male mating strategies
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2021 ◽  
Kasper Brandt

<p>Blue cod, Parapercis colias (Pinguipedidae), are widely considered to be the most important recreational finfish species in the South Island. However, blue cod have been declining in abundance in the Marlborough Sounds for many years, and currently, sex ratios are highly male- biased. Blue cod are believed to be a socially structured hermaphroditic species whose populations are prone to local depletion. A potting survey in the Marlborough Sounds was carried out by NIWA in 2013, and along with environmental measurements, 3247 blue cod were measured, weighed, sexed, and stage of sexual maturity was classified macroscopically at sea. Gonads from a subsample of these fish were removed and preserved. In Chapter Two, the preserved gonads were processed histologically and a species-specific histological maturity key was developed. Histological and macroscopic maturity classifications and length-at-maturity estimates were compared. Additionally, estimates of spawning frequency and batch fecundity were made using histological and gravimetric methods. In Chapter Three, possible drivers of sex ratio were investigated using the survey data. Density, large male influence, and environmental factors were considered. In Chapter Four, the feasibility of using digital imaging software to age blue cod otoliths was investigated using the OtolithM application in ImagePro Premier.  There was poor agreement between macroscopic and histological maturity classifications (20%, overall). Macroscopic methods overestimated the proportion of mature fish at length in the larger sample, which led to biased length-at-50% maturity (L₅₀) estimates. Macroscopic L₅₀ estimates differed markedly from histology estimates. Using histological data, male L₅₀ was 26 cm TL. Histology indicated that there was no length at which 100% of females were mature. Therefore, a three-parameter capped logistic model was used. Histologically, female L₅₀ was 23.6 cm TL, and the Cap was 0.78, indicating the proportion of mature females reached an asymptote at 0.78. Spawning frequency was 4.6 days, and mean relative batch fecundity was 6.5 hydrated oocytes per gram body weight (SD = 3.3). Hermaphroditism was confirmed for blue cod and was macroscopically identifiable. The analyses in Chapter Three indicated that density had some effect on sex ratio, and large males influenced local sex ratios. Finally, the imaging software could not accurately estimate age compared to an expert reader, and it produced highly variable age estimates.  This research found that the macroscopic maturity classifications for blue cod were inaccurate, and revision of the macroscopic key is suggested. The biased estimates of L₅₀ from macroscopic data could lead to biased estimates of spawning stock biomass (SSB). Batch fecundity was markedly lower than the previously reported estimates. The finding of a macroscopically identifiable hermaphroditic stage suggested that ‘hermaphrodite’ should be added as a sex class in the macroscopic key. From the GLM in Chapter Three, in more dense populations, the proportion of males increased. This may have been from changes to male mating strategies, or density may influence the occurrence of primary and secondary males. Finally, areas with males > 45 cm TL had a higher proportion of females, suggesting that large males should be protected in order to help balance sex ratios.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kasper Brandt

