childbearing age women
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Suryati Kumorowulan ◽  
Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani ◽  
Leny Latifah ◽  
Diah Yunitawati

Background. Thyroid dysfunction is frequently associated with psychiatric problems, such as anxiety or depression. On the other hand, thyroid dysfunction patients have little reason to be concerned about their mental health. Childbearing age women are included in the priority category because they require  excellent health conditions to prepare for pregnancy and parenthood. Objective. This study aimed to investigate relationship between thyroid function (as evaluated by thyroid hormone levels and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels) with mental health in childbearing age women. Method. This study is a cross sectional study, with childbearing age women (aged 15 years and up) who are already menstruating but have not yet reached menopause. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta City and Bukittinggi City with a total sample of 487 people. This study’s independent variables were TSH and free T4 levels. The dependent variables were anxiety and depression. Other things to consider are height, body weight, and age. Blood samples had used to measure TSH and free T4 levels. All respondents were interviewed to assess whether they were depressed or anxious using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results. There is a significant difference in score of BAI (21.1±11,67 vs 19.7±11.18, p<0.000) and BDI (10.1±8.06 vs 9.50±7.36, p<0.000) between groups. Other results found that disfunction thyroid hormone levels (TSH <0.3 mIU/mL) was related to depression (OR 2.324 95% CI 1.072–5.041, p<0.05; AOR 2.718 95% CI 1.028–7.186, p<0.05), but not associated with anxiety. Conclusion. Thyroid dysfunction, particularly low thyroid stimulating hormone levels, has been linked to higher risk of depression in childbearing age women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Neneng Julianti

ABSTRAKAngka kejadian kanker serviks yang masih cukup tinggi dipengaruhi olehperilaku deteksi dini yang  masih rendah. Menurut Riskesdas 2018 tumor/kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari 1,4 per 1000 pendudukdi tahun 2013 menjadi 1,79 per 1000 penduduk pada tahun 2018. Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di dusun I Desa Bantarjaya pada tahun 2021 dari 30 wanita usia subur, terdapat 23 orang tidak tahu apa itu IVA dan belum melakukan pemeriksaan IVA dan 7 orang sudah melakukan IVA Test. Sehingga capaian masih rendah karena minat dan motivasi wanita usia subur untuk melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secaradini kanker serviks masihkurang. Pendidikan kesehatan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat ibu  (WUS) tentang kanker serviks. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku ibu diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Pebayuran dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks melalui pemeriksaan metode IVA. Metode pelaksanaan adalah dengan memberikan sosialisasi / penyuluhan tentang materi pemeriksaan metode IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini kanker serviksdan dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab dengan peserta. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan minat wanita usia subur (WUS) dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks. Dari 45 responden sebelum sosialisasi memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori cukup 64,41 %, mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dalam kategori baik 93,53 %. Dari hasil sosialisasi / penyuluhan dan evaluasi beberapa wanita usia subur bersediauntukmelakukanpemeriksaanIVA di Puskesmas Pebayuran , hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan motivasi setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi/penyuluhan.Sosialisasi / penyuluhan pemeriksaan metode IVA pada wanita usia subur dapat meningkatkan kesadaran wanita usia subur dalam melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini dalam upaya mengendalikan kejadian kanke rserviks.Setelah pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan ibu akan tetap rutin melakukan deteksi dini dengan didukung peran aktifkader dan tenaga kesehatan. KataKunci : sosialisasi; pemeriksaan IVA; wanita usia subur. ABSTRACTRecently, the high incident number of servics cancer was influenced by the low early detected behavior. According to Riskesdas 2018, it stated that tumor/cancer in Indonesia increased 1,4 per 1000 citizen in 2013 to 1,79 per 1000 citizen in 2018. The preliminary study result was conducted at Dusun 1, Bantarjaya Village in 2021 of 30 childbearing age women. There were 23 women who did not know what IVA test was, and there were 7 women who had done the IVA test. Therefore, the expected target of servics cancer test was still in low level. It all was because they did not have interest and motivation to do the IVA test for preventing action of servics cancer.The health education was required to increase the knowledge and interest of a mother (WUS) to servics cancer. This society study was dedicated to enhance the mother’s behavior at working area of Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It was in order to detect the early test of servics cancer through IVA method test.The result stated that the society dedication activity succeeded to increase the interest and motivation of the childbearing age women (WUS) to take the early detected test of servics cancer. Before doing the socialization, there were 45 respondents had the average category knowledge of servics cancer, and the score was 64, 41%. Moreover, after doing the socialization, it became 93, 53%. Based on the socialization / counseling, there were several childbearing age women who conducted the IVA test at Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It showed that there wassome enhancement of motivation after doing the socialization/ counseling.The socialization/counseling of IVA method test on childbearing age women increased the childbearing age women awareness to conduct the IVA test for controlling the servics cancer incident.  The society dedication activity purposed to every mother to take the IVA test regularly for early detected test of service cancer which was supported by the active cadres and health workers.  Key words : socialization; IVA test; childbearing age women

