brain neurotransmitter
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Ю.Ю. Чеботарева ◽  
В.Г. Овсянников ◽  
М.А. Родина ◽  
И.В. Подгорный ◽  
М.Я. Хутиева

Введение. Изучение механизмов развития репродуктивных нарушений в условиях эксперимента на крысах является одним из важных направлений современной патофизиологии. Крыса имеет функционирующий эстральный цикл, трехнедельную гестацию и гемохориальный тип плацентации. На циклических изменениях в яичниках и эпителии влагалища крысы базируется биологическое моделирование эндокринной гинекологической патологии. В настоящее время интерес представляет разработка экспериментальной модели нарушения полового созревания в периоде детства. Нарушение полового созревания может приводить к различным патологическим изменениям в сфере репродуктивного здоровья в будущем, актуальность данной проблемы очевидна. Цель работы - изучение современных аспектов моделирования преждевременного полового созревания у девочек. Методика. Анализ современных отечественных и зарубежных работ, касающихся механизмов преждевременного полового созревания и исследований в области моделирования данной патологии в экспериментах на крысах. Результаты. Преждевременное половое созревание у девочек - нарушение, проявляющееся развитием одного или комплекса признаков половой зрелости до 7 летнего возраста. Детерминация полового развития связана с особенностью генетических и эпигенетических факторов. К последним традиционно относят характер питания, стресс как адаптационную реакцию, интегрированную с активацией гормонопоэза. Фактор питания связан с функционированием гормонов жировой ткани, включая лептин, грелин, эффектами инсулиноподобного фактора роста. В ряде экспериментальных исследований, связанных с воздействием факторов питания, стресса и световой дезадаптации на репродуктивную систему животного, доказано значимое влияние последней на нейромедиаторные системы мозга. Наименее изученными в механизме преждевременного полового созревания остаются вопросы нейроэндокринной регуляции гонадной оси системой KISS/KISS1R. Продолжение изучения ассоциации изменения профиля нейромедиаторов моноаминового ряда и динамики кисспептина в эксперименте на крысах способно расширить представление о механизмах половой дифференцировки мозга и транслировать полученные данные в клиническую практику, связанную с обследованием девочек с преждевременным половым созреванием. Заключение. В связи с малой распространенностью и ограниченностью представлений о патогенезе преждевременного полового созревания, данная проблема требует детального изучения. Необходимо дальнейшее изучение патогенетических основ данной патологии в условиях биологического моделирования на самках крыс раннего возраста. Introduction. Studying pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for development of reproductive disorders in rat models is an important direction of modern pathophysiology. The rat has a functioning estrous cycle, a three-week gestation, and a hemochorial placentation. Biological modeling of endocrine gynecological pathology is based on cyclic changes in the ovaries and in the epithelium of the rat vagina. Currently, the development of an experimental model of puberty disorders in childhood is of interest. Premature puberty can lead to various pathological changes in future reproductive health. The relevance of this problem is obvious. The aim of this work was to study modern aspects of modeling premature puberty in girls. Method. Modern domestic and foreign reviews on the mechanism of premature puberty and studies of modeling this pathology in experiments on rats were analyzed. Results. Premature puberty in girls is a disorder manifested by the development of one or all signs of puberty as early as before the age of 7 yrs. Sexual development is associated with characteristic roles of genetic and epigenetic factors. The latter traditionally include nutrition and stress as an adaptive reaction integrated with the activation of hormone synthesis. The nutrition factor is related with the functioning of adipose tissue hormones, including leptin, ghrelin, and the effects of insulin-like growth factor. A number of experimental studies on rats addressing effects of nutrition, stress, and light maladaptation on the reproductive system have demonstrated its significant effect on brain neurotransmitter systems. Regarding the mechanism of premature puberty, the least studied issue is the neuroendocrine regulation of the gonadal axis by the KISS/KISS1R system. Continuing study of the association between changes in the profile of monoamine neurotransmitters and the dynamics of kisspeptin in experiments on rats can expand understanding of sexual differentiation mechanisms in the brain. The obtained data can be translated into clinical practice for the management of premature puberty in girls. Conclusion. Due to the rare prevalence of premature puberty and insufficient data on its pathogenesis, this problem requires detailed study. It is necessary to further study the mechanism of this pathology by biological modeling on female rats at an early age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Mona E. Aboutabl ◽  
Asmaa M. Salman ◽  
Amina A. Gamal el Din ◽  
Yousreya A. Maklad

