signal timing
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Environments ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 137
Peter Brimblecombe ◽  
Meng-Yuan Chu ◽  
Chun-Ho Liu ◽  
Zhi Ning

Busy street canyons can have a large flow of vehicles and reduced air exchange and wind speeds at street level, exposing pedestrians to high pollutant concentrations. The airflow tended to move with vehicles along the canyon and the 1-s concentrations of NO, NO2 and CO were highly skewed close to the road and more normally distributed at sensors some metres above the road. The pollutants were more autocorrelated at these elevated sensors, suggesting a less variable concentration away from traffic in the areas of low turbulence. The kerbside concentrations also showed cyclic changes approximating nearby traffic signal timing. The cross-correlation between the concentration measurements suggested that the variation moved at vehicle speed along the canyon, but slower vertically. The concentrations of NOx and CO were slightly higher at wind speeds of under a metre per second. The local ozone concentrations had little effect on the proportion of NOx present as NO2. Pedestrians on the roadside would be unlikely to exceed the USEPA hourly guideline value for NO2 of 100 ppb. Across the campaign period, 100 individual minutes exceeded the guidelines, though the effect of short-term, high-concentration exposures is not well understood. Tram stops at the carriageway divider are places where longer exposures to higher levels of traffic-associated pollutants are possible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Jiao Yao ◽  
Qingyun Tang ◽  
Pincheng Wang

Oriented to characteristics of the inflow and outflow of routes in urban road network, we modified the classical fundamental green wave bandwidth model, in which separate turning green wave band is available for traffic flow from subarterials merging into an arterial, and this variable green wave band can be more flexible to service the commuting traffic. Moreover, with the analysis of the mapping characteristics of the phase coordination rate, the concept of the coordination rate of green wave bandwidth was proposed, with which as the objective function, a multiroute signal coordination control model was established, and this model is a mixed integer linear programming problem with the overall optimal coordination rate of inbound, outbound, and turning movement as the objective. Finally, a case study was given with road network in Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China. From the simulation results, we can conclude that the coordinated distribution of the model proposed in this study is more stable; the fluctuation range is 0.09, which is less than that of optimization scheme in classical signal timing software Synchro, which is 0.33; and the total route delay can also be reduced by 15% compared to the current situation and 3.3% compared to Synchro optimization solution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11637
Yashaswi Karnati ◽  
Rahul Sengupta ◽  
Sanjay Ranka

Microscopic simulation-based approaches are extensively used for determining good signal timing plans on traffic intersections. Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) such as wait time, throughput, fuel consumption, emission, and delays can be derived for variable signal timing parameters, traffic flow patterns, etc. However, these techniques are computationally intensive, especially when the number of signal timing scenarios to be simulated are large. In this paper, we propose InterTwin, a Deep Neural Network architecture based on Spatial Graph Convolution and Encoder-Decoder Recurrent networks that can predict the MOEs efficiently and accurately for a wide variety of signal timing and traffic patterns. Our methods can generate probability distributions of MOEs and are not limited to mean and standard deviation. Additionally, GPU implementations using InterTwin can derive MOEs, at least four to five orders of magnitude faster than microscopic simulations on a conventional 32 core CPU machine.

Shahadat Iqbal ◽  
Taraneh Ardalan ◽  
Mohammed Hadi ◽  
Evangelos Kaisar

Transit signal priority (TSP) and freight signal priority (FSP) allow transportation agencies to prioritize signal service allocations considering the priority of vehicles and, potentially, decrease the impact signal control has on them. However, there have been no studies to develop guidelines for implementing signal control considering both TSP and FSP. This paper reports on a study conducted to provide such guidelines that employed a literature review, a simulation study, and a decision tree algorithm based on the simulation results. The guideline developed provides recommendations in accordance with the signal timing slack time, the proportion of major to minor street hourly volume, hourly truck volume per lane for the major street, hourly truck volume per lane for the minor street, the proportion of major to minor street hourly truck volume, the proportion of major to minor street hourly bus volume, the volume-to-capacity ratio for the major street, and the volume-to-capacity ratio for the minor street. The guideline developed was validated by implementing it for a case study facility. The validation result showed that the guideline works correctly for both high and low traffic demand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13154
Xiancai Jiang ◽  
Li Yao ◽  
Yao Jin ◽  
Runting Wu