<p>Blue cod, Parapercis colias (Pinguipedidae), are widely considered to be the most important recreational finfish species in the South Island. However, blue cod have been declining in abundance in the Marlborough Sounds for many years, and currently, sex ratios are highly male- biased. Blue cod are believed to be a socially structured hermaphroditic species whose populations are prone to local depletion. A potting survey in the Marlborough Sounds was carried out by NIWA in 2013, and along with environmental measurements, 3247 blue cod were measured, weighed, sexed, and stage of sexual maturity was classified macroscopically at sea. Gonads from a subsample of these fish were removed and preserved. In Chapter Two, the preserved gonads were processed histologically and a species-specific histological maturity key was developed. Histological and macroscopic maturity classifications and length-at-maturity estimates were compared. Additionally, estimates of spawning frequency and batch fecundity were made using histological and gravimetric methods. In Chapter Three, possible drivers of sex ratio were investigated using the survey data. Density, large male influence, and environmental factors were considered. In Chapter Four, the feasibility of using digital imaging software to age blue cod otoliths was investigated using the OtolithM application in ImagePro Premier.  There was poor agreement between macroscopic and histological maturity classifications (20%, overall). Macroscopic methods overestimated the proportion of mature fish at length in the larger sample, which led to biased length-at-50% maturity (L₅₀) estimates. Macroscopic L₅₀ estimates differed markedly from histology estimates. Using histological data, male L₅₀ was 26 cm TL. Histology indicated that there was no length at which 100% of females were mature. Therefore, a three-parameter capped logistic model was used. Histologically, female L₅₀ was 23.6 cm TL, and the Cap was 0.78, indicating the proportion of mature females reached an asymptote at 0.78. Spawning frequency was 4.6 days, and mean relative batch fecundity was 6.5 hydrated oocytes per gram body weight (SD = 3.3). Hermaphroditism was confirmed for blue cod and was macroscopically identifiable. The analyses in Chapter Three indicated that density had some effect on sex ratio, and large males influenced local sex ratios. Finally, the imaging software could not accurately estimate age compared to an expert reader, and it produced highly variable age estimates.  This research found that the macroscopic maturity classifications for blue cod were inaccurate, and revision of the macroscopic key is suggested. The biased estimates of L₅₀ from macroscopic data could lead to biased estimates of spawning stock biomass (SSB). Batch fecundity was markedly lower than the previously reported estimates. The finding of a macroscopically identifiable hermaphroditic stage suggested that ‘hermaphrodite’ should be added as a sex class in the macroscopic key. From the GLM in Chapter Three, in more dense populations, the proportion of males increased. This may have been from changes to male mating strategies, or density may influence the occurrence of primary and secondary males. Finally, areas with males > 45 cm TL had a higher proportion of females, suggesting that large males should be protected in order to help balance sex ratios.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
F. Poli ◽  
I. A. M. Marino ◽  
M. Santon ◽  
E. Bozzetta ◽  
G. Pellizzato ◽  

AbstractGuard-sneaker tactics are widespread among fish, where territorial males defend a nest and provide parental care while sneakers try to steal fertilizations. Territorials and sneakers adopt diverse pre- and post-mating strategies, adjusting their ejaculate investment and/or behavioural responses to the presence of competitors. The relative distance of competitors from the spawning female plays a major role in influencing male mating strategies and the resulting paternity share. However, territorial male quality and sneaking intensity do not fully account for the variability in the relative siring success occurring among species. An often neglected factor potentially affecting sneakers proximity to females is the nest structure. We conducted a field experiment using the black goby, whose nests show two openings of different size. We found that territorial males defend more and sneaking pressure is higher at the front, larger access of the nest than at the back, smaller one. Moreover, microsatellite paternity analysis shows that territorials sire more offspring at the back of their nest. Such a predictable spatial distribution of the paternity share suggests that nest structure might work as an indirect cue of male relative siring success, potentially influencing the territorial male investment in parental care and/or the female egg deposition strategy.

Andrew G. Thomas ◽  
Marta Kowal ◽  
Piotr Sorokowski ◽  
Agnieszka Żelaźniewicz ◽  
Judyta Nowak ◽  

AbstractResearch has demonstrated that increases in testosterone (T) concentration can affect the expression of behaviours and preferences that are typical of high mating effort. However, little research has considered whether such T increases affect mating strategy more generally and whether this is achievable using a physical intervention. In this pilot study, we examined whether exercise-induced changes in T covary with, or predict, changes in male mating strategy. Healthy young men (N = 94) completed a measure of short- and long-term relationship preference, before and after a series of short cycling sprints. Salivary T was measured pre- and post-exercise, along with salivary cortisol (C), which is known to moderate some behavioural effects of T. A significant group-level increase in T was observed, though this was smaller than anticipated (~ 10%, d = 0.27) with substantial intragroup variation. No group-level change in C or mating preferences emerged. Testosterone change did not significantly predict a change in short- or long-term mating preference from baseline, even with inclusion of C change as a moderator. The current findings suggest that modest exercise-induced increases in T concentration have little impact on male mating strategies. Pharmaceutical interventions, which produce larger and more consistent T increases, may be required to observe mating strategy change.

