typical composition
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2021 ◽  
pp. 118-133
N. M. Kropocheva

On the basis of the content analysis of substantial filling of repositories of participating libraries of network of educational libraries, key indicators of activity of library institutions of institutions of the higher pedagogical education in the context of respect for the principles of open science are considered. Scientific metrics of the above principles are given, determining scientific searches in line with differentiation of the typical composition of the institutional repository digital content in accordance with the following requirements: determination of quantitative indicators of scientific and educational materials loaded into repositories; Establishing the structure of funds, sub-funds, thematic collections and institutional repositories; Identification of their distribution on the Internet. On the basis of the established sample of libraries of higher educational institutions, general statistical indicators of the typical content of institutional repositories are established and presented. The activities of scientific libraries of higher educational institutions in the process of improving the presentation of user and analytical services in the content, which will promote published documents, will make it possible to monitor the number of views and downloads of documents in institutional repositories. Viewing the web pages of institutional repositories of libraries confirmed the author’s statement: library structures form and technologically accompany the process of meaningful formation of institutional repositories by means of developing thematic electronic collections, expanding the base of educational resources and recording the results of scientific research in the public domain. So, in the structure of information support for training and scientific research in institutions of higher pedagogical education carried out by library structures, we observe two innovative trends: traditional communication channels of perception of the library institution are expanded in accordance with modern requirements and principles of open science, in particular, through an increase in the typical composition of digital content and a modification of the information and analytical range of activities of scientific libraries of institutions of higher pedagogical education.

2021 ◽  
Mainak Saha

Worldwide steel production has increased by about 25% in the last 10 years. Much of the growth has occurred in China, India, and other developing countries. In the context of Indian steel plants, much of the growth has been through BF-BOF(90%) followed by a number of other routes DRI-EAF, COREX route e.t.c. The paper is aimed at discussing the typical composition of the charge which may lead to reduction in charge requirements of HIsmelt iron-making process in Indian context, in case of HIsmelt process.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 754
Yupeng Wu ◽  
Hui Fang ◽  
Jiping Wen ◽  
Juping Wang ◽  
Tianwen Cao ◽  

In this study, the complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of Hestina persimilis and Hestinalis nama (Nymphalidae: Apaturinae)were acquired. The mitogenomes of H. persimilis and H. nama are 15,252 bp and 15,208 bp in length, respectively. These two mitogenomes have the typical composition, including 37 genes and a control region. The start codons of the protein-coding genes (PCGs) in the two mitogenomes are the typical codon pattern ATN, exceptCGA in the cox1 gene. Twenty-one tRNA genes show a typical clover leaf structure, however, trnS1(AGN) lacks the dihydrouridine (DHU) stem. The secondary structures of rrnL and rrnS of two species were predicted, and there are several new stem loops near the 5’ of rrnL secondary structure. Based on comparative genomic analysis, four similar conservative structures can be found in the control regions of these two mitogenomes. The phylogenetic analyses were performed on mitogenomes of Nymphalidae. The phylogenetic trees show that the relationships among Nymphalidae are generally identical to previous studies, as follows: Libytheinae\Danainae + ((Calinaginae + Satyrinae) + Danainae\Libytheinae + ((Heliconiinae + Limenitidinae) + (Nymphalinae + (Apaturinae + Biblidinae)))). Hestinalisnama isapart fromHestina, andclosely related to Apatura, forming monophyly.

Sławomir Żak ◽  
Terese Rauckyte-Żak

AbstractThis paper presents results of the research carried out on a system made to pretreat the effluents produced in water treatment of dirty surfaces of railway transportation means (RTMs) mainly G, H, T and incidental F classes of rolling stock according to the International Union of Railways (IURs). The installation was designed for coagulation–flocculation pretreatment of wastewater with flow accelator reactor (AR) in total amount of up to 75.0 m3 day−1. The raw wastewater (RW) was characterized by a significant diversity of loads: TSS (total suspended solids), TDS (total dissolved solids), COD & BOD5 (chemical & biochemical oxygen demand) and periodically it had extremely different colors, Ta (turbidity) and EE (etheric extract). The application of two-stage, coupled acid-alkali or alkaline-acid coagulation using aluminum coagulants with final flocculation and phase separation in the system implemented in practice to treat the wastewater of statistically typical composition, usually allowed to removal, accordingly: EE & TSS > 99% and to eliminate completely color and Ta. However, COD and BOD5 were removal at different levels, depending on both initial concentrations and chemical composition of load pools registered in the RW, and a type of coagulation used. The use of pre-oxidation with aqueous solutions of hydrogen peroxide or peracetic acid coupled with coagulation based only on aluminum coagulants helps to achieve equal levels of removal of the basic indicator values and a sanitary clean stream of pretreated wastewater (PW) with a colony forming unit (CFU) of <100 ml−1.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Serhii Kovalenko ◽  
Sergeу Herasimov ◽  
Andriy Volkov ◽  
Serhii Korsunov ◽  
Mykola Oboronov

An urgent issue of modern local conflicts is the substantiation of the ability of air defense units to carry out their immediate tasks of providing air cover for ground forces. The solution to this issue is especially relevant in local conflicts, when the space in which it is necessary to perform the assigned task is stretched in width and depth. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for evaluating the effectiveness of ground forces cover by air defense units in new positional areas, which have changed in size in width and depth. The article proposes a model that makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of covering weapons and military equipment and infrastructure of ground forces by air defense units. The model was developed using the theory of probability. Conclusions. The proposed model involves the choice of a typical composition of internal and external sources of radar information, the direction of data exchange, the composition of the tasks of data processing, the formation of recommendations on the composition of the air defense team and their management. The developed model helps the commander of the air defense unit to evaluate the options for his structure, choose rational ones, with the best cover efficiency, and helps him make the right decision to repel air strikes. The model is proposed to be used in decision-making systems to help the commander make the right decision to cover ground units from the air. The proposed model will also be effective in automated decision-making systems.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 458
Suzanne R. Mulligan ◽  
Elissaios Stavrou ◽  
Stella Chariton ◽  
Oliver Tschauner ◽  
Ashkan Salamat ◽  

