land distribution
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2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012094
D C Hidayat ◽  
Surati ◽  
Sylviani ◽  
N Sakuntaladewi ◽  
K Ariawan ◽  

Abstract Customary forest utilization to improve the indigenous (adat) community welfare must be in line with local wisdom and preserving ecological function, even though they are no longer part of the state forest. In term of sustainable customary forest management, knowledge related to customary forest utilization and community welfare is getting significant to be study object. The paper aims to identify and analyse the determinants of indigenous community’s income. It was conducted in indigenous community of Kasepuhan Karang, Banten in 2018. Data collection was taken by purposive sampling, processed by ordinal logistic correlation and descriptive analysis. The results show the indigenous community has high level of dependence on the forest through on and off farm. From the respondents, the average income from forest use is below the regional minimum wage. While from the partial test results, it is concluded the land owned area and the livelihood type have a significant positive effect on the income level. Therefore, land distribution should be well managed due to conservation issue and livelihoods diversification to increase income level. Nonetheless, formal education level undetermined on income level. Informal education, capacity building of the community regarding to sustainable customary forest management needs to be organized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (17) ◽  
pp. 135-148
V. I. Selezniov ◽  
S. O. Yakubovskiy

The article is aimed at investigating the expediency of land reform in Ukraine. The process and consequences of land reforms in Georgia and Moldova are considered. The indicators of development of the agricultural sector and the degree of involvement of the population in it are revealed. The world experience of land distribution was analysed. The most effective strategy of land reform development by analysing the research in the dependence of efficiency of land plots utilization on the size of households that cultivate them was revealed. The efficiency of agroholdings and family farms is compared. Determined trends in the distribution and size of plots in developed countries. Analysed the gradual adoption of decisions in the development of land reform and their effects on the success of such reform in Georgia and Moldova.           The current decisions of the Ukrainian government on the way to reforming land distribution and use of land resources are considered. Parallels of the current Ukrainian land reform based on the experience of Moldova and Georgia are identified. The assumption of success and expediency of the decisions taken, which could potentially come into force when the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine discusses the format of the land reform, was put forward. Analysed the further development of the land sector according to the gradual entry into force of the adopted legislation. The issues of expediency of opening the land market to foreigners were considered. Penetrated the experience of international partners and countries already decided on the admission or non-admission of foreign contractors to the national land market. The degree of development of accounting and inventory of existing land plots and completeness of filling the land cadastre of the three countries under study was determined.           The research method was the analysis of the current land system of Georgia and Moldova by studying articles on the dynamics of changes in local legislation. The main economic indicators that may indicate the degree of success of the reforms in these countries are considered. Due to such indicators, a detailed analysis of the latest changes in the legislation of Ukraine predicted and assessed the feasibility of the reforms.

2021 ◽  
S M Masum Billah

<p>This thesis examines the major colonial and post-colonial land laws of Bangladesh and their relationship with poverty. It interprets them in the light of historical developments and social realities. The thesis argues that land laws in Bangladesh are essentially anti-poor. They contribute to the perpetuation of poverty.  At present, two-thirds of the poor in Bangladesh are land-related poor. The land system that prevailed in colonial Bengal during the British period deprived the peasants of their land rights. This situation demanded a radical land reform based on a distributive approach upon decolonisation in 1947. Unfortunately, in the post-colonial political and legal settings of Bangladesh, land distribution has been unequal. Such inequality coupled with a weak land tenure system and fragile institutional reform created widespread poverty.  The Bangladeshi land laws are complex and vague and dominated by politics. Its land law regime has structural loopholes and ideological drawbacks, which are enough to make reform attempts dysfunctional.  Poverty in Bangladesh is a result of cumulative and mutually reinforcing deprivations. Land law is a major participant in it. Poverty will persist unless law addresses the true reasons of the poverty and a pro-poor approach to land reform is pursued.  The gap between “law” and “land” is exposed and a distributive land law reform model is proposed.</p>

2021 ◽  
S M Masum Billah

<p>This thesis examines the major colonial and post-colonial land laws of Bangladesh and their relationship with poverty. It interprets them in the light of historical developments and social realities. The thesis argues that land laws in Bangladesh are essentially anti-poor. They contribute to the perpetuation of poverty.  At present, two-thirds of the poor in Bangladesh are land-related poor. The land system that prevailed in colonial Bengal during the British period deprived the peasants of their land rights. This situation demanded a radical land reform based on a distributive approach upon decolonisation in 1947. Unfortunately, in the post-colonial political and legal settings of Bangladesh, land distribution has been unequal. Such inequality coupled with a weak land tenure system and fragile institutional reform created widespread poverty.  The Bangladeshi land laws are complex and vague and dominated by politics. Its land law regime has structural loopholes and ideological drawbacks, which are enough to make reform attempts dysfunctional.  Poverty in Bangladesh is a result of cumulative and mutually reinforcing deprivations. Land law is a major participant in it. Poverty will persist unless law addresses the true reasons of the poverty and a pro-poor approach to land reform is pursued.  The gap between “law” and “land” is exposed and a distributive land law reform model is proposed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Tanalís Padilla

