membrane protein complexes
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Hongwei Chu ◽  
Qun Zhao ◽  
Ju Liu ◽  
Kaiguang Yang ◽  
Yanlei Wang ◽  

Jan Lambertz ◽  
Pasqual Liauw ◽  
Julian P. Whitelegge ◽  
Marc M. Nowaczyk

AbstractThe assembly of large, multi-cofactor membrane protein complexes like photosystem II (PSII) requires a high level of coordination. The process is facilitated by a large network of auxiliary proteins that bind transiently to unassembled subunits, preassembled modules or intermediate states of PSII, which are comprised of a subset of subunits. However, analysis of these immature, partially assembled PSII complexes is hampered by their low abundance and intrinsic instability. In this study, PSII was purified from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus via Twin-Strep-tagged CP43 and further separated by ion exchange chromatography into mature and immature complexes. Mass spectrometry analysis of the immature Psb27-PSII intermediate revealed six different Psb27 proteoforms with distinct lipid modifications. The maturation and functional role of thylakoid localized lipoproteins are discussed.

2021 ◽  
M. I. Islam ◽  
J. H. Bae ◽  
T Ishida ◽  
P Ridone ◽  
J Lin ◽  

The bacterial flagellar motor (BFM) is a protein complex that confers motility to cells and contributes to survival and virulence. The BFM consists of stators that are ion-selective membrane protein complexes and a rotor that directly connects to a large filament, acting as a propeller. The stator complexes couple ion transit across the membrane to torque that drives rotation of the motor. The most common ion gradients that drive BFM rotation are protons (H + ) and sodium ions (Na + ). The sodium-powered stators, like those in the PomAPomB stator complex of Vibrio spp, can be inhibited by sodium channel inhibitors, in particular, by phenamil, a potent and widely used inhibitor. However, relatively few new sodium-motility inhibitors have been described since the discovery of phenamil. In this study, we characterised two possible motility inhibitors HM2-16F and BB2-50F from a small library of previously reported amiloride derivatives. We used three approaches: effect on rotation of tethered cells, effect on free swimming bacteria and effect on rotation of marker beads. We showed that both HM2-16F and BB2-50F stopped rotation of tethered cells driven by Na + motors comparable to phenamil at matching concentrations, and could also stop rotation of tethered cells driven by H + motors. Bead measurements in presence and absence of stators confirmed that the compounds did not inhibit rotation via direct association with the stator, in contrast to the established mode of action of phenamil. Overall, HM2-16F and BB2-50F stopped swimming in both Na + and H + stator types, and in pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. Importance: Here we characterised two novel amiloride derivatives in the search for antimicrobial compounds that target bacterial motility. Our two compounds were shown to inhibit flagellar motility at 10 μM across multiple strains, from non-pathogenic E. coli with flagellar rotation driven by proton or chimeric sodium-powered stators, to proton-powered pathogenic E. coli (EHEC/UPEC) and lastly in sodium-powered Vibrio alginolyticus . Broad anti-motility compounds such as these are important tools in our efforts control virulence of pathogens in health and agricultural settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (16) ◽  
pp. 9060 ◽  
Yichen Ju ◽  
Haocheng Bai ◽  
Linzhu Ren ◽  
Liying Zhang

The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) system consists of peripheral membrane protein complexes ESCRT-0, -I, -II, -III VPS4-VTA1, and ALIX homodimer. This system plays an important role in the degradation of non-essential or dangerous plasma membrane proteins, the biogenesis of lysosomes and yeast vacuoles, the budding of most enveloped viruses, and promoting membrane shedding of cytokinesis. Recent results show that exosomes and the ESCRT pathway play important roles in virus infection. This review mainly focuses on the roles of exosomes and the ESCRT pathway in virus assembly, budding, and infection of enveloped viruses. The elaboration of the mechanism of exosomes and the ESCRT pathway in some enveloped viruses provides important implications for the further study of the infection mechanism of other enveloped viruses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (34) ◽  
pp. e2105014118
Chancievan Thangaratnarajah ◽  
Jan Rheinberger ◽  
Cristina Paulino ◽  
Dirk J. Slotboom

