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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (15) ◽  
pp. 8009
Soon-Ae Kim ◽  
Jung-Hoon Chai ◽  
Eun-Hye Jang

Trimethyltin (TMT) is an irreversible neurotoxicant. Because prenatal TMT exposure has been reported to induce behavioral changes, this study was conducted to observe gender differences and epigenetic changes using a mouse model. In behavioral testing of offspring at 5 weeks of age, the total times spent in the center, corner, or border zones in the male prenatal TMT-exposed mice were less than those of control unexposed mice in the open-field test. Female TMT-exposed mice scored lower on total numbers of arm entries and percentages of alternations than controls in the Y-maze test with lower body weight. We found that only TMT-exposed males had fewer copies of mtDNA in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex region than controls. Additional epigenetic changes, including increased 5-methyl cytosine/5-hydroxymethyl cytosine levels in the male TMT hippocampus, were observed. After methylation binding domain (MBD) sequencing, multiple signaling pathways related to metabolism and neurodevelopment, including FoxO signaling, were identified by pathway analysis for differentially methylated regions (DMRs). Increased FOXO3 and decreased ASCL1 expression were also observed in male TMT hippocampi. This study suggests that sex differences and epigenetics should be more carefully considered in prenatal toxicology studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Colette Hoption ◽  
Jiashan Mary Han

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the antecedents to implicit followership theories (IFTs) and make recommendations for developing positive IFTs. Female transformational parenting is highlighted, showing that although followership is typically associated with one’s role in an organization, its development is not relegated to that context. Accordingly, this paper encourages transformational-parenting training and features activities for current leader-training programs to enlighten trainees about their IFTs. Design/methodology/approach Through one online and one paper survey, participants self-defined “follower,” rated their female primary caregivers’ transformational leadership during adolescence, reported their IFTs and provided demographic information. Findings Qualitative and quantitative data analyses found that the degree to which female primary caregivers demonstrated transformational leadership related to children’s positive IFTs and positive definitions about followers in young adulthood. Research limitations/implications Future research should test female caregivers’ influence on IFTs at more advanced stages of one’s career, examine their influence over participants’ followership behavior and incorporate external ratings of leadership and followership. Practical implications Recommendations for embedding IFTs into transformational-leadership-training programs are provided, falling into the categories of feedback, reflection/introspection and mentoring/coaching. In the spirit of contemporary approaches to leadership, recommendations require trainees to recognize their biases/knowledge of followers and followership and use that knowledge to facilitate collaboration between leaders and followers. Originality/value Findings spotlight female leadership, an often-overlooked source of power in organizations, and go beyond leader/follower dichotomies by insisting on IFTs awareness and development for both parties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Maxim Mezheritskiy ◽  
Dmitry Vorontsov ◽  
Dmitry Lapshin ◽  
Varvara Dyakonova

AbstractIn the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, flying occurs soon after the last imaginal molt and precedes the mating behavior in natural conditions. Here, we tested the hypothesis that flying may improve subsequent behavioral performance in a novel environment in female crickets. We developed a behavioral set-up to test female cricket responsiveness to male calling song as well as their ability to locate and find the source of the song. The male song was produced by a loudspeaker hidden behind the fabric wall of a spacious square arena. Forced flight prior to the test promoted female sexual searching behavior in the novel environment. After the flight, more females reached the hidden source zone, spent more time near the source and finally more of them climbed over the wall section immediately in front of the hidden loudspeaker. At the same time, their behavior in the arena did not differ from the control group when the calling song was not delivered, suggesting that flight exerts its behavioral effects by influencing sexual motivation. Our results support the suggestion that preceding intense locomotion facilitates sexual searching behavior of females in a novel environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 268-275
Myo Thandar Cho

The purpose of this study is to investigate adolescents' (Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grade 10 students) self-perception as readers. The sample consisted of 184 students (91 males and 93 females). Students’ self-perception as readers were measured by using Reader Self-perception Scale 2 was developed by Henk, Melnick, and Marinak (2013). Descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, and one-way ANOVA were used for data analysis. This study showed that young learners’ self-perception as readers was satisfactory. According to the results of the t test, female students’ self-perception as readers was significantly higher than that of male students at p < .05. One-way ANOVA revealed that Grade 10 students’ self-perception as reader specifically in progress category was highest among Grade 8, Grade 9, and Grade 10 students at p < .01.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-135
SEL Tolouei ◽  
GN da Silva ◽  
TZ Curi ◽  
MT Passoni ◽  
DCK Ribeiro ◽  

Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn. (Talinaceae), popularly known as “major gomes,” is a Brazilian Cerrado plant used in traditional medicine and as a food source. Recent studies have demonstrated its diuretic effects. However, no studies have been performed on its effects on the reproductive system. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of the ethanol-soluble fraction of T. paniculatum leaves (ESTP) on general toxicity and on the pubertal development of male and female Wistar rats. For this purpose, the uterotrophic and the pubertal assays were performed. In the uterotrophic test, female immature rats were treated for three consecutive days with 30, 100, or 300 mg/kg of ESTP. Uterus without luminal fluid was weighed and the relative weight calculated. For the pubertal assay, male and female immature rats were submitted to 30-day treatment with 30 or 300 mg/kg of ESTP. Clinical signs of toxicity, biochemical, and histopathological parameters were evaluated. ESTP treatment did not promote estrogenic effects in female rats. In the pubertal test, no daily signs of toxicity or weight loss were observed. Moreover, ESTP did not affect the onset of vaginal opening and preputial separation and did not cause significant changes in biochemical parameters as well as in organ weight and histopathological analyses of animals.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Sophia D. Papadopoulou ◽  
Amalia Zorzou ◽  
Sotirios Drikos ◽  
Nikolaos Stavropoulos ◽  
Beat Knechtle ◽  

The aim of the present study was to examine the variation in core stability and symmetry of youth female volleyball players by age, and its relationship with anthropometric characteristics, the 30 s Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT), and the 30 s Bosco test. Female volleyball players (n = 24, age 13.9 ± 1.9 years, mean ± standard deviation) performed a series of anthropometric, core stability tests (isometric muscle endurance of torso flexors, extensors, and right and left lateral bridge), WAnT (peak power, mean power, Pmean, and fatigue index, FI) and Bosco test (Pmean). Flexors-to-extensors ratio and right-to-left lateral bridge ratio were also calculated. Participants were grouped into younger (n = 12, 12.3 ± 1.2 years) or older than 14 years (n = 12, 15.4 ± 1.0 years), and into normal (flexors-to-extensors ratio < 1; n = 17) or abnormal flexors-to-extensors ratio (≥1; n = 7). The older age group was heavier (+11.3 kg, mean difference; 95% CI, 2.0, 20.6) and with higher body mass index (+2.8 kg m−2; 95% CI, 0.4, 5.1) than the younger age group. The group with abnormal flexors/extensors had larger flexors muscle endurance (+77.4 s; 95% CI, 41.8, 113.0) and higher flexors/extensors ratio (+0.85; 95% CI, 0.61, 1.10) than the normal group. Body fat percentage (BF) correlated moderately-to-largely with flexors (r = −0.44, p = 0.033), extensors (r = −0.51, p = 0.011), and left lateral bridge (r = −0.45, p = 0.027); WAnT Pmean moderately-to-largely with right (r = 0.46, p = 0.027) and left lateral bridge (r = 0.55, p = 0.006); FI moderately-to-largely with right (r = −0.45, p = 0.031) and left lateral bridge (r = −0.67, p < 0.001), and right/left ratio (r = 0.42, p = 0.046); Bosco Pmean correlated moderately-to-largely with right (r = 0.48, p = 0.020) and left lateral bridge (r = 0.67, p = 0.001). A stepwise regression analysis indicated FI and BF as the most frequent predictors of core stability. The findings of the present study suggested that increased core stability was related to decreased BF and increased anaerobic capacity. A potential misbalance between torso flexors and extensors might be attributed to bidirectional variations (either high or low scores) of flexors muscle endurance rather than decreased extensors muscle endurance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 1769-1774
Daniela M Perez ◽  
Patricia R Y Backwell

