enhancer detection
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 3079
Xuechen Mu ◽  
Yueying Wang ◽  
Meiyu Duan ◽  
Shuai Liu ◽  
Fei Li ◽  

Enhancers are short genomic regions exerting tissue-specific regulatory roles, usually for remote coding regions. Enhancers are observed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, and their detections facilitate a better understanding of the transcriptional regulation mechanism. The accurate detection and transcriptional regulation strength evaluation of the enhancers remain a major bioinformatics challenge. Most of the current studies utilized the statistical features of short fixed-length nucleotide sequences. This study introduces the location information of each k-mer (SeqPose) into the encoding strategy of a DNA sequence and employs the attention mechanism in the two-layer bi-directional long-short term memory (BD-LSTM) model (spEnhancer) for the enhancer detection problem. The first layer of the delivered classifier discriminates between enhancers and non-enhancers, and the second layer evaluates the transcriptional regulation strength of the detected enhancer. The SeqPose-encoded features are selected by the Chi-squared test, and 45 positions are removed from further analysis. The existing studies may focus on selecting the statistical DNA sequence descriptors with large contributions to the prediction models. This study does not utilize these statistical DNA sequence descriptors. Then the word vector of the SeqPose-encoded features is obtained by using the word embedding layer. This study hypothesizes that different word vector features may contribute differently to the enhancer detection model, and assigns different weights to these word vectors through the attention mechanism in the BD-LSTM model. The previous study generously provided the training and independent test datasets, and the proposed spEnhancer is compared with the three existing state-of-the-art studies using the same experimental procedure. The leave-one-out validation data on the training dataset shows that the proposed spEnhancer achieves similar detection performances as the three existing studies. While spEnhancer achieves the best overall performance metric MCC for both of the two binary classification problems on the independent test dataset. The experimental data shows that the strategy of removing redundant positions (SeqPose) may help improve the DNA sequence-based prediction models. spEnhancer may serve well as a complementary model to the existing studies, especially for the novel query enhancers that are not included in the training dataset.

2018 ◽  
Vol 115 (37) ◽  
pp. 9074-9079 ◽  
George Haller ◽  
Daniel Karrasch ◽  
Florian Kogelbauer

We seek transport barriers and transport enhancers as material surfaces across which the transport of diffusive tracers is minimal or maximal in a general, unsteady flow. We find that such surfaces are extremizers of a universal, nondimensional transport functional whose leading-order term in the diffusivity can be computed directly from the flow velocity. The most observable (uniform) transport extremizers are explicitly computable as null surfaces of an objective transport tensor. Even in the limit of vanishing diffusivity, these surfaces differ from all previously identified coherent structures for purely advective fluid transport. Our results extend directly to stochastic velocity fields and hence enable transport barrier and enhancer detection under uncertainties.

2018 ◽  
Roberto Lozano ◽  
Gregory T. Booth ◽  
Bilan Yonis Omar ◽  
Bo Li ◽  
Edward S. Buckler ◽  

AbstractPromoter-proximal pausing and divergent transcription at promoters and enhancers, which are prominent features in animals, have been reported to be absent in plants based on a study of Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, our PRO-Seq analysis in cassava (Manihot esculenta) identified peaks of transcriptionally-engaged RNA polymerase II (Pol2) at both 5’ and 3’ ends of genes, consistent with paused or slowly-moving Pol2, and divergent transcription at potential intragenic enhancers. A full genome search for bi-directional transcription using an algorithm for enhancer detection developed in mammals (dREG) identified many enhancer candidates. These sites show distinct patterns of methylation and nucleotide variation based on genomic evolutionary rate profiling characteristic of active enhancers. Maize GRO-Seq data showed RNA polymerase occupancy at promoters and enhancers consistent with cassava but not Arabidopsis. Furthermore, putative enhancers in maize identified by dREG significantly overlapped with sites previously identified on the basis of open chromatin, histone marks, and methylation. We show that SNPs within these divergently transcribed intergenic regions predict significantly more variation in fitness and root composition than SNPs in chromosomal segments randomly ascertained from the same intergenic distribution, suggesting a functional importance of these sites on cassava. The findings shed new light on plant transcription regulation and its impact on development and plasticity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 113 (23) ◽  
pp. 6508-6513 ◽  
Emma K. Farley ◽  
Katrina M. Olson ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Daniel S. Rokhsar ◽  
Michael S. Levine

Transcriptional enhancers are short segments of DNA that switch genes on and off in response to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic signals. Despite the discovery of the first enhancer more than 30 y ago, the relationship between primary DNA sequence and enhancer activity remains obscure. In particular, the importance of “syntax” (the order, orientation, and spacing of binding sites) is unclear. A high-throughput screen identified synthetic notochord enhancers that are activated by the combination of ZicL and ETS transcription factors in Ciona embryos. Manipulation of these enhancers elucidated a “regulatory code” of sequence and syntax features for notochord-specific expression. This code enabled in silico discovery of bona fide notochord enhancers, including those containing low-affinity binding sites that would be excluded by standard motif identification methods. One of the newly identified enhancers maps upstream of the known enhancer that regulates Brachyury (Ci-Bra), a key determinant of notochord specification. This newly identified Ci-Bra shadow enhancer contains binding sites with very low affinity, but optimal syntax, and therefore mediates surprisingly strong expression in the notochord. Weak binding sites are compensated by optimal syntax, whereas enhancers containing high-affinity binding affinities possess suboptimal syntax. We suggest this balance has obscured the importance of regulatory syntax, as noncanonical binding motifs are typically disregarded by enhancer detection methods. As a result, enhancers with low binding affinities but optimal syntax may be a vastly underappreciated feature of the regulatory genome.

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Reiko Yoshida ◽  
Yasunori Sasakura

2011 ◽  
Vol 108 (39) ◽  
pp. 16339-16344 ◽  
D. A. O'Brochta ◽  
R. T. Alford ◽  
K. L. Pilitt ◽  
C. U. Aluvihare ◽  
R. A. Harrell

2009 ◽  
Vol 238 (9) ◽  
pp. 2409-2417 ◽  
José Bessa ◽  
Juan J. Tena ◽  
Elisa de la Calle-Mustienes ◽  
Ana Fernández-Miñán ◽  
Silvia Naranjo ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 237 (10) ◽  
pp. 3098-3098 ◽  
Beena Punnamoottil ◽  
Hiroshi Kikuta ◽  
Guillaume Pezeron ◽  
Jelena Erceg ◽  
Thomas S. Becker ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 237 (9) ◽  
pp. 2594-2603 ◽  
Anna Z. Komisarczuk ◽  
Stefanie Topp ◽  
Christian Stigloher ◽  
Marika Kapsimali ◽  
Laure Bally-Cuif ◽  

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