indicator measurement
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Economies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 145
Carlo Drago

The study of poverty and its quantification is a critical yet unresolved problem in social science. This work seeks to use a new composite indicator to assess poverty as a multidimensional concept. However, subjective decisions, such as various weighting systems on the indicator’s creation, may affect its perception. In order to solve this issue, we propose to use random different composite indicators based on simulated weightings and specifications to get a comprehensive interval-based composite indicator. Our method generates robust and trustworthy measurements based on a meaningful conceptual model of poverty. Furthermore, we use some interval parameters such as the upper bound, center, and lower bound to compare the different intervals related to the different statistical units and rankings to aid in analyzing extreme situations and policy scenarios. In Sicily, Calabria, Campania, and Puglia, we identify urgent circumstances. The findings reveal a consistent indicator measurement and the shadow sector’s influence on the final measurements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 109583
Yunpeng Liu ◽  
Li Han ◽  
Huan Zhao ◽  
Xianping Liu

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Emi Handrina

Services can basically be defined as the activity of a person or organization, either directly or indirectly to meet the needs. Services can be divided into services, goods and administrative services. Quality public services not only refers to the ministry alone, also emphasizes the process of conducting or distributing the service itself up into the hands of consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of the integrated administrative service districts (Patents) (studies at the District Office Eas Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh Kota Bukittinggi). This type of research that used in this research is descriptive using a quantitative approach to a study of an independent variable that is without compare or combine with other variables. Total population in this study of 750 people with an error rate of 10% (0.1), then the results can be obtained a sample of 88, calculated based on the formula Slovin. Techniques and tools of data collection using questionnaires and observation. Data analysis technique used in this study using quantitative descriptive technique using a Likert scale as a measuring tool in giving a score on each indicator measurement. The results based on the answers of the respondents indicate that there are no serious obstacles that can Patent implementation process at the District Office East Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh. Based on the results of this study can be used as a reference for the Eastern District office Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh can better support the creation of a vision and mission that has been made by the District Office East Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh (ABTB) Kota Bukittinggi.

Na Chen ◽  
Ming Zhao ◽  
Kun Gao ◽  
Jun Zhao

Safety signs play a very important role in people’s evacuation during emergencies. In order to explore the appropriate color for subway safety signs, four safety signs of different color combinations are designed, and the virtual reality, eye-tracking technology, and physiological indicator measurement are used in a virtual subway fire escape experiment. A total of 96 participants with equal distribution in gender and four different color combination groups were recruited. Participants’ eye-tracking and physiological data (heart rate, skin conductance) were real-time recorded through ErgoLAB V3.0 in the whole experiment. The relationship between Color_of_safety_sign and escape performance, eye-tracking indicators, and physiological indicators is discussed respectively through SPSS. The results show that “Green and black” group has the best evacuation escape performance, low cognitive load, high search efficiency on safety signs, and the highest stress level and immersion and “Green and black” can be the most appropriate color for safety sign. This research is of certain significance for improving the function of subway fire-fighting infrastructure and the resilience of the metro system. Moreover, it can provide references and advice on risk management, emergency evacuation, and so on.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Patrick Jagoret ◽  
Stéphane Saj ◽  
Aurélie Carimentrand

Combining mixed trees with cocoa trees in so-called cocoa agroforestry systems is emerging as a viable option for regenerating cocoa cropping in Africa. Pure cocoa crop stands currently prevail in these areas but are running out of steam. Technical solutions are therefore urgently needed to stabilize cocoa-growing areas, reduce pressure on forests and adapt to climate change. A balance can be struck in stands by combining cocoa trees with diverse trees chosen by farmers for their different uses, while maintaining a suitable and sustainable cocoa yield. Ecological services such as carbon storage and crop protection are co-benefits of this balance. Recent research in Cameroon highlights that cocoa agroforestry stands can be managed using a straightforward indicator—measurement of the basal area of cocoa trees and associated trees. This indicator could be adopted for sustainable cocoa production certification purposes, while the observed convergence between local know-how and scientific results could facilitate joint drawing up of technical recommendations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 49-53
P. V. Balabanov ◽  
I. V. Ryazanov

Filtering and absorbing products in the form of a plate and working under conditions of convective blowing with cleared air residual life indicator uncertainties of measurement analysis is carried out. It is shown that for 0.8 mm thick KO2-based sorbent plates at a relative humidity of 60…90 % and a CO2 concentration of 1…4 %, the main factor of the uncertainty of indirect measurement of the residual life indicator is the Biot parameter characterizing the conditions of heat transfer from the plate surface. It has been experimentally proven that for Biot parameter in the range of 0–0.08, this factor contributes up to 30 % in the total uncertainty.

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