individual zone
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2021 ◽  
Chol Ji ◽  
Ryong Gun Cha

Abstract The way a AGV in each zone in tandem AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) systems handles the local request for transport while schedules effectively the global request for transport involving the pickup/delivery operation at the transfer point by cooperating a AGV in other zone, affect the traveling time of the AGV (and thus energy consumption), as well as the waiting time of each node in the system. So far, almost all studies on tandem AGV systems focus on the optimal number of partitioned zones (and thus the number of AGVs), the optimal location of nodes into zones, the optimal location of transfer points between each two zones, the design of AGV’s direction to minimize the total handling flow or the traveling distance of AGV in each zone. This study presented a novel scheduling approach to effectively deal with global and local request by minimizing the total traveling time within the individual zone and the waiting time at the transfer points between zones based on the cooperating control of multi-agent. The proposed approach is verified at the AGV system for book printing process as the real-world experiment and it is showed that the scheduling for multi-agent based tandem AGV system is effective

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Darlene R. House ◽  
Yogendra Amatya ◽  
Benjamin Nti ◽  
Frances M. Russell

Abstract Background Lung ultrasound (LUS) is helpful for the evaluation of patients with dyspnea in the emergency department (ED). However, it remains unclear how much training and how many LUS examinations are needed for ED physicians to obtain proficiency. The objective of this study was to determine the threshold number of LUS physicians need to perform to achieve proficiency for interpreting LUS on ED patients with dyspnea. Methods A prospective study was performed at Patan Hospital in Nepal, evaluating proficiency of physicians novice to LUS. After eight hours of didactics and hands-on training, physicians independently performed and interpreted ultrasounds on patients presenting to the ED with dyspnea. An expert sonographer blinded to patient data and LUS interpretation reviewed images and provided an expert interpretation. Interobserver agreement was performed between the study physician and expert physician interpretation. Cumulative sum analysis was used to determine the number of scans required to attain an acceptable level of training. Results Nineteen physicians were included in the study, submitting 330 LUS examinations with 3288 lung zones. Eighteen physicians (95%) reached proficiency. Physicians reached proficiency for interpreting LUS accurately when compared to an expert after 4.4 (SD 2.2) LUS studies for individual zone interpretation and 4.8 (SD 2.3) studies for overall interpretation, respectively. Conclusions Following 1 day of training, the majority of physicians novice to LUS achieved proficiency with interpretation of lung ultrasound after less than five ultrasound examinations performed independently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 92-98

The founder of humanistic psychology A. Maslow claimed: those who have only a hammer as a tool are inclined to consider the problem as a naill. Is it possible to learn to see in subordinates not nails, but individuals of joint labor activity? What effective management methods are able to identify the true cause and hidden motives of the employee, influence them and get him to voluntarily accept the actions expected and necessary for the manager? The answer to these questions is the purpose of the described study. In management, the Japanese ”Five Why” method is widespread, which, according to the authors, is not productive enough. Having abandoned the formal-logical and relying on the causal-genetic method of research, the technology of adaptive learning in the zone of proximal development, the authors propose another, domestic approach, which has proven its greater efficiency. The article describes the technology of working with it in practice and its advantages. When using the «keyword» technology, the movement towards the result is purposeful. Within the framework of the individual logical trajectory it affects the reasoning of the employee, not the manager. With these questions, the manager constantly assesses and leads the subordinate into an individual zone of proximal development, and the discussion is held within it (that is, the developing effect of the employee’s reflections is ensured). Reliance on the keywords of the respondent ensures that there are no obstacles in the construction of inferences. If in the end there are obstacles, they are quickly leveled by relying on the next keyword of the respondent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (S1) ◽  
pp. S1-36-S1-43
Sara Biondi ◽  
Cristiana Conti ◽  
Emmanouil Georgiadis ◽  
Maurizio Bertollo