Alexander F. Cerwenka ◽  
Joerg Brandner ◽  
Juergen Geist ◽  
Ulrich K. Schliewen

Abstract Male alternative mating strategies are a widespread life history choice, yet they have hardly been assessed in the context of fish invasions. As established proxies for alternative life-history strategies, body length and sexual maturity of Ponto–Caspian round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) from the recently invaded upper Danube River were contrasted and differential trophic niche occupation was assessed. Only about 4% of analyzed gobies qualified as potential sneakers which may be explained by the recent and ongoing invasion process. This study provides evidence for the occurrence of sneaking behavior of invasive round goby in the upper Danube River.

Sociobiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 444
Carlos Alberto Dos Santos ◽  
Marjorie Da Silva ◽  
Fernando Barbosa Noll

In  colonies  of  Neotropical  swarm-founding  wasps  (Epiponini),  males  are  thought  to be produced only in periods when there are many queens present. Little information is available regarding male behavior in and out of the nest, and male mating strategies are poorly understood. Here, a behavioral study of males of Synoeca  surinama is provided and copulation behavior inside a nest is described for the first time. A description of an aggregation of non-natal males at a nest is also provided. The behavior of males was observed in three colonies subjected to removal of queens for another study. Nest envelope was partially removed, and the observations were made directly (seen by “the naked eye”) and indirectly (through camcorder recordings), daily. Production of males occurred in large colonies with number of workers being more relevant than the number of the queens. Males of the aggregation were marked and filmed. The aggregation of non-natal males was observed for seven consecutive days next to the largest colony; some of the males attended the aggregation on consecutive days. The males were observed accessing the comb by the opening in the envelope and courting new queens. One successful copulation on the comb of the nest was observed. In the colony where the male aggregation was observed, 47.6% of the new queens were inseminated while in the other two colonies, no new queens were inseminated. These observations suggest males are attracted to, aggregate and seek mating opportunities at non-natal colonies that are producing young adult queens.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 676-682
Virginia Hayssen ◽  
Teri J Orr

Synopsis This compendium is from a symposium about reproductive biology from the female perspective, but what do we mean by the female perspective? Most obviously, since all of our speakers, and most of our contributors, are female, one meaning is that the female perspective is the view of female scientists. Our diverse contributors are from a spectrum of academic ranks (post-docs to chaired professors) and study a range of animal taxa from insects to mammals. More importantly, we want to examine reproductive biology from the perspective of female organisms themselves. What happens when we examine social behavior, physiology, or ecology strictly from the viewpoint of females? In many cases, the female-centric perspective will alter our prior interpretations. For example, with deoxyribonucleic acid fingerprinting, differences between genetic and behavioral mating-systems became obvious. The scientific community came to realize that assessing parentage is the definitive way to categorize mating systems since using male-mating strategies resulted in flawed conclusions; in fact, the female selection of which sperm is involved in conception is more important in determining parentage than mating events per se. Perhaps parentage systems rather than mating systems would be more appropriate. This difference in interpretation relative to methodology exemplifies how behavioral ecology might change if we examine systems from the female perspective; similar changes may occur for other fields. Another example comes from studies of whole-organism performance. Here, jumping, running, and swimming have been measured in males, usually with the deliberate removal of females and the major facet of female physiology, that is, reproduction. However, female biology may actually set the limits of performance given the need to carry extra weight and the extensive changes in body shape required for reproduction. Female performance is a valuable area for research. In fact, novel insights into metabolic ceilings arose from examining energetics, including metabolic rates, during lactation. In the symposium and the associated papers, our contributors explored the various ways in which a female-focused framework shifts our research conclusions and programs. As a way forward, we also include a table of sex-neutral terminology to replace terms that are currently androcentric or value-laden.

2020 ◽  
Vol 703 ◽  
pp. 134991
Michael G. Bertram ◽  
Patrick Tomkins ◽  
Minna Saaristo ◽  
Jake M. Martin ◽  
Marcus Michelangeli ◽  

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