tropical freshwaters
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Bio-Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 1277-1285
Bartholomew Okwudilichukwu Udeh ◽  
Nkechinyere Onyekwere Nweze

The microalgae and physicochemical parameters of floodwater of Omasi rice field in Anambra State, Nigeria were studied. Samples for the studies were collected at monthly intervals. The microalgae were studied using light microscopy and identified with taxonomic keys, text books and photograph materials from the internet. The physicochemical parameters and coliform content of the floodwater were analysed using the methods described by the American Public Health Association. Simple means of the parameters and percentages of the algal populations were calculated, while Pearson correlation (p ≤ 0.05) was used to check for significance of the relationships between the investigated parameters. A total of 12 algal taxa belonging to Chlorophyta (48.99%), Cyanophyta (32.89%), Euglenophyta (10.07%), and Bacillariophyceae (8.05%) were recorded in decreasing order of abundance. Water temperature ranged from 26-38 °C with mean of 33.3 ± 2.56 °C; colour ranged from 15-175 Hazen units with mean of 86.25 ± 33.19 Hazen units; depth of water ranged from 7-10.5 cm with mean of 9.38 ± 0.8 cm. Ranges of nitrates and phosphates with their respective means were 0.5-1.8 mg/l (0.86±0.31 mg/l) and 0.79-1.96 mg/l (1.18±0.28 mg/l). Omasi rice field supported the growth of diverse algal groups and species; this may be as a result of available nutrients and good climate as can be deduced from the correlation analyses. Omasi rice field is typical of tropical freshwaters and some tropical rice fields that have been studied in terms of microalgal diversities and some physicochemistry

2021 ◽  
Lucas Lopes Caldas ◽  
Evaldo Espíndola ◽  
Raquel Moreira ◽  
Andrea Novelli

Abstract The identification of drugs in aquatic environments, particularly in surface waters, has generated concerns about their potential toxic effects on the aquatic biota. In this study we evaluated the acute (immobility) and chronic (survival and reproduction) effects of the drugs caffeine, diclofenac sodium salt, ketoprofen, paracetamol and salicylic acid on the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia silvestrii. The environmental risks of these substances for tropical freshwaters were estimated from the risk quotient MEC/PNEC. Sensitivity in acute exposures varied up on the drug as follows: salicylic acid (EC50 = 69.15 mg L− 1) < caffeine (EC50 = 45.94 mg L− 1) < paracetamol (EC50 = 34.49 mg L− 1) < ketoprofen (EC50 = 24.84 mg L− 1) < diclofenac sodium salt (EC50 = 14.59 mg L− 1). Chronic toxicity data showed negative effects of the drugs on reproduction. Paracetamol and salicylic acid caused reduction in fecundity in concentrations starting from 10 mg L− 1 and 35 mg L− 1, respectively. Ketoprofen caused total inhibition at 5 mg L− 1. MEC/PNEC values were relatively low for all drugs. The risk was estimated as low or insignificant, except for caffeine, whose MEC/PNEC value was greater than 1 (moderate risk). Although the concentrations of the drugs that showed a toxic effect on C. silvestrii are still above the detected in the aquatic environment, long-term exposures and the evaluation of other endpoints, may result in potential environmental risks, therefore, they need to be studied. This knowledge is important, as up to now there are neither established limit values or guidelines to control the elimination of drugs in freshwater in Brazil and other countries in tropical regions.

Hydrobiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 848 (4) ◽  
pp. 943-960
Rayane F. Vanderley ◽  
Kemal A. Ger ◽  
Vanessa Becker ◽  
Maria Gabriela T. A. Bezerra ◽  
Renata Panosso

AbstractWhile warming and eutrophication have increased the frequency and magnitude of harmful cyanobacterial blooms globally, the scenario for many eutrophic tropical freshwaters is a perennial year-round bloom. Yet, the drivers of persistent blooms are less understood when conditions such as light, temperature, and nutrients favor cyanobacteria growth year-round, and especially in regions facing recurrent periods of drought. In order to understand the drivers of cyanobacteria dominance, we assessed the abiotic conditions related to the abundance and dominance of the two dominant bloom-forming genera Raphidiopsis and Microcystis, in six shallow, man-made lakes located in the semiarid Northeastern region of Brazil during a prolonged regional drought. Lower water level corresponded to increased phosphorous and nitrogen concentration and, consequently, phytoplankton biomass. Cyanobacterial biomass was also proportional to phosphorus concentrations during year-round blooms. Yet, the two dominant cyanobacterial genera, Raphidiopsis and Microcystis, seldom co-occurred temporally and the switch between them was driven by water transparency. Our results illustrate the effects of drought induced water level reductions on the biomass and composition of cyanobacterial blooms in tropical shallow man-made lakes. Given the ideal year-round conditions (i.e., high light and temperature), droughts may be expected to intensify the risk and multitude of problems associated with eutrophication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 716 ◽  
pp. 137044 ◽  
Regina Lúcia Guimarães Nobre ◽  
Adriano Caliman ◽  
Camila Rodrigues Cabral ◽  
Fernando de Carvalho Araújo ◽  
Joris Guérin ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Hind Alzaylaee ◽  
Rupert A. Collins ◽  
Asilatu Shechonge ◽  
Benjamin P. Ngatunga ◽  
Eric R. Morgan ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Nafisa Azmuda ◽  
Md. Fakruddin ◽  
Sirajul Islam Khan ◽  
Nils-Kåre Birkeland