This paper proposes a signal control method for the through and left-turn shared lanes at signalized intersections to solve traffic conflicts between left-turn vehicles and opposing through vehicles by setting left-turn waiting area (LWA). Delays and stops are weighted to form an integrated performance index (PI) in a vehicle-to-infrastructure cooperation system. The PI models pertaining to all vehicles are established based on the LWA intersection. In addition, an optimized method of signal timing parameters is constructed by minimizing the average PI. VISSIM simulation shows that the average PI decreases by 6.51% compared with the original layout and signal timing plan of the intersection, since the increased delay of the side-road left-turn vehicles is insufficient to offset the reduced delay of the side-road through vehicles after the improvement. The sensitivity analysis shows that the greater the traffic volume of the phase including the through and left-turn shared lanes, the higher the operation efficiency of the LWA intersection compared with the typical permitted phase intersection. When the left-turn vehicles of the shared lanes in each cycle are less than the stop spaces, the LWA intersection can effectively reduce the average PI of the shared lanes. Furthermore, the more the stop spaces in the LWA, the lower the average PI in the same traffic conditions.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 7431
Suhaib Alshayeb ◽  
Aleksandar Stevanovic ◽  
B. Brian Park

Transportation agencies optimize signals to improve safety, mobility, and the environment. One commonly used objective function to optimize signals is the Performance Index (PI), a linear combination of delays and stops that can be balanced to minimize fuel consumption (FC). The critical component of the PI is the stop penalty “K,” which expresses an FC stop equivalency estimated in seconds of pure delay. This study applies vehicular trajectory and FC data collected in the field, for a large fleet of modern vehicles, to compute the K-factor. The tested vehicles were classified into seven homogenous groups by using the k-prototype algorithm. Furthermore, multigene genetic programming (MGGP) is utilized to develop prediction models for the K-factor. The proposed K-factor models are expressed as functions of various parameters that impact its value, including vehicle type, cruising speed, road gradient, driving behavior, idling FC, and the deceleration duration. A parametric analysis is carried out to check the developed models’ quality in capturing the individual impact of the included parameters on the K-factor. The developed models showed an excellent performance in estimating the K-factor under multiple conditions. Future research shall evaluate the findings by using field-based K-values in optimizing signals to reduce FC.

Nemanja Dobrota ◽  
Aleksandar Stevanovic ◽  
Nikola Mitrovic

Current signal retiming policies are deficient in recognizing the potential of emerging traffic datasets and simulation tools to improve signal timings. Consequently, current practice advocates the use of periodically collected (low-resolution) traffic datasets and deterministic (low-fidelity) simulation tools. When deployed in the field, such signal timings require excessive fine-tuning. The most recent trends promote the use of high-resolution data collected at 10 Hz frequency. While such an approach shows promise, the process heavily relies on specific data sets that are neither widely available nor clearly integrated into the existing signal retiming practices and procedures. Interestingly, data collected in an ongoing fashion and aggregated in several-minute bins (referred to here as medium-resolution) have not received much attention in the traditional retiming procedures. This study examines traditional signal retiming practices to provide a contextual framework for the other retiming alternatives. The authors define and classify different resolutions of various traffic data used in the signal retiming process and propose a signal retiming procedure based on widely available medium-resolution data and high-fidelity simulation modeling. The authors apply the traditional (low-resolution and low-fidelity) and a proposed (medium-resolution and high-fidelity) approach to a 28-intersection corridor in southeastern Florida. Signal timing plans developed from the proposed approach outperformed current plans from field and those plans developed in the traditional approach by reducing the average delay anywhere between 6.5 and 26%. With regard to the number of stops, changes for the traditional and proposed approaches were of much lower significance when compared with the field signal timings. The traveling speeds have been increased by 4.1%–18% by the proposed signal timings and delay was not transferred onto the neighboring streets, as was the case for plans developed by the traditional approach. Development, calibration, and validation of models within the proposed approach are more time-consuming and challenging than the modeling needs of the traditional approach. One direction of future research should address the automation of calibration and validation procedures. The other direction for future research should be related to the field evaluation of proposed signal timing plans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2105 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
I Manthos ◽  
K Kordas ◽  
I Maniatis ◽  
M Tsopoulou ◽  
S E Tzamarias

Abstract The experimental requirements in current and near-future accelerators and experiments have stimulated intense interest in R&D of detectors with high precision timing capabilities, resulting in novel instrumentation. During the R&D phase, the timing information is usually extracted from the signal using the full waveform collected with fast oscilloscopes; this method produces a large amount of data and it becomes impractical when the detector has many channels. Towards practical applications, the data acquisition should be undertaken by dedicated front-end electronic units. The selected technology should retain the signal timing characteristics and consequently the timing resolution on the particle’s arrival time. We investigate the adequacy of the Leading-edge discrimination timing technique to achieve timing with a precision in the order of tens of picosecond with novel gaseous detectors. The method under investigation introduces a “time-walk” which impinges on the timing resolution. We mitigate the effect of time-walk using three different approaches; the first based on multiple Time-over-Threshold, the second based on multiple Charge-over-Threshold information and the third uses artificial Neural Network techniques. The results of this study prove the feasibility of the methods and their ability to achieve a timing resolution comparable to that obtained using the full waveforms.

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