Abstract The aggregation of courting males is widespread among animal taxa, yet we do not understand why males congregate and therefore intensify local competition for female attention. The most commonly invoked theoretical explanation is that females preferentially approach clustered males due to the many benefits they would gain, and clustered males would therefore have higher mating success. However, although theoretical explanations of aggregation formation are well advanced, empirical studies are scarce, especially in invertebrates. In fact, there is little evidence that females do prefer to approach clustered displayers over spaced displayers. Here we address this question by using robotic crabs to test female preferences in fiddler crabs (a visually displaying species) and show that females do not preferentially approach clustered males. We suggest that if this pattern is more widespread, the most commonly invoked explanation of courting aggregations is of limited use. We offer explanations for the strong clustering behavior we observe in this species and discuss the implications of this finding for the theoretical underpinnings of this research field.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 1715-1724
Andreas Sutter ◽  
Laura M Travers ◽  
Keiko Oku ◽  
Kynan L. Delaney ◽  
Stefan J. Store ◽  

Abstract Infertility is common in nature despite its obvious cost to individual fitness. Rising global temperatures are predicted to decrease fertility, and male sterility is frequently used in attempts to regulate pest or disease vector populations. When males are infertile, females may mate with multiple males to ensure fertilization, and changes in female mating behavior in turn could intensify selection on male fertility. Fertility assurance is a potentially wide-spread explanation for polyandry, but whether and how it actually contributes to the evolution of polyandry is not clear. Moreover, whether a drop in male fertility would lead to a genetic increase in polyandry depends on whether females respond genetically or through behavioral plasticity to male infertility. Here, we experimentally manipulate male fertility through heat-exposure in Drosophila pseudoobscura, and test female discrimination against infertile males before and after mating. Using isogenic lines, we compare the roles of behaviorally plastic versus genetically fixed polyandry. We find that heat-exposed males are less active and attractive, and that females are more likely to remate after mating with these males. Remating rate increases with reduced reproductive output, indicating that females use current sperm storage threshold to make dynamic remating decisions. After remating with fertile males, females restore normal fecundity levels. Our results suggest that male infertility could explain the evolution of adaptively flexible polyandry, but is less likely to cause an increase in genetic polyandry.

Behaviour ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 156 (15) ◽  
pp. 1435-1458 ◽  
Victoria Flores ◽  
Jill M. Mateo ◽  
Rachel A. Page

Abstract Chemical signals can play important roles in communication, and this is especially true for social mammals such as bats. Male fringe-lipped bats (Trachops cirrhosus) produce an odorous substance on their forearm, called forearm crust. Only adult males with descended testes produce forearm crust. This is thus a sexually dimorphic odour, which suggests that it is a sexually selected trait. Since males lack a specific gland on their forearm we sought to identify the source of the forearm crust. Our second aim was to test female and male preference for this trait. Based on gas chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses we tentatively identified several compounds that were exclusive to the forearm crust. We found that the chemical composition of the forearm crust was not mainly composed of chest gland secretions or urine. We conducted a y-maze odour preference experiment to test whether adult females and reproductive males preferred the odour of a male with forearm crust compared to the odour of a male without forearm crust. Contrary to our prediction we found that females did not approach the scent of a male with forearm crust more frequently than the scent of male without forearm crust. We found that males with forearm crust, however, preferred the odour of males without forearm crust. Overall our results suggest that in this Neotropical bat species, reproductive males could use odorous signals in the forearm crust to mediate interactions between reproductive males and potentially avoid costly competition for mates or aggression. In sum, our results shed light on the role that chemical mediated signals can play in mammalian social behaviour.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Nuke Devi Indrawati

Servicitis Cronica is an early stage of cervical cancer, which is a cancer that is developing organ in Indonesia. If Servicitis Cronica can be prevented earlier, the likelihood of cervical cancer incidence can be reduced significantly (long term).The type of analytic study with a total sample of 116 women of childbearing age.Parity variables, family planning and education are the only two variables, namely parity (0,012) and KB (0,035) because its significance is less than <0,05. The most influential variable is the parity variable because the smallest signification is 0.012.Keywords: servicitis cronica, IVA test, Female Age Fertile

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