cognitive values
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 21
Henry Ojating

The study examined the predictive influence of learning environment factors on senior secondary school students’ non-cognitive values (attitude to school, interest in school and self-concept). A random sample of 965 senior secondary 2(SS2) students was used for the study. Results revealed, among others, that the learning environment factors jointly significantly predicted each of the non-cognitive characteristics of the students. It was, therefore, concluded that the learning environment, both at home and in school was key to the affective or non-cognitive development of the school learner. It was recommended, among other things, that parents and school administrators should balance firmness and supportiveness in the administration of discipline in homes and schools, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Marcia da Costa ◽  
Irinéa de Lourdes Batista

Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar uma Composição Histórica a respeito de estudos que culminaram na elaboração da teoria de unificação das interações eletromagnéticas e fracas, a Teoria Eletrofraca. Entende-se que as contribuições teóricas e experimentais envolvidas nesse processo constituíram novos rumos para a Física de Partículas daquela época e elucidaram questões relevantes para o entendimento da estrutura da matéria. Neste artigo, serão apresentados estudos que partem da Teoria V-A, apresentam as primeiras hipóteses de bósons mediadores para a interação fraca, possíveis relações entre as interações fracas e eletromagnéticas, e as contribuições teóricas e experimentais que consolidaram a Teoria Eletrofraca.  Este artigo foi elaborado com base em encaminhamentos metodológicos de pesquisas em História da Ciência e pressupostos da elaboração de uma Composição Histórica, considerando fontes primárias e seguindo os princípios de inteligibilidade, valores cognitivos e fidedignidade, que resultam em um material que reúne elementos históricos, epistemológicos, axiológicos e científicos para a inteligibilidade de um conteúdo científico com objetivos pedagógicos e de disseminação de conhecimentos.Historical composition of electroweak theory: from V-A reformulation to detection of W+, W- and Z0 bosonsAbstractThis paper aims to present a Historical Composition about studies that culminated in the elaboration of the theory of unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions, the Electroweak Theory. It is understood that the theoretical and experimental contributions involved in this process constitute new directions for Particle Physics of that time and clarified relevant issues for the understanding of the structure of matter. In this article we will present studies that depart from Theory V-A, present the first hypothesis of mediating bosons for the weak interaction, possible relations between weak and electromagnetic interactions, and the theoretical and experimental contributions that consolidated the Electro-Theory Theory. This article was elaborated based on methodological referrals of research in History of Science and assumptions of the elaboration of a Historical Composition, considering primary sources and following the principles of intelligibility, cognitive values and reliability, which result in a material that brings together historical, epistemological elements axiological and scientific for the intelligibility of a scientific content with pedagogical purpose and knowledge dissemination.Keywords: Electroweak theory; Historical composition; Unification; Historical experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-50
Betman Simanjuntak ◽  
Hana Suparti ◽  
Elisa Sri Wahyuni Wahyuni ◽  
Daniel Suharto

To be able to equip students to gain knowledge, teachers must continuously improve their relationship and communication skills with students. Especially as a Christian religion teacher, he does not only focus on fulfilling children's cognitive values ​​in meeting the minimum completeness criteria but rather on instilling Christian values ​​and Christ's character. Researchers see that there are separate challenges faced by a Christian Religious Education teacher in high school and vocational high school where in fact the students who are taught reach puberty or are in search of identity so that they tend to commit acts of vandalism or behavior that tends to be irresponsible, sometimes filled with emotional attitudes. For this reason, according to the researcher, teachers who are capable of teaching not only cognitively but also related to inculcating spiritual attitudes and social attitudes are needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
pp. 93-111
Anatoly I. Zelenkov