In the 1920s, Mexico established rural normales—boarding schools that trained teachers in a new nation-building project. Drawn from campesino ranks and meant to cultivate state allegiance, their graduates would facilitate land distribution, organize civic festivals, and promote hygiene campaigns. In Unintended Lessons of Revolution, Tanalís Padilla traces the history of the rural normales, showing how they became sites of radical politics. As Padilla demonstrates, the popular longings that drove the Mexican Revolution permeated these schools. By the 1930s, ideas about land reform, education for the poor, community leadership, and socialism shaped their institutional logic. Over the coming decades, the tensions between state consolidation and revolutionary justice produced a telling contradiction: the very schools meant to constitute a loyal citizenry became hubs of radicalization against a government that increasingly abandoned its commitment to social justice. Crafting a story of struggle and state repression, Padilla illuminates education's radical possibilities and the nature of political consciousness for youths whose changing identity—from campesinos, to students, to teachers—speaks to Mexico’s twentieth-century transformations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012099
M Suryadi ◽  
Sumaryanto ◽  
Sumedi ◽  
Sukarman ◽  
I W Rusastra

Abstract The land resource is one of the mains production factors for farmer’s households and the agricultural economy. From the land use and transformation perspective, analyse the aspects related to the dynamics of land ownership and distribution, technical, socio-economy, institutional, and policy factors, and land accessibility are needed. The objectives of this study are (1) analyze diversity of agricultural land holding at the micro, region, and macro levels; (b) describe the main factors that influence the transformation of land use; and (c) formulate strategies and policies on land resources management. The approach used in this paper is to review the results of previous PATANAS research and deepening it with information from secondary data and literatures. The study shows that the transformation constraints are the high population growth and limitation of non-agricultural employment opportunities, the fragmentation and the loss of land transactions, and land conversion. This condition implies that the government needs strategies and policies to save and utilize the potential agricultural land reserves. This effort intends to create new agricultural lands and support infrastructure to increase production and income. It will enable to accelerate transformation in the agricultural sector.

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-86
Shuichi Oyama

AbstractThe Zambian government enacted the 1995 Lands Act with the aim of stimulating investment and agricultural productivity. This Act strengthened the role and power of traditional leaders, particularly chiefs, as it empowered them to allocate customary land to individuals and companies, including foreign investors. In the Bembachiefdom of northern Zambia, a new chief issued new land rights and invalidated the land rights issued by the old chiefs. As a result, land owners with documents in the old formats were required to obtain new certification from the new chief. Concerned about the land within his territory, this chief also decided to invalidate the title deeds issued by the central government so that he could release the protected land to local people. Alongside their historical and cultural power, the chiefs strengthened their patronage over land distribution as well as their authority over the residents in their territories. With high demand for land, anxiety among local people due to land scarcity has created political power and authority for the chiefs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 49-58
Kateryna Dorofieieva ◽  
Kristine Vugule

The rapid growth and development of the world have lead to significant changes in the expansion of urban sprawl, land distribution, and the general functioning model of modern cities. The problems connected to ecology, economy, human physical and mental well-being become more urgent with every day under the influence of arising deficiency of open green spaces, nutritional security, and sustainable financial models for small-scale businesses within the cities; and not only affect regular citizens but also general tendencies of urban and landscape planning that are supposed to deal with those issues. One of the tools aimed at combating them for the past decades has been an increasingly popular urban agriculture, particularly chosen as a studying object of interest for this publication. The following paper represents complex research conducted in an integrated manner by reviewing the overall phenomenon of urban agriculture and its pioneering practices; determining the key components of their successful functioning and positive ways of affecting surroundings; and consequently forming the list of concluding recommendations for planning and management of such structures. As the main methods of research, the selective case study, describing principal features of such initiatives, and relevant literature analysis for the fundamental information gathering were applied by the author. The results of the research were composed into the summarizing table highlighting core data and supporting developed conclusion based on examination and designing suggestion for interested parties.

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