data processing software
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2022 ◽  
pp. 146906672110733
Sean Sebastian Hughes ◽  
Marcus M. K. Hughes ◽  
Rasmus Voersaa Jonsbo ◽  
Carsten Uhd Nielsen ◽  
Frants Roager Lauritsen ◽  

Beer is a complex mix of more than 7700 compounds, around 800 of which are volatile. While GC-MS has been actively employed in the analysis of the volatome of beer, this method is challenged by the complex nature of the sample. Herein, we explored the possible of using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) coupled to KNIME to characterize local Danish beers. KNIME stands for Konstanz Information Miner and is a free open-source data processing software which comes with several prebuilt nodes, that, when organized, result in data processing workflows allowing swift analysis of data with outputs that can be visualized in the desired format. KNIME has been shown to be promising in automation of large datasets and requires very little computing power. In fact, most of the computations can be carried out on a regular PC. Herein, we have utilized a KNIME workflow for data visualization of MIMS data to understand the global volatome of beers. Feature identification was not possible as of now but with a combination of MIMS and a KNIME workflow, we were able to distinguish beers from different micro-breweries located in Denmark, laying the foundation for the use of MIMS in future analysis of the beer volatome.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (24) ◽  
pp. 5724
Carolin Rehm ◽  
Richard Zoller ◽  
Alina Schenk ◽  
Nicole Müller ◽  
Nadine Strassberger-Nerschbach ◽  

(1) Background: we compare a new SBAR based electronic handover tool versus a paper-based checklist for handover in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). (2) Methods: this is a randomized, observational study of 40 electronic vs. 40 paper checklist handovers after pediatric cardiac surgery, with a 48 items checklist for comparison of reporting frequencies and notification of disturbances and noise. PICU staff satisfaction was evaluated by a 12-item questionnaire. (3) Results: in 14 out of 40 cases, there were problems with data processing (incomplete or no data processing). Some item groups (e.g., hemodynamics) were consistently reported at higher frequencies than other groups. Items not specifically asked for did not get reported. Some items, automatically processed in the SBAR handover page, did not get reported. Many handovers suffered a noisy and distracting atmosphere. There was no difference in staff satisfaction between the two handover approaches. Nurses were highly unsatisfied with the general approach by which the handover was performed. (4) Conclusions: human error appears to be a main factor for unreliable data processing. Software is still too complicated, and multitasking is a stressful and error prone event. Handover is a complex task with many factors required for a successful completion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Bhebeind Aryanto Phubenast ◽  
Risnaini Masdalipa

Management of Primary School (SD) Exam Participant Registration (DPU) at the Pagar Alam City Education and Culture Office is currently still done manually, namely by recording it in a ledger then the operator manages the data using Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel so it takes a long time to get good results. With the new system that can later create data processing effectively and efficiently, for this success a better system of data processing software is needed as a tool to reduce the error rate in the data search process for Primary School Exam Participant Registration (DPU). (SD). The method used in this research is the waterfall method which has the following sequence of communication, planning, modeling, construction and distribution. Based on the summary above, the authors are interested in raising the Software for Assisting Exam Participant Registration (DPU) in Elementary Schools (SD). At the Department of Education and Culture of the City of Pagar Alam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 10610
Badr-Eddine Boudriki Semlali ◽  
Felix Freitag

Nowadays, several environmental applications take advantage of remote sensing techniques. A considerable volume of this remote sensing data occurs in near real-time. Such data are diverse and are provided with high velocity and variety, their pre-processing requires large computing capacities, and a fast execution time is critical. This paper proposes a new distributed software for remote sensing data pre-processing and ingestion using cloud computing technology, specifically OpenStack. The developed software discarded 86% of the unneeded daily files and removed around 20% of the erroneous and inaccurate datasets. The parallel processing optimized the total execution time by 90%. Finally, the software efficiently processed and integrated data into the Hadoop storage system, notably the HDFS, HBase, and Hive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Muliyadi Muliyadi ◽  
Idayani Sangadjisowohy

Water pollution in the coastal areas of Ternate has shown a serious increase. It can be seen from the amount of garbage and the appearance of water turbidity in areas near residential areas. Based on a preliminary study, several residents behind the mountain also complained about the brackishness of their wells due to seawater intrusion. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the distillation method on decreasing the value of electrical conductivity and power of hydrogen (pH) in seawater. This research is an experimental study with a post-test only group control design with a sample of 10 litres of liquid waste from three places, namely Muara Maliaro, Muara Pasar Sayur, Muara Pelabuhan Besar. The results of this study were processed using data processing software with paired T-test and Wilcoxon. The average value of DHL in samples 1, 2, 3 after distillation was carried out successively was 116 mhos/cm, 109.33 mhos/cm, 109.66 mhos/cm. The average pH value in samples 1, 2, 3 after distillation in all samples have shown normal values ​​with an average of  7. There is a difference in the DHL value before and after distillation with the Sig value (2-tailed), which is <0.05. There is a different pH value before and after distillation with the Sig value (2-tailed) <0.05. Distillation equipment can reduce the value of electrical conductivity and pH in seawater.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 330
Selvi Esther Suwu ◽  
Andry Panjaitan