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli

Abstract We are living a growing worldwide process of degrading the bases of sustaining life. In Brazil, this threat is intensified by the growing fragility of environmental protection structures. Ecological restoration is an alternative to face the degradation of aquatic environments. It has been employed on a larger scale in the developed regions of the planet, but with little convincing results. In Brazil, the experiences are few and specific, limited mainly by complexity and costs. It is necessary to think in a more agile way and act within the possibilities. The restoration with its classic strategies should give way to an “urgent restoration”. This approach considers that we have the basic ecological information and professionals able to act in the resumption of control of the ecological processes that have been altered. Restoration in the condition of urgency implies beginning to think of protection, as a first step, turning attention to the management of the watershed. The way to regain control of the process where it was lost is the integrated management that involves the rational use and protection of the ecosystem. Brazil’s commitment to the Paris climate agreement to restore 12 million hectares of forests and the restoration liabilities on private properties because of the recent Native Vegetation Protection Law are excellent opportunities to act in the integrated management of the river basin and to promote the protection of freshwaters by the restoration of native forests. The restoration of tropical freshwaters and especially the Brazilian ones is something urgent. However, possible solutions must be thought of and can only be constructed when one get involved most people related to the issue. The idea to be nurtured is that restoration involves thinking about the watershed because the threats are beyond the aquatic environment itself, the restoration then also needs to go beyond the aquatic environment itself.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
Marina Isabela Bessa da Silva ◽  
Déborah Maria de Oliveira ◽  
Luciana Pena Mello Brandão ◽  
Francisco Antônio Rodrigues Barbosa ◽  
Paulina Maria Maia-Barbosa

Abstract Aim Temperature and light have been recognized as important factors for ephippia hatching in temperate and tropical freshwater systems. Oddly some authors suggested that decapsulation of resting eggs would be a pro when it comes to ex situ hatching studies, exposing those eggs to a greater amount of light. This study aimed to compare the difference in the hatching rate between resting eggs decapsulated and intact ephippia of Daphnia laevis, a zooplankton that occurs at lakes, in tropical freshwaters (Cladocera). Methods The ephippia used in this work were collected at the sediment of a reservoir, in Belo Horizonte city (Minas Gerais, Brazil). We set up the laboratory experiment with two distinct groups: intact ephippia and decapsulated resting eggs. For that, we manually decapsulated 120 ephippia and kept 120 others intact (six replicas with 20 ephippia each), then incubated them all with culture water at 22ºC (12h photoperiod) for 30 days with daily monitoring. Results The results showed that decapsulation influenced negatively the hatching success, as the intact ephippia had a hatching rate of 22%, while those decapsulated only had 6%. In addition, Daphnia hatchlings were observed for intact ephippia group up to the twenty-seventh day, while for the decapsulated the last hatching occurred on the tenth day. Decapsulated eggs are subject to high exposure to light and it may jeopardize the embryo development. Conclusions In this context, we suggest that removing the protective capsule from the eggs needs to be done with caution, since in some species this can damage the resting eggs, which alters the viability and compromise the accuracy of the hatching rates studies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 327 ◽  
Silvia E. Plaul ◽  
Claudio G. Barbeito ◽  
Alcira O. Díaz

The Neotropical catfish Corydoras paleatus is a facultative air-breather and the caudal half of the intestine is involved in gas exchange. In South America, air-breathing fishes are found in tropical or sub-tropical freshwaters where the probability of hypoxia is high. The aim of this study was to characterize by traditional histochemical and lectinhistochemical methods the pattern of carbohydrate in the intestinal mucosa. Intestine samples were taken from 25 healthy adult specimens collected in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Samples were fixed by immersion in 10 % buffered formalin and routinely processed and embedded in paraffin wax. Subsequently, these sections were incubated in the biotinylated lectins battery. Labeled Streptavidin-Biotin (LSAB) system was used for detection, diaminobenzidine as chromogen and haematoxylin as a contrast. To locate and distinguish glycoconjugates (GCs) of the globet cells, we used the following histochemical methods: PAS; PAS*S; KOH/PA*S; PA/Bh/KOH/PAS; KOH/PA*/Bh/PAS; Alcian Blue and Toluidine Blue at different pHs. Microscopically, the general structure of vertebrate intestine was observed and showed all the cell types characteristic of the intestinal epithelium. The cranial sector of catfish intestine is a site of digestion and absorption and its structure is similar to other fish groups. In contrast, enterocytes of the caudal portion are low cuboidal cells; and between these, globet cells and capillaries are observed, these latter may reach the mucosal lumen. Underlying the epithelium, observed a well-developed lamina propria-submucosa made of connective tissue; this layer was highly vascularized and did not exhibit glands. According to histochemistry, the diverse GCs elaborated and secreted in the intestine are associated with specific functions in relation to their physiological significance, with special reference to their role in lubrication, buffering effect and prevention of proteolytic damage to the epithelium together with other biological processes, such as osmoregulation and ion exchange. The lectinhistochemical analysis of the intestinal mucosa reveals the presence of terminal residues of glucose, mannose and galactose. In conclusion, this study has shown that GCs synthesized in the intestine of C. paleatus exhibit a high level of histochemical complexity and that the lectin binding pattern of the intestinal mucosa is characteristic of each species and the variations are related with the multiple functions performed by the mucus in the digestive tract. The information generated here may be a relevant biological tool for comparing and analyzing the possible glycosidic changes in the intestinal mucus under different conditions, such as changes in diet or different pathological stages.

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