The current case study reports an intervention with a young volleyball athlete who was diagnosed with cancer during his early sporting career. The athlete requested both performance-enhancement support and psychotherapeutic intervention (the latter during his illness) from his sport psychologist. The article explores the transition from sport psychology intervention, which started before the appearance of the disease, to psychotherapy and the reflections concerning this unique situation. The fluctuation of the athlete alongside the mental health continuum ranging from a normal (illness-free) state to a mental-illness state was taken into consideration. The theoretical framework adopted by the sport psychologist/psychotherapist consisted of the integration of different approaches: the psychobiosocial model of Individual Zone for Optimal Functioning and relational psychoanalysis, both oriented around the existentialism counseling approach. Reflections on the case include the changes of setting and the development of the relationship between the psychologist/psychotherapist and the athlete during the two intervention phases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (30) ◽  
pp. 141-149
A.N. Shulyupin ◽  
A.A. Chermoshentseva ◽  
Yu.A. Vasyanovich ◽  
A.A. Fatkulin ◽  

Ms. Dhanya.T

<p>Wireless network broadly utilized today incorporate, cell system, remote cross section system (WMNs), remote neighbourhood and individual zone system. The expanding interest for these systems has transformed range into a valuable asset. Consequently, there is dependably a requirement for techniques to pack more bits/Hz. In this paper, we list the purposes behind this far reaching doubt, and talk about how present and future patterns will expand the need and reasonability of multiuser collectors for both the uplink, where numerous offbeat clients will be all the while identified, and the downlink, where clients will be planned and generally orthogonal zed, yet the portable handset will in any case need to adapt to a couple of predominant meddling base stations. New results for impedance wiping out beneficiaries that utilization traditional front finishes are appeared to ease a large number of the deficiencies of earlier systems, especially for the testing uplink. This paper gives a diagram of key late research leaps forward on obstruction cancelation, and highlights framework level contemplations for future multiuser recipients.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 60 ◽  
Zijin Yao

<p>Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) is a common problem for musicians. Many musicians struggle with performance anxiety and rely on traditional de-arousal interventions to reduce performance anxiety before public performance. However, research in sports psychology suggests that anxiety reduction may not be the most appropriate strategy for intervention (Chamberlain &amp; Hale, 2007). According to the Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model proposed by Hanin, an athlete’s performance is successful when his or her pre-competition anxiety is within or near the individual’s optimal zone (Hanin, 2000). Based on the application of the IZOF theory in the context of piano performance, anxiety plays an important role in optimizing performance in music as well. This pilot study identified participants’ IZOFs with the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2). Support was found for Hanin’s IZOF theory with respect to the SA (somatic anxiety) and SC (self-confidence) dimensions for both of the participating pianists, as well as the CA (cognitive anxiety) dimension of pianist A but not for the CA dimension of pianist B. Piano performances associated with anxiety of an intensity that fell within the IZOF were observed to be significantly better than piano performances associated with anxiety intensity outside the IZOF. All the peak performances were presented within the IZOFs. The study verified that the IZOF model can be applied in MPA management and may help pianists be more aware of in-zone/out-zone states and rethink their attitudes toward performance anxiety. With this pilot study as a foundation, larger scale research can be conducted to clarify the correlation between anxiety and optimal piano performance.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 70
Jolly Roy ◽  
Edin Suwarganda

<p>Understanding emotional influence that affect sport performance in archery helps to design the appropriate intervention in athlete’s preparation. The present study examined the effect of emotion intensity from four Olympic level recurve archers on error scores and performance outcomes; compared individual emotion intensities of three competing archers during Olympic competition with previously established individual optimal zone; and examined the influence of being “in or out of individual zone” relating the archer’s achievement with the individual target set by the coach and performance outcome during Olympic competition. The results revealed that unpleasant dysfunctional emotion (N-) had the most influence on performance score. The in-out of zone results derived from the archers data lend support to emotion-performance relationship.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 116 (13) ◽  
pp. 124-145
Debra K. Meyer ◽  
Dennis W. Smithenry

While recognizing that instructional scaffolding in a whole-class context can engage students’ learning as they move through individual zone of proximal developments (ZPDs), in this chapter, we argue that instructional scaffolding also can collectively engage a class through a shared ZPD when participant structures and discourse practices provide for coparticipation and alter traditional notions of teacher support and shared responsibility. A case study of a chemistry classroom is presented to substantiate this argument and illustrate how instructional scaffolding can be used as a support for collective engagement.

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