semipalmated sandpiper
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2021 ◽  
Martin Bulla ◽  
Christina Muck ◽  
Daniela Tritscher ◽  
Bart Kempenaers

Biparental care requires coordination between parents. Such coordination might prove difficult if opportunities to communicate are scarce, which might have led to the evolution of elaborate and noisy nest relief rituals in species facing a low risk of predation. However, whether such conspicuous rituals also evolved in species that avoid predation by relying on crypsis remains unclear. Here, we used a continuous monitoring system to describe nest relief behavior during incubation in an Arctic-breeding shorebird with passive nest defense, the semipalmated sandpiper (Calidris pusilla). We then explored whether nest relief behavior provides information about parental cooperation and predicts incubation effort. We found that incubating parents vocalized twice as much before the arrival of their partner than during other times of incubation. In 75% of nest reliefs, the incubating parent left the nest only after its partner had returned and initiated the nest relief. In these cases, exchanges were quick (25s, median) and shortened over the incubation period by 0.1 – 1.4s per day (95%CI), suggesting that parents became more synchronized. However, nest reliefs were not cryptic. In 90% of nest reliefs, at least one parent vocalized, and in 20% of nest reliefs, the incubating parent left the nest only after its returning partner called instantaneously. In 30% of cases, the returning parent initiated the nest relief with a call; in 39% of these cases, the incubating partner replied. If the partner replied, the next off-nest bout was 1 – 4hr (95%CI) longer than when the partner did not reply, which corresponds to an 8 – 45% increase. Our results indicate that incubating semipalmated sandpipers, which rely on crypsis to avoid nest predation, have quick but acoustically conspicuous nest reliefs. Our results also suggest that vocalizations during nest reliefs may be important for the division of parental duties.

2020 ◽  
Peter Hicklin ◽  
Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 191609
Kirsten Grond ◽  
Hannah Guilani ◽  
Sarah M. Hird

The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) consists of connected structures that vary in function and physiology, and different GIT sections potentially provide different habitats for microorganisms. Birds possess unique GIT structures, including the oesophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, caeca and large intestine. To understand birds as hosts of microbial ecosystems, we characterized the microbial communities in six sections of the GIT of two shorebird species, the Dunlin and Semipalmated Sandpiper, identified potential host species effects on the GIT microbiome and used microbial source tracking to determine microbial origin throughout the GIT. The upper three GIT sections had higher alpha diversity and genus richness compared to the lower sections, and microbial communities in the upper GIT showed no clustering. The proventriculus and gizzard microbiomes primarily originated from upstream sections, while the majority of the large intestine microbiome originated from the caeca. The heterogeneity of the GIT sections shown in our study urges caution in equating data from faeces or a single GIT component to the entire GIT microbiome but confirms that ecologically similar species may share many attributes in GIT microbiomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-221
Karla Dayane de Lima Pereira ◽  
Jayrson Araújo de Oliveira

AbstractThe Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla, is a Western Hemisphere migrant shorebird for which Brazil forms an internationally important contranuptial area. In Brazil, the species main contranuptial areas is along the Atlantic Ocean coast, in the north and northeast regions. In addition to these primary contranuptial areas, there are also records of vagrants widely distributed across Brazil. Here, we review the occurrence of vagrants of this species in Brazil, and document a new record of C. pusilla for the central-west region and a first occurrence for the state of Goiás.

2019 ◽  
David D. Hope ◽  
David B. Lank ◽  
Paul A. Smith ◽  
Julie Paquet ◽  
Ronald C. Ydenberg

ABSTRACTPeregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) have undergone a steady hemisphere-wide recovery since the ban on DDT in 1973, resulting in an ongoing increase in the level of danger posed for migrant birds, such as Arctic-breeding sandpipers. We anticipate that in response migrant semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) have adjusted migratory behaviour, including a shift in stopover site usage towards locations offering greater safety from falcon predation.We assessed semipalmated sandpiper stopover usage within the Atlantic Canada Shorebird Survey dataset. Based on 3,030 surveys (totalling ∼32M birds) made during southward migration, 1974 - 2017, at 198 stopover locations, we assessed the spatial distribution of site usage in each year (with a ‘priority matching distribution’ index, PMD) in relation to the size (intertidal area) and safety (proportion of a site’s intertidal area further than 150m of the shoreline) of each location. The PMD index value is > 1 when usage is concentrated at dangerous locations, 1.0 when usage matches location size, and < 1 when usage is concentrated at safer locations.A large majority of migrants were found at the safest sites in all years, however our analysis of the PMD demonstrated that the fraction using safer sites increased over time. In 1974, 80% of birds were found at the safest 20% of the sites, while in 2017, this had increased to 97%. A sensitivity analysis shows that the shift was made specifically towards safer (and not just larger) sites. The shift as measured by a PMD index decline cannot be accounted for by possible biases inherent in the data set. We conclude that the data support the prediction that increasing predator danger has induced a shift by southbound migrant semipalmated sandpipers to safer sites.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-117 ◽  
Ivana Novcic

This study examined foraging niche partitioning among coexisting species of shorebirds on a sandy beach dominated by a single food type, Horseshoe Crab ( Limulus polyphemus) eggs, where use of foraging microhabitats of limited variety is temporarily restricted due to tidal cycle. The major goal of the study was to examine whether co-occurring species differed in selection of foraging microhabitats and use of feeding techniques. Ruddy Turnstone ( Arenaria interpres), Red Knot ( Calidris canutus), and Sanderling ( Calidris alba) foraged significantly more on sand and gravel compared to pools and swash zone, Semipalmated Sandpiper ( Calidris pusilla) foraged significantly more on sand and gravel compared to swash zone, but not significantly more compared to pools, while differences in use of microhabitats by Dunlin ( Calidris alpina), and Short-billed Dowitcher ( Limnodromus griseus) were non-significant. Turnstones used digging and turning stones, and pecking significantly more than probing, Semipalmated Sandpipers used pecking significantly more than probing, while all other species used probing significantly more than pecking. Knots and Sanderlings had the highest level of overlap both in use of microhabitats and foraging techniques, while turnstones and dowitchers had the lowest. Ruddy Turnstones were the only birds that used digging and turning stones to obtain food and these two foraging methods seemed to be the most important variables discriminating turnstones from other co-occurring shorebirds. However, despite the slight differences in use of foraging methods and microhabitats by different species, this study documented weak partitioning among shorebirds, particularly between sandpipers and dowitchers. These results indicate that the short-term absence of clear niche partitioning on a local scale may occur in shorebird communities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 131 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-214 ◽  
Yves Turcotte ◽  
Jean-Francois Lamarre ◽  
Joel Bety

Many north American shorebird populations are declining. it is therefore urgent to identify major sites used during their annual cycle to achieve effective conservation measures. our objective was to expand some aspects of the knowledge base needed to assess the ecological value of the St. Lawrence River Estuary for shorebird conservation. Here, we present the results of the most intensive shorebird survey ever conducted in the St. Lawrence River Estuary during fall migration. Surveys were conducted between St-Jean-Port-Joli and St-Simon-sur-Mer, Quebec, Canada, in 2011 and 2012, from late June/early July through late november, corresponding to the migration period of all species potentially present in the study area. The Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) was one of the two most abundant species during both years of our study (most abundant species, followed by Dunlin [Calidris alpina] and Black-bellied Plover [Pluvialis squatarola] in 2011; second to Blackbellied Plover in 2012). Considering the entire shorebird community, abundance of individuals peaked in early September. Peak abundance occurred earlier for adults than for juveniles. For most species, juveniles largely outnumbered adults. Juveniles were relatively less abundant in 2012 than in 2011. This reflected a general trend observed in northeastern north America between those years, suggesting a lower breeding success in 2012. Given its importance as a staging site for juvenile birds (study area used annually by up to a few hundred thousand shorebirds) and therein, its conservation value, we recommend that the St. Lawrence River Estuary should be included within the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Dario Carvalho-Paulo ◽  
Nara G. de Morais Magalhães ◽  
Diego de Almeida Miranda ◽  
Daniel G. Diniz ◽  
Ediely P. Henrique ◽  

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