In the article, the issue of the relationship between science and the sphere of cultural values is considered in two mutually correlated aspects. First, it reveals the ambivalent status of science as the most important social institution in a modern dynamically transforming society, which, in accordance with the very popular metaphor of U. Beck, is increasingly called the “risk society.” Secondly, the problem of sociocultural determination of scientific knowledge is interpreted as a problem of the axiology of science. At the same time, the relationship between social and intrascientific (cognitive) values is examined through the prism of possible forms and mechanisms of their philosophical and methodological representation. The author examines the specificity of pre-requisite knowledge, especially in the form as the metatheoretical foundations of scientific research is revealed. The article reveals the ambivalent nature of the value status of science in the context of changing socio-cultural priorities of the industrial civilization, against the background of a brief reconstruction of the main ideas of U. Beck’s concept of reflexive modernization, the theory of risk-generating development of science and high technologies by G. Bechmann, Z. Bauman’s idea about sociocultural imbalance as an essential characteristic of “individualized society.” The specificity of the value determination of scientific knowledge is considered in the context of substantiating the sociocognitive approach as the most important result of the philosophical and methodological research in the 20th century. Within the framework of this approach, two alternative strategies are distinguished, for using social and cognitive values as specific forms of prerequisite knowledge. One of the strategies is focused on development of conceptual foundations of science and rationally grounded metatheoretical structures (V.S. Stepin). The second strategy gives preference to non-conceptual (pre-conceptual) forms of background knowledge as productive metaphors that perform the functions of methodological heuristics and the integration of scientific knowledge into culture (M. Foucault, L. Laudan, et al.). The article concludes that there is the peculiar bifunctionality of the cultural valuein relation to science. On the one hand, science itself is a fundamental value in modern culture, although its impact on social life is ambivalent. On the other hand, the dominant values of risk society influence the formation of a new image of science and its methodological tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 600 (5) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Tadeusz Pilch

The aim of the author was to evaluate the cognitive, descriptive and diagnostic values of the social and educational reality presented in the monthly magazine by state and local government institutions in the practice of managing the country and the life of society. According to my estimates, during the 60 years of their editorial work, “Issues in Childhood Care and Education” has included in its monthly magazine over 5,000 publications of various nature, devoted to all phenomena and problems of education, upbringing, care and development of children and youth, as well as institutions implementing a great program for educating young generation. Professional experience allowed me to highly evaluate the cognitive and diagnostic reliability of the published texts. They provide a real image of educational institutions, their work, problems with everyday life, the remarkable work of organizers, instructors and educators. They allow to assess the development value of this work for children and youth. At the same time, the knowledge of the reality allows for a critical judgement on the way of using these diagnostic and cognitive values to improve the conditions in which a Polish child lives, to improve the work of schools and care and educational institutions. The dominant style of coexistence between science and the world of politics is the artificial principle of division into problems falling under the competence of the world of science (descriptive, cognitive, diagnostic...) and the second sphere – the world of management, decisions, distribution of resources – belonging to the world of politics and other governing bodies. These are two separate worlds, the contacts and mutual communication of which either does not exist or is only instrumental in nature. Politics does not use the achievements of science, its recognition and diagnosis. And here you can find the sources of many bad decisions, failed projects, and social and economic failures.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1375
Marcin Gołąbczak ◽  
Andrzej Gołąbczak ◽  
Barbara Tomczyk

This article introduces significant cognitive and usable values in the field of abrasive technology especially in the development of new methods of the electrochemical dressing of superhard grinding wheels with metal bonds. Cognitive values mainly concern the elaboration of the theoretical backgrounds of the electrochemical digestion of compounds of grinding wheel metal bond and gumming up products of the cutting surface of grinding wheel (CSGW). Cognitive values also deal with determining the mathematical relationships describing the influence of technological conditions of dressing on shaping of cutting abilities of superhard grinding wheels. On the other hand, the useful values refer to the industry implementation of the elaborated method and equipment for the electrochemical dressing of suparhard grinding wheels using alternating current (ECDGW-AC). The cost of the device for the realization of this process is low and can be applied in the production conditions. The novel achievements presented in the article are: the elaboration of a new method and equipment for electrochemical dressing of superhard grinding wheels (ECDGW-AC), the selection of electrolytes of low concentration of chemical compounds, tests concerning the digestion of grinding wheel metal bond compounds and gumming up products of CSGW using X-ray analysis, as well as the determination of chemical reactions taking place during elaborated new dressing process, the elaboration of mathematical relationships describing influence of technological conditions of this process on dressing speed and shaping of cutting abilities of superhard grinding wheels, and the performance of technological tests of dressing of superhard grinding wheels using ECDGW-AC method. The elaborated method can be used in ambient temperature and does not cause thermal damages of abrasive grains of cutting surface of grinding wheel and is useful not only for dressing super hard grinding wheels but also for correcting their geometrical deviations.

