decisive test
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2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
George I. Christopoulos ◽  
Ying-yi Hong

Abstract The multicultural experience (i.e., multicultural individuals and cross-cultural experiences) offers the intriguing possibility for (i) an empirical examination of how free-energy principles explain dynamic cultural behaviors and pragmatic cultural phenomena and (ii) a challenging but decisive test of thinking through other minds (TTOM) predictions. We highlight that TTOM needs to treat individuals as active cultural agents instead of passive learners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 487 (2) ◽  
pp. 1653-1661 ◽  
Indranil Banik ◽  
Pavel Kroupa

ABSTRACT The wide binary orbit of Proxima Centauri around α Centauri A and B differs significantly between Newtonian and Milgromian dynamics (MOND). By combining previous calculations of this effect with mock observations generated using a Monte Carlo procedure, we show that this prediction can be tested using high precision astrometry of Proxima Centauri. This requires ≈10 yr of observations at an individual epoch precision of $0.5 \, \mu\rm as$, within the design specifications of the proposed Theia mission. In general, the required duration should scale as the 2/5 power of the astrometric precision. A long-period planet could produce a MOND-like astrometric signal, but only if it has a particular ratio of mass to separation squared and a sky position close to the line segment connecting Proxima Centauri with α Centauri. Uncertainties in perspective effects should be small enough for this test if the absolute radial velocity of Proxima Centauri can be measured to within ≈10 m s−1, better than the present accuracy of 32 m s−1. We expect the required improvement to become feasible using radial velocity zero-points estimated from larger samples of close binaries, with the Sun providing an anchor. We demonstrate that possible astrometric microlensing of Proxima Centauri is unlikely to affect the results. We also discuss why it should be possible to find sufficiently astrometrically stable reference stars. Adequately, addressing these and other issues would enable a decisive test of gravity in the currently little explored low acceleration regime relevant to the dynamical discrepancies in galactic outskirts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (8) ◽  
pp. 1599-1616 ◽  
Feng Mai ◽  
Matthew W. Ford ◽  
James R. Evans

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to overcome evaluative limitations of previous studies to provide a more decisive test of the causal relationships implied in the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (CPE) using a unique data source. Design/methodology/approach The authors employ partial least squares path modeling on blinded scoring data from Baldrige Award applicants. In addition, the authors conduct multi-group analysis to examine whether the hypothesized causal model is universal across different industry sectors. Findings The path analysis provided strong support for the CPE framework in its entirety. However, analysis of sector-specific subsets of the data did not confirm all relationships, suggesting the possibility of industry-dependent performance excellence frameworks and raising new research questions to be explored. Practical implications This research offers several pertinent implications for managers who seek to translate the theoretical CPE framework to actionable quality-improvement efforts. Originality/value CPE operationalizes many total quality management (TQM) concepts and provides guidelines to TQM programs. This study validates the CPE framework using the most relevant data set to date – the applicant scoring data. The authors are also the first to investigate the cross-industry differences in the relationships between the CPE constructs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-323
Paolo Scolari

Le molteplici osservazioni di Nietzsche intorno al corpo rappresentano senza dubbio uno snodo ermeneutico fondamentale nell’ambito della riflessione morale sul tema della corporeità. Al tempo stesso, la ricostruzione del suo pensiero su questo delicato argomento va a costituire un banco di prova decisivo per ripensare criticamente la ragione, provando a rivedere la sua posizione all’interno del mondo dell’umano. Il leitmotiv del corpo lega ben salde fra loro le aspre critiche che Nietzsche rivolge alla civiltà occidentale, la quale, da Socrate in poi, ha visto il predominio di una razionalità astratta e calcolante ai danni di una ragione incarnata e più umana. Dagli scritti giovanili a quelli della maturità, dallo Zarathustra agli ultimi pamphlet polemici, passando per la miriade dei frammenti postumi. Disseminato in quasi tutte le sue opere e spalmato su un arco temporale di quasi vent’anni, il suo interesse per la dimensione corporea dell’umano non perde mai di tensione. ---------- Nietzsche’s various observations about the body represent without a doubt a fundamental hermeneutic crossroad in the area of the moral reflection on the topic of corporeity. At the same time, the reconstruction of his thought on this delicate subject constitutes a decisive test bed to critically re-think reason, seeking to review its position within the world of the humane. The leitmotif of the body firmly binds to one another the harsh critiques which Nietzsche moves to the Western civilisation, which, from Socrates onward, saw the dominance of an abstract and calculating form of rationality, to the detriment of an incarnated and more humane reason. From the early writings to the mature ones, from the Zarathustra to the late polemical pamphlets, through the myriad posthumous fragments. Scattered around almost all of his works and stretching over almost twenty years, Nietzsche’s interest in the corporeal dimension of the humane never drops tension.

2017 ◽  
Vol 146 (16) ◽  
pp. 164905 ◽  
Ferenc Horkay ◽  
Kengo Nishi ◽  
Mitsuhiro Shibayama

2017 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 1760013
Jonas P. Pereira

We review and emphasize the importance of the Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (STEP) in probing one of the most successful and popular alternative theories to dark matter known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), on Earth. This would be achieved with no modification of STEP’s current design and sensitivity and if MOND exists STEP could in principle easily detect it.

2013 ◽  
Vol 111 (18) ◽  
Adam Bzdak ◽  
Vladimir Skokov

2005 ◽  
Vol 606 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 139-144 ◽  
A. Kupčo ◽  
C. Royon ◽  
R. Peschanski

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