Energy-coupling factor (ECF)–type transporters are small, asymmetric membrane protein complexes (∼115 kDa) that consist of a membrane-embedded, substrate-binding protein (S component) and a tripartite ATP-hydrolyzing module (ECF module). They import micronutrients into bacterial cells and have been proposed to use a highly unusual transport mechanism, in which the substrate is dragged across the membrane by a toppling motion of the S component. However, it remains unclear how the lipid bilayer could accommodate such a movement. Here, we used cryogenic electron microscopy at 200 kV to determine structures of a folate-specific ECF transporter in lipid nanodiscs and detergent micelles at 2.7- and 3.4-Å resolution, respectively. The structures reveal an irregularly shaped bilayer environment around the membrane-embedded complex and suggest that toppling of the S component is facilitated by protein-induced membrane deformations. In this way, structural remodeling of the lipid bilayer environment is exploited to guide the transport process.

2021 ◽  
Md Imtiaz Islam ◽  
Joonhyung Bae ◽  
Tsubasa Ishida ◽  
Pietro Ridone ◽  
Jason Lin ◽  

The bacterial flagellar motor (BFM) is a protein complex that confers motility to cells and contributes to survival and virulence. The BFM consists of stators that are ion-selective membrane protein complexes and a rotor that directly connects to a large filament, acting as a propeller. The stator complexes couple ion transit across the membrane to torque that drives rotation of the motor. The most common ion gradients that drive BFM rotation are protons (H+) and sodium ions (Na+). The sodium-powered stators, like those in the PomAPomB stator complex of Vibrio spp, can be inhibited by sodium channel inhibitors, in particular, by phenamil, a potent and widely used inhibitor. However, relatively few new sodium-motility inhibitors have been described since the discovery of phenamil. In this study, we discovered two motility inhibitors HM2-16F and BB2-50F from a small library of previously reported amiloride derivatives. Using a tethered cell assay, we showed that both HM2-16F and BB2-50F had inhibition comparable to that of phenamils on Na+ driven motors at matching concentrations, with an additional ability to inhibit rotation in H+ driven motors. The two compounds did not exhibit adverse effects on bacterial growth at the motility-inhibiting concentration of 10 uM, however toxicity was seen for BB2-50F at 100 uM. We performed higher resolution measurements to examine rotation inhibition at moderate (1 um polystyrene bead) and low loads (60 nm gold bead) and in both the presence and absence of stators. These measurements suggested that the compounds did not inhibit rotation via direct association with the stator, in contrast to the established mode of action of phenamil. Overall, HM2-16F and BB2-50F showed reversible inhibition of motility across a range of loads, in both Na+ and H+ stator types, and in pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1862 (3) ◽  
pp. 148347
Olena I. Korotych ◽  
Thao T. Nguyen ◽  
Brandon C. Reagan ◽  
Tessa M. Burch-Smith ◽  
Barry D. Bruce

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mi Ke ◽  
Xiao Yuan ◽  
An He ◽  
Peiyuan Yu ◽  
Wendong Chen ◽  

AbstractSignaling complexes are often organized in a spatiotemporal manner and on a minute timescale. Proximity labeling based on engineered ascorbate peroxidase APEX2 pioneered in situ capture of spatiotemporal membrane protein complexes in living cells, but its application to cytosolic proteins remains limited due to the high labeling background. Here, we develop proximity labeling probes with increased labeling selectivity. These probes, in combination with label-free quantitative proteomics, allow exploring cytosolic protein assemblies such as phosphotyrosine-mediated protein complexes formed in response to minute-scale EGF stimulation. As proof-of-concept, we systematically profile the spatiotemporal interactome of the EGFR signaling component STS1. For STS1 core complexes, our proximity proteomics approach shows comparable performance to affinity purification-mass spectrometry-based temporal interactome profiling, while also capturing additional—especially endosomally-located—protein complexes. In summary, we provide a generic approach for exploring the interactome of mobile cytosolic proteins in living cells at a temporal resolution of minutes.

Burak V. Kabasakal ◽  
Qiyang Jiang ◽  
Christiane Schaffitzel

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