2021 ◽  
khalid sadani ◽  
Emad Ismaeel ◽  

Traditional architecture style represents the evolutionary style and experienced characteristics of an urban environment that give a sense of place and identity. This style includes a mixture of technical and cognitive values that are difficult to conserve compared to other material resources. The process of organizing and classifying the architectural elements of these constructions in virtual digital manner is one of the means of preventive conservation for such elements and their values, which is essential in conservation operations of the built heritage. The study analyzes a number of international experiments that have employed shape grammar in studying and classifying the heritage elements in digital technique with specific rules. That because of the ability of these systems to examine the structure of the historic elements as it offers the possibility to combine their dimensional and morphological values, to classify them into a variety of categories with common characteristics in a specific style according to the local architectural language. The study seeks to determine the approaches of using the shape grammar as a mechanism of analyzing the structure of the elements of the Built heritage for classification. Next, to derive the rules and relationships that are used for the digital virtual reconstruction of the Built heritage according to the traditional architectural principles, and highlighting the digital applications and software that deals with the shape grammar in this field. The methodology of this study adopted the analysis of a number of studies that employed the shape grammar in the built heritage domain in order to review the potential of this digital systems and applications, to be presented as a documentation procedure for information management of preventive conservation projects of the urban environment in ancient cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 311 ◽  
pp. 01006
Elena Mititsina ◽  
Nadezhda Parfenova ◽  
Anna Bizaeva ◽  
Ekaterina Kovalevskaya ◽  
Tatiana Guchkova

The study addresses the current social problem of psychological determinants of environmentally responsible behavior. Environmental responsibility acts as a mediating link between the cognitive, values, and emotional components of ecological consciousness and the predisposition of young people to pro-ecological actions. The empirical material was collected using a questionnaire method followed by factor and cluster analysis. It was found that the motivation of environmental activity is most associated with the social and territorial identity of young people, in the least with the declared ecological values. Identity with interest groups determines the readiness to volunteer in environmental organizations. A sense of connection with large social communities increases the desire of young people for socio-political activity. Three equal in number groups of students were identified, who attribute responsibility for the natural environment to one of three factors: personal behavior, environmental organizations of various scales, as well as economic conditions, and state policy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Dewi Sitorus

The role of teachers to achieve KKM in the affective, spikomotor, and cognitive domains. In the reality of education, many students are unable to complete the KKM. Because, teachers are not able to find and apply appropriate, consistent, and continuous methods in the learning process applied by the teacher. Where, the teacher focuses more on students who easily understand the subject matter. So that students who have difficulty understanding lessons are ignored and end up skipping school or going to class. The author describes the peer learning method as an approach in improving the abilities of each student in the affective, spikomotor, and cognitive domains during daily, semester, and national exams in achieving KKM. The author uses qualitative methods in gathering information through observation and the accumulated results of affective, psychomotor, and cognitive values. The author hopes that this paper can be a contribution for schools in Jayawijaya, Wamena. AbstrakGuru berperanan untuk mencapai KKM dalam ranah afektif, psikomotorik, dan kognitif. Dalam realitanya, banyak peserta didik tidak mampu menuntaskan KKM. Karena, guru tidak mampu menemukan dan menerapkan metode yang tepat, konsisten, dan kontinu dalam proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh guru. Dimana, guru lebih fokus pada peserta didik yang mudah memahami materi pelajaran sehingga peserta didik yang kesulitan memahami pelajaran terabaikan dan akhirnya bolos ke sekolah. Penulis menguraikan metode belajar sebaya sebagai salah satu pendekatan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan setiap peserta didik dalam ranah afektif, psikomotorik, dan kognitif untuk pencapaian KKM. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam mengumpulkan informasi melalui observasi dan hasil akumulasi nilai afektif, psikomotorik, dan kognitif. Penulis mengharapkan tulisan ini dapat menjadi sumbangsih bagi sekolah di Jayawijaya, Wamena.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-89
Sri Mulyani

One of the government's policies is to break the chain of the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in Indonesia. Work from home also includes Learning from Home. The implementation of online distance learning is a new thing and a challenge in itself, given the economic conditions, a geographical location that causes the internet network to become unstable, and the lack of mastery of technology. This research applies to learn with problem-based learning methods to increase student activity in learning, as well as increase student learning outcomes in class IV science subjects in the energy material. The subjects of this study were Class IV students in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. Is a class action research using two Proses. The increase in learning outcomes in Cycle 1 on cognitive values was 13.7%, affective values were 15%, psychomotor scores were 14%. Whereas in cycle II, there was an increase in cognitive scores, which was 10% from cycle 1. The percentage of student learning outcomes before PBL action was 60%, learning completeness in process 1 was 70%, and in cycle II 90%. So that the application of problem-based learning methods can improve student learning outcomes and student learning activities, even though learning is done online.

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