The equation of state (EoS) of a natural almandine74spessartine13pyrope10grossular3 garnet of a typical composition found in metamorphic rocks in Earth’s crust was obtained using single crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction under isothermal room temperature compression. A third-order Birch-Murnaghan EoS was fitted to P-V data and the results are compared with published EoS for iron, manganese, magnesium, and calcium garnet compositional end-members. This comparison reveals that ideal solid solution mixing can reproduce the EoS for this intermediate composition of garnet. Additionally, this new EoS was used to calculate geobarometry on a garnet sample from the same rock, which was collected from the Albion Mountains of southern Idaho. Quartz-in-garnet elastic geobarometry was used to calculate pressures of quartz inclusion entrapment using alternative methods of garnet mixing and both the hydrostatic and Grunëisen tensor approaches. QuiG barometry pressures overlap within uncertainty when calculated using EoS for pure end-member almandine, the weighted averages of end-member EoS, and the EoS presented in this study. Grunëisen tensors produce apparent higher pressures relative to the hydrostatic method, but with large uncertainties.

Mark Bonner ◽  
Oskar Franklin ◽  
Shun Hasegawa ◽  
Torgny Näsholm

Reliable manipulation of soil organic matter (SOM) – a necessity for optimal land management – is constrained by our limited mechanistic understanding of SOM formation. Here we add to existing frameworks a novel mechanistic element that may underpin SOM dynamics, based on evolutionary-ecological rather than chemical or physical limitations to decomposition. We argue that decomposition of some substrates may be ecologically constrained in mycelial fungi, evolutionarily constrained in co-operating bacteria, and geometrically constrained in unicellular microbes. We describe and test a mathematical model based on our framework, providing a proof-of-concept that substrate can plausibly be spared decomposition and accumulate even when it is physically and chemically accessible. Our framework can explain a variety of SOM dynamics, including priming and the suppression of decomposition by nitrogen addition, as well as the typical composition of SOM. An augmented mechanistic framework for understanding SOM dynamics can help guide targeted empirical study, which in turn can contribute to more optimised land management.

K.V. Kotkov ◽  
M.A. Minkin ◽  
M.I. Naryshkin ◽  
N.A. Nosov

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the directions of further development of the methodology of analytical design of antenna-feeder devices and systems in order to ensure the development of not only technical and design, but also technological solutions within the framework of a single design system. The analysis of the logic of the development of the methodology of analytical design of antenna-feeder systems allowed us to justify the relevance of the task of further improving this methodology by including technological solutions in the consideration. The nomenclature of materials and technologies used in the production of antenna-feeder systems, as well as the methodology of their design based on complex models, are considered. The typical composition of the antenna-feeder system and its decomposition are analyzed. The possibilities of estimating the influence of technological tolerances based on the use of the parametric sensitivity apparatus are investigated. The prospects for the development of methods for selecting technological solutions are justified and priority tasks in this direction are formulated. The proposed approach and justified priorities should form the basis for further research on the development of the methodology for analytical design of antenna-feeder systems.

2020 ◽  
Daniel Kaiser ◽  
Greta Häberle ◽  
Radoslaw M. Cichy

AbstractLooking for objects within complex natural environments is a task everybody performs multiple times each day. In this study, we explore how the brain uses the typical composition of real-world environments to efficiently solve this task. We recorded fMRI activity while participants performed two different categorization tasks on natural scenes. In the object task, they indicated whether the scene contained a person or a car, while in the scene task, they indicated whether the scene depicted an urban or a rural environment. Critically, each scene was presented in an “intact” way, preserving its coherent structure, or in a “jumbled” way, with information swapped across quadrants. In both tasks, participants’ categorization was more accurate and faster for intact scenes. These behavioral benefits were accompanied by stronger responses to intact than to jumbled scenes across high-level visual cortex. To track the amount of object information in visual cortex, we correlated multivoxel response patterns during the two categorization tasks with response patterns evoked by people and cars in isolation. We found that object information in object- and body-selective cortex was enhanced when the object was embedded in an intact, rather than a jumbled scene. However, this enhancement was only found in the object task: When participants instead categorized the scenes, object information did not differ between intact and jumbled scenes. Together, these results indicate that coherent scene structure facilitates the extraction of object information in a task-dependent way, suggesting that interactions between the object and scene processing pathways adaptively support behavioral goals.

Tekstualia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (62) ◽  
pp. 31-48
Anna Folta-Rusin

The article tries describes the characteristic features of the scientifi c review on the example of reviews of critical literary studies published in 2002–2019. The research perspective takes into account typical and variable properties of the review. The typical features: the composition corre-sponding with the composition of the work under discussion, the scientifi c style and the methods of evaluation, have been compared with selected cases where the unusual features of the meta-scientifi c text have been employed. The article takes into account the following atypical features: the violation of the stylistic convention of scientifi c discourse, the insertion of unusual components into a typical composition, the exposition of the reviewer’s research perspective on the subject. The article also identifi es the dominant models of scientifi c criticism in contemporary literary studies.

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