosion and technological properties. We present the results of studying the effect of deformation martensite on the corrosion resistance of chromium-nickel steels of the austenitic class. Samples of heat exchange tubes of steam generators, tube bends, plates (constituents of steam turbines), safety valves used in NPP equipment were studied. The tests were carried out using metallographic, X-ray diffraction, atomic emission and atomic absorption spectral analyses. Electron microscopy was used to determine the content of the ferrite phase. It is shown that irregular dark gray spots located along a line parallel to the sample axis contain iron oxides. The appearance of such defects observed only on the outer surface of the products is attributed to the technology of their manufacture. It is also shown that severe plastic deformation which occurs during production or operation leads to formation of the deformation martensite which is subject to corrosion at this the corrosion cracking is accompanied by stress. The absence of δ-ferrite in the metal of samples is also revealed. The deformation martensite formed during operation of the product at the point of contact with a harder material leads to appearance of a large number of microcracks, which develop according to the fatigue mechanism under cyclic loading. The results obtained can be used to assess the probability of the formation of deformation martensite in chromium-nickel austenitic steels.

2021 ◽  
Jing Wang ◽  
Mingwei Zhao

Abstract In cities and other human activity areas, the implementation of various ground projects has resulted in significant changes in natural surface morphology, a prominent feature of which is the formation of a variety of discontinuous terrains, such as roads and building basements. In the process of DEM modeling of these landforms, traditional modeling methods produce obvious topographic distortions at topographic prominences, which limits the application depth of DEMs in these areas. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a DEM modeling method to enhance the expression of discontinuous terrain from the perspective of simplicity and convenience for application. The method is based on terrain data such as topographic feature lines, altimetric points, and contour lines. First, parallel feature lines are generated according to a certain distance. Then, vertices are inserted into the topographic feature line and the parallel feature line according to the specified step length, and the known altimetric points are selected from both sides of the original topographic feature line to estimate the height value of the vertices. Finally, by combining the topographic feature line, parallel feature line and other available topographic data for TIN construction, the result can effectively express the special topography of discontinuous terrain. In this study, a region in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China, was selected as the study area to conduct a DEM construction experiment. The experimental results showed that the DEM constructed by this method could well express the morphological characteristics of discontinuous terrain, and the height accuracy of the construction results was also significantly improved compared with that of the conventional method.

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