Abstract Background Caffeine is a natural alkaloid present in a variety of highly consumed popular drinks such as coffee, tea and soft drinks as well as chocolate. Its consumption elicits beneficiary psychostimulant that has been linked to a reduced risk of developing Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study is to investigate the possible synergistic neuroprotective effects of co-administration of caffeine (CAF) or coffee (COF) with rasagiline (R) or l-dopa against paraquat (PQ)-induced neurochemical and motor behavior impairments in mice. Results In behavioral tests, R + COF increased the locomotor activity in rotarod test compared to l-dopa + COF. l-Dopa combinations decreased the immobility time in FST compared to rasagiline combinations; l-dopa + CAF provided a similar increase in locomotor activity compared to R + CAF. Combination of CAF or COF with l-dopa or rasagiline resulted in a substantial improvement in brain neurotransmitter and antioxidant levels as they significantly increased dopamine and super oxide dismutase but significantly decreased nitric oxide levels as compared to l-dopa or rasagiline, respectively. Furthermore, they also exerted a protective effect against the neurodegenerative histopathological changes induced by PQ. Conclusions Our findings demonstrated co-administration of COF or CAF, adenosine 2A receptor antagonists, along with l-dopa or rasagiline possesses a new therapeutic strategy for the management of PD neurochemical disturbances and motor behavior impairments through preservation of the brain dopamine and serotonin content, antioxidants level and histological features.

2021 ◽  
Tereza Coman ◽  
Marion Falabregue ◽  
Julien Rossignol ◽  
Pierre Bonneau ◽  
Morgane Djebar ◽  

Liver hepcidin, is well recognized as the central hormone of systemic iron regulation. Although serotonin is most recognized as a brain neurotransmitter, prodigious quantities are synthesized in gut enterochromaffin cells and several lines of evidence, also identified the gut as an essential sensor and regulator of iron homeostasis. Using a mouse model deficient for peripheral serotonin (Tph1 KO), we identified gut-derived serotonin as a key physiological factor in hepcidin regulation. Serotonin represses hepcidin's through a 5HT2B receptor-dependent pathway, independently of any other known hepcidin regulators, including bone marrow signals. This regulation is conserved in humans and shows physiological significance as a negative correlation between serotonin and hepcidin levels was observed in a cohort of healthy individuals. Moreover, in pathological situation such as acute heart failure, where iron deficiency has a negative prognostic impact, we provide evidence that an increase in serotonin level seems necessary to repress hepcidin level, to increase iron availability.

2021 ◽  
Mir-Jamal Hosseini ◽  
Sima Askari Sadat-Mahaleh ◽  
Hamed Ghavimi

Background: Methamphetamine (METH) is considered the second most commonly abused drug in the world. There is limited or no evidence concerning the effective treatment of METH withdrawal symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. Mode of action of selegiline (increase of the brain neurotransmitter activity) suggests that it might be useful in METH withdrawal syndrome treatment, being capable of diminishing the preference and depression involved in drug degeneration and addictive activities. Methods: Mice were randomly divided into 10 groups (n= 10): five METH-nondependent groups treated with normal saline intraperitoneal (i.p) for two weeks, to which, from the 15th day, selegiline (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg; i.p) or fluoxetine (5 mg/kg; i.p) was administrated for 10 consecutive days. Other groups injected METH (2 mg/kg, at 12-h intervals) for 14 days. From the 15th day, the 10-day period of METH abstinence started and the above-mentioned doses of selegiline or fluoxetine were injected. Then, the mice were evaluated for depression and biochemical assessments from the 25th day of the study. Results: Our data indicated that post-treatment with selegiline (10-40 mg/kg; i.p) for 10 days reversed METH-induced depressive-like behaviors in the forced swimming test (FST), tail suspension test (TST), and splash test with exerting no effects on the locomotor activity. Furthermore, none of the previously proposed treatments affected the behavioral abnormality in the control animals. Moreover, both selegiline and fluoxetine as standard antidepressant drug, substantially improved the levels of mitochondrial reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that selegiline produced antidepressant-like effects following METH withdrawal and prevented the mitochondrial dysfunction in the male mice.

2021 ◽  
pp. postgradmedj-2021-140336
Ipek Betul Ozcivit ◽  
Cemal Tamer Erel ◽  
Fatih Durmusoglu

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic pain syndrome, characterised by diffuse pain in musculoskeletal system and accompanied by stiffness, fatigue, tender points, sleep disturbances and cognitive and gastrointestinal symptoms. It affects middle-aged women (between 40 and 65) predominantly. Climacteric syndrome, which is characterised by vasomotor, somatic (headache, sleep disorders, myalgia and arthralgia) and psychical (mood changes) symptoms, results from the change in brain neurotransmitter concentrations due to gradual decline of ovarian hormone levels. Currently, studies focus on the similarities of FMS and climacteric syndrome in terms of age of occurrence, epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, symptomatology and treatment. Hormonal fluctuation during menopausal transition is likely the triggering factor for both syndromes. Therefore, hormone replacement therapy is a favourable approach in the treatment of FMS due to the antiallodynic, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect of oestrogen. In this review, we emphasise the similarity of FMS and climacteric syndrome and suggested that FMS could be considered as a characteristic symptom of climacterium.

Biomolecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1091
Berkley Luck ◽  
Thomas D. Horvath ◽  
Kristen A. Engevik ◽  
Wenly Ruan ◽  
Sigmund J. Haidacher ◽  

Background: Accumulating evidence indicates that the gut microbiota can synthesize neurotransmitters as well as impact host-derived neurotransmitter levels. In the past, it has been challenging to decipher which microbes influence neurotransmitters due to the complexity of the gut microbiota. Methods: To address whether a single microbe, Bifidobacterium dentium, could regulate important neurotransmitters, we examined Bifidobacteria genomes and explored neurotransmitter pathways in secreted cell-free supernatant using LC-MS/MS. To determine if B. dentium could impact neurotransmitters in vivo, we mono-associated germ-free mice with B. dentium ATCC 27678 and examined fecal and brain neurotransmitter concentrations. Results: We found that B. dentium possessed the enzymatic machinery to generate γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) from glutamate, glutamine, and succinate. Consistent with the genome analysis, we found that B. dentium secreted GABA in a fully defined microbial media and elevated fecal GABA in B. dentium mono-associated mice compared to germ-free controls. We also examined the tyrosine/dopamine pathway and found that B. dentium could synthesize tyrosine, but could not generate L-dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine, or epinephrine. In vivo, we found that B. dentium mono-associated mice had elevated levels of tyrosine in the feces and brain. Conclusions: These data indicate that B. dentium can contribute to in vivo neurotransmitter regulation.

Zeng Zhang ◽  
Qiannan Peng ◽  
Dongxue Huo ◽  
Shuaiming Jiang ◽  
Chenchen Ma ◽  

Melatonin has been widely used as a “probiotic agent” capable of producing strong neurotransmitter secretion regulatory effects, and the microbiota-gut-brain axis-related studies have also highlighted the role of the gut microbiota in neuromodulation. In the present study, a zebrafish neural hyperactivity model was established using caffeine induction to explore the regulatory effects of melatonin and probiotic on neurotransmitter secretion disorder in zebrafish. Disorders of brain neurotransmitter secretion (dopamine, γ-aminobutyric acid, and 5-hydroxytryptamine) caused by caffeine were improved after interference treatment with melatonin or probiotic. Shotgun metagenomic sequencing demonstrated that the melatonin-treated zebrafish gradually restored their normal intestinal microbiota and metabolic pathways. Germ-free (GF) zebrafish were used to verify the essential role of intestinal microbes in the regulation of neurotransmitter secretion. The results of the neurotransmitter and short-chain fatty acid determination revealed that the effect on the zebrafish in the GF group could not achieve that on the zebrafish in the melatonin group after adding the same dose of melatonin. The present research revealed the potential mode of action of melatonin through the microbiota-gut-brain axis to regulate the disruption of neurotransmitter secretion, supporting the future development of psychotropic drugs targeting the intestinal microbiota.

Oksana Mishchenko ◽  
Natalia Palagina ◽  
Yuliia Larianovskaya ◽  
Tatyana Gorbach ◽  
Viktor Khomenko ◽  

The aim: to investigate the effect of a new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid (compounds KGM-5) on the level of neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter amino acids and the structural-functional state of the hippocampus of rats with acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA). Materials and methods. ACVA was reproduced in rats by occlusion of the left carotid artery under anesthesia (sodium thiopental (35 mg/kg) intraperitoneally (i/p). 5 groups of animals were used: intact control (IC, n=6), untreated animals with ACVA (CP, n=13); animals with ACVA (n=14), which were treated for 5 days with KGM-5 at a dose of 30 mg/kg i/p, animals with ACVA (n=13), who received i/p comparison drug “Picamilon” (17 mg/kg). There was a group of pseudo-operated animals (POA, n=8). Withdrawal of animals from the experiment was performed on day 6 after modeling ACVA by painless euthanasia under anesthesia. Histological examinations of CA1 and CA3 zones of the ventral hippocampus were performed with staining of sections with thionine by the method of Nissl and hematoxylin, eosin. In the rat brain, neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters were identified. Statistical processing was performed using the W-Shapiro-Wills test to verify the normality of the distribution and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test. The accepted significance level is p<0.05. Results. Under the influence of the compound KGM-5 and “Picamilon” in the CA1 zone of the hippocampus, the number of normochromic neurons increased by 20 % and 16.6 %, respectively, hyperchromic pycnomorphic neurons and shadow cells decreased respectively by 5.8; 2.9 times and 6.3; 3.5 times, the index of alteration of neurons decreased by 6 times and 4.8 times, respectively, the area of ​​the perikaryon of these neurons increased by 39.7 % and 77.8 %, respectively, compared with KP (p<0.05). Both studied agents showed a less pronounced normalizing effect on the CA3 area of the hippocampus. The new compound KGM-5 showed a normalizing effect similar to “Picamilon” on the level of neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters in the brain of rats with ACVA. Conclusions. Therapeutic administration of KGM-5 increases the survival of ventral hippocampal neurons, reducing the relative proportion of irreversibly altered cells, and helps to restore impaired levels of neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters in the brain of rats with ACVA. The neuroprotective effect of the new compound KGM-5 corresponds to this comparison drug “Picamilon”

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