mathematical discipline
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 131
José Carlos Piñero Charlo ◽  
Paula Ortega García ◽  
Sara Román García

In the particular case of Spain, student and teacher difficulties associated with the mathematical discipline have been evidenced in PISA and TEDS-M reports. As we consider that the teachers’ difficulties are connected to the students’ performance, we propose a multi-disciplinary approach to deliver specific didactic/mathematical knowledge to the trainee teachers. Such additional instruction shall be meaningfully connected to the real needs of the schools, so a service-learning approach is proposed here. In the present manuscript, the trainee teachers have co-designed educational escape rooms (in coordination with local schools) with the aim of mobilizing curricular knowledge. The goal of the educational escape rooms is to foster the mathematic-related competencies by establishing meaningful connections to other curricular disciplines (music-related knowledge, in the case of this study). This paper reports on the particular experience developed with a group of students (trainee teachers) while designing their educational escape rooms, focusing on the particular case of a specific student to evidence the formative potential of the procedure. The didactic suitability of the proposed escape room has been analyzed and professional development has also been discussed, showing the mobilization of relevant professional skills and fostering the related music and mathematical didactic competencies by shifting the teaching perspective from an algorithmic point of view to a more “reasoning and designing” strategy. This constitutes an evidence of the formative potential on the co-design of educational escape rooms, when designed in the frame of a service learning approach.

V. V. Filatov ◽  
A. V. Gobysh

The article is devoted to the problem of establishing the frames to use distant learning in higher education. The topic relevance is related to emerging a force majeure situation associated with a pandemic, which made it possible to carry out a unique experiment on such large-scale training applying. The paper analyzes some aspects of this problem concerning the mathematical discipline learning at the technical university junior courses. The study is based on the analysis of scientific publications by domestic and foreign authors devoted to the problems of mixed learning, distant learning, and peculiarities of teaching mathematical disciplines in universities. The author conclude that the main problems of introducing e-learning and distant learning technologies into the educational process is insufficient motivation of students pronounced especially in junior courses. They note that the effectiveness of using distant educational technologies in additional education is largely due to the good motivation of people who want to improve their professional level. The paper discusses results obtained during the forced transition to distant learning (March-July 2020), in particular, gives the rationale for a certain model of mixed learning. It emphasizes that, as the threat of the pandemic situation repetition, as well as the need for a new transition to e-learning are not excluded, the problem of motivating students should be given special attention at all educational process levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 37
Jorge Manuel Ríos Obregón ◽  
Regla María Bernal Gutiérrez

Dada la necesidad de la mejora continua del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje se propone una estrategia didáctica para el perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza del cálculo infinitesimal en las carreras de ingeniería la cual permitirá que los estudiantes logren una adecuada preparación en esta disciplina matemática. La estrategia se sustentada en un modelo para la dinámica del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del Cálculo Infinitesimal en las carreras de ingeniería centrado en la sistematización formativa que dinamiza la contradicción entre la lógica formal del Cálculo Infinitesimal y la lógica de apropiación de nuevos contenidos. PALABRAS CLAVE: Matemática; didáctica; enseñanza aprendizaje; estrategia de enseñanza. DIDACTIC STRATEGY FOR THE TEACHING OF INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS IN ENGINEERING CAREERS ABSTRACT Given the need for continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process, a didactic strategy is proposed for the improvement of the teaching of infinitesimal calculus in engineering careers which will allow students to achieve adequate preparation in this mathematical discipline. The strategy is based on a model for the dynamics of the Infinitesimal Calculus teaching-learning process in engineering careers focused on formative systematization that dynamizes the contradiction between the formal logic of Infinitesimal Calculus and the logic of appropriation of new contents. KEYWORDS: Mathematic; didactic; teaching-learning; teaching strategy.        

2020 ◽  
Natalija Budinski

<p>When origami is mentioned, the first associations are paper cranes.  But origami is much more, and it is actually a mathematical discipline, so powerful that even NASA uses origami in its space research. Flat origami, where figures are as such as the above mentioned crane, is full of mathematical problems. There are seven origami axioms, widely known as Huzita-Hatori axioms, that describe creases. They represent the mathematically formal description of origami constructions. But when talking about involving origami and space science, we need to mention Miura folding  This form of origami folding is proposed by Japanese astrophysicist Koryo Miura. Miura-ori is a way of folding paper or another flat surface into smaller area.  In the presentation we describe how we have made Miura-ori folding, how we 3D printed and made a model of a space craft in our classroom. Connecting different disciplines and inquiry students learned about the most recent scientific research and applied their knowledge during the project. </p>

The past decade has witnessed the development of wavelet analysis, a new tool that emerged from mathematics and was quickly adopted by diverse fields of science and engineering. In the brief period since its creation in 1987-88, it has reached a certain level of maturity as a well-defined mathematical discipline, with its own conferences, journals, research monographs, and textbooks proliferating at a rapid rate. Wavelet analysis has begun to play a serious role in a broad range of applications, including signal processing, data and image compression, solution of partial differential equations, modelling multiscale phenomena, and statistics. There seem to be no limits to the subjects where it may have utility.Our aim is to explore some additional topics that extend the basic ideas of wavelet analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 686-693
Анатолий Егорович Поличка

In the article presents a variant of the methodology of preparation and implementation of the content of the mathematical discipline of one humanitarian direction of training students for the use of ICT. As an example, the use of e-mail and mobile ICT tools of trainees is chosen.

Giuseppe Primiero

This chapter explores more closely the debates concerning correctness and illustrates the principles of formal verification for programsand the philosophical critiques to it. It finally closes the first part of this volume by formulating principles of formal computational validity.

Biotechnology ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 693-719
Gerard G. Dumancas

Population genetics is the study of the frequency and interaction of alleles and genes in population and how this allele frequency distribution changes over time as a result of evolutionary processes such as natural selection, genetic drift, and mutation. This field has become essential in the foundation of modern evolutionary synthesis. Traditionally regarded as a highly mathematical discipline, its modern approach comprises more than the theoretical, lab, and fieldwork. Supercomputers play a critical role in the success of this field and are discussed in this chapter.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 179-197 ◽  
Victoria Anatoljevna Shershneva ◽  
Yulia Vladimirovna Vainshtein ◽  
Tatiana Olegovna Kochetkova

The study deals with the creation of an adaptive system of web-based teaching. The principles put into the concept of such a system development are formulated. The structure of the system which includes the educational content model, the user model, the adaptation model, and the learning outcomes assessment model is presented in the article. Within the framework of the proposed system an adaptive e-learning course of a mathematical discipline has been developed and implemented into educational process. It is proved that successful mastering the course contributes to mathematical competence development of the students.

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