<p>This study aims to determine the effect of crops prices and farmers' wage on consumption rate in Indonesia. Agriculture is one of the primary sectors when it comes to fulfilling society's needs and livelihood. Indonesia's developing economic rate today displays the development of our agricultural sector, which is related to farmers' consumption rate. However, farmers could only afford it if they've obtained adequate wage. Farmers' income are heavily influenced by the prices of crops. This study utilized Eviews as the primary data processing software, in addition to that data was obtained secondarily from Badan Pusat Statistik (Statistics Indonesia). Secondary data obtained was 72 data from 2011 - 2016, containing real and nominal wage of farmers, crops' prices, and consumption rate in Indonesia. This study adopts quantitative research method and hypothesis was tested with regression model on the panel data. Results showed that the selected RE model and farmers 'wages significantly affected consumption rate, crops' prices did not have significant effect on consumption and no strong correlation between crops' prices and farmers' wages was found.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT:</strong> Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga tanaman pangan dan upah petani terhadap konsumsi di Indonesia. Sektor pertanian masih menjadi salah satu sektor utama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat maupun sebagai mata pencarian. Berkembangnya perekonomian di Indonesia memperlihatkan juga perkembangan sektor pertaniannya yang kemudian berkaitan dengan  konsumsi petani, sedangkan petani mampu untuk mengkonsumsi jika ada upah yang memadai. Pendapatan atau upah petani salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh harga tanaman pangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Eviews sebagai software pengolah data, data diperoleh dari data sekunder yaitu dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Data sekunder yang diambil sebanyak 72 data yang adalah data upah petani riil dan nominal, harga beberapa tanaman pangan dan data konsumsi di Indonesia, semua data diambil dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan pengujian yang dilakukan dengan software Eviews yaitu regresi data panel. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah yang terpilih model RE dan upah petani berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap konsumsi, harga tanaman pangan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap konsumsi dan tidak ada korelasi yang kuat antara harga tanaman pangan dengan upah petani.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Daryati Daryati ◽  
Riyan Arthur ◽  
Tommy Eka Miharja ◽  
Nasaruddin Ishak ◽  
Nur Rochimah

This service is carried out on the basis of statistics which is considered a difficult science because there are many formulas that require accuracy and precision in their calculations. As well as the many problems of students' inability to access data processing software caused by the low level of literacy in students. This service is a training activity for data processing research based on statistical software that aims to improve the quality of human resources through the ability of students to process research data. The partners of this service are universities around BODETABEK with a focus on training activities on statistical software-based data analysis techniques such as SPSS and JASP for final year students at BODETABEK. The methods used in this training activity include lectures, discussions, questions and answers, direct demonstrations and assignments. These methods were developed according to the current situation and conditions. The target to be achieved in the implementation of this activity is to improve the ability of students to carry out data analysis with the help of software such as SPSS and JASP. In addition, as an output, coaching participants are expected to be able to use SPSS and JASP software in thesis and research which can then be uploaded

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Borja Vidal ◽  
M. Loreto Fenollosa Ribera ◽  
Francisco Javier Ribal ◽  
Pablo Sanchis ◽  
Jaime García-Rupérez ◽  

PurposeThis study explores the preferences for learning methods among the students of seven engineering disciplines in a Spanish technical university. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the students' views and from them contribute to the knowledge of the effectiveness of learning methodologies.Design/methodology/approachAn online anonymous questionnaire survey was adopted to collect students' perceptions. Seven learning methods were compared in seven engineering degrees. The authors sampled 1660 students, and 426 completed responses were analysed. In addition to a descriptive analysis of the results, a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was performed using R data processing software.FindingsIt was found that project-based learning and problem-based learning were perceived as the more effective ones. MCA identified response patterns between the preference and the efficiency of learning methods showing that students can be classified into two groups according to their preferred level of activeness in learning.Research limitations/implicationsThe study focusses on a single technical university and not all engineering degrees could be sampled. However, five different engineering fields were studied and no significant differences among them were found.Practical implicationsThe results add up to the known literature showing that students have different learning needs and consequently they perceive some methods as more effective. Instructors can use this information to strengthen their learning activities. Results also suggest that students can be classified into two groups in relation to their level of activeness in learning. This can also help to enhance general student motivation if two paths with different levels of activeness are planned.Originality/valueNo previous studies have compared several learning methods in different engineering fields. Thus, this study contributes to fill this gap and contributes to the body of evidence around learning methodologies from the perspective of students.

Elita Ardava ◽  
Nelda Gustiņa ◽  
Renāte Šukele ◽  
Oskars Onževs

Nowadays, the provision of pharmaceutical care and effective communication with customers are being discussed more often. A pharmacist is a specialist in his field with specific knowledge in the field of pharmacy. Therefore, the trust from the customer’s side and a kind, informative, and professional approach from the pharmacist’s side are very important in this case. Objective: To clarify what knowledge do the pharmacy customers have about pharmaceutical care and how satisfied they are with the pharmaceutical care services. The research was conducted using a quantitative survey, the statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using data processing software Microsoft Office Excel 2010, 267 respondents from various regions of Latvia were surveyed. Only 37% of respondents understand meaning of pharmaceutical care. This means that most of the customers are unaware of the duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist. Most of the respondents associate pharmaceutical care with medication dispense, consultation and good customer service. It would be necessary to inform society about pharmaceutical care and its importance in healthcare. Conclusions: The hypothesis put forward in the thesis confirms that society needs to be informed about pharmaceutical care, and pharmacist duties and responsibilities. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-05
Yulia Rahmawati ◽  
Yohannes Firza

A pedestrian bridge in urban areas exists not only to overcome crossing between people and vehicle but also gives a sense of security and comfort for its users. With a variety of user characteristics, the bridge has also used for other informal purposes. This phenomenon becomes interesting to study how the users respond to the various uses of the bridge. By using accidental sampling method for one hundred respondents, the field data has analysed in a simple linear regression model with data processing software. The result shows the safety, security, comfort, continuity and attractiveness are the primary considerations of users in utilizing the pedestrian bridge. Even though the physical condition has found less-expected, the user's response has generally categorized as sufficient.

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