Fernanda Maria Santos ◽  
Giovanna Ghelfond ◽  
Fernanda Salles Seguro ◽  
Andre Neder R. Abdo ◽  
Thales Dalessandro ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (A) ◽  
pp. 387-392
Agus Wibowo ◽  
Pramudji Hastuti ◽  
Vinayanti Susanti

AIM: This study aimed to investigate the association between two polymorphisms of thyroid hormone receptor and renin-angiotensin system (THRA C/T and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D) genes with hypertension in childbearing age women with hypertension. METHODS: This was a case–control study including 35 cases and 40 matched control subjects. The case group was hyperthyroid women with hypertension while the control group was hyperthyroid women with normotension. The polymorphisms were identified by a classical polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The THRA C/T gene and ACE I/D polymorphisms were not associated with the hypertension while the genotype frequencies in hyperthyroid women with hypertension were as follows: CC genotype was 25.71%, CT genotype was 54.29%, and TT genotype was 20.00%. The ACE I/D genotype frequencies in hyperthyroid women with hypertension were as follows: II genotype was 23.53%, whereas in hyperthyroid women without hypertension, the I/D genotype frequencies were CC: 7.50%, CT: 72.50%, and TT: 20.00%. There were no differences in age, thyroid-stimulating hormone, FT4, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic BP between subgroups in ACE I/D, and at THRA rs-939348. There was a significant difference in the levels of FT4 concentrations in THRA rs-939348. Hypertension groups have higher SBP than controls. Genotype II had higher SBP but it was not statistically significant, while individuals with allele I had SBP higher than D allele. CONCLUSIONS: The I allele of the ACE gene is involved in susceptibility to hypertension and polymorphism in THRA increasing concentration of FT4. There was no statistically significant difference in blood pressure between hyperthyroid women with or without hypertension.

Giovanna Bitonti ◽  
Nicolò Clemente ◽  
Anna Del Fabro ◽  
Paolo Manna ◽  
Monica Buttignol ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 98-103
Meryem COLAK ◽  
Nergis ASGIN

Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease that is common worldwide and caused by the Toxoplasma gondii. Congenital toxoplasmosis is one of the major complications of this infection. The present study aimed to investigate T.gondii seroprevalence and evaluate the IgG avidity test results among childbearing- age women retrospectively. A total of 9401 samples obtained from childbearing -age (15-49 years of age) women who attended Karabuk University Training and Research Hospital between February 2016- January 2020, over the four-year, were included in the study.The Toxoplasma-IgM, Toxoplasma-IgG antibody, and Toxoplasma IgG avidity tests were analyzed chemiluminescent method by using ARCHITECT I 2000 SR immunoassay device (Abbott Laboratories, USA). Toxoplasma-IgM and Toxoplasma-IgG seropositivity were detected as 0.7% (67/9401) and 15.7% (1415/9005) respectively. A high percentage of Toxoplasma-IgM and Toxoplasma-IgG seropositivity were detected among 31-35 years of age group. The Toxoplasma seropositivity increased by age, but no statistically difference was found (P >0.05).The Toxoplasma IgG avidity was high in 45 patients (69.4%), low avidity was detected in 16 patients (22.6%) and from the remaining 6 patients were borderline (8%). The Toxoplasma IgM and IgG seropositivity rate decreased 2016 to 2020. The highest Toxoplasma IgM and IgG seropositivity were in 2016 with 1.2% and 16.8%, respectively. The T. gondi seropositivity rate was decreased from 2016 to 2020; it is probably a result of increasing awareness of the disease among patients. We think our results will contribute to the epidemiological data in our province and country and raise awareness.

Changchang Li ◽  
Weiming Tang ◽  
Hung Chak Ho ◽  
Jason J Ong ◽  
Xiaojing Zheng ◽  

Abstract Background Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) is a major cause of infertility and adverse birth outcome, but its epidemiology among childbearing-age women remains unclear in China. This study investigated the prevalence of CT and associated factors among Chinese women aged 16-44 years who were either 1) pregnant; 2) attending gynaecology clinics; or 3) subfertile. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional survey and recruited participants from obstetrics, gynaecology, and infertility clinics in Guangdong, between March to December, 2019. We collected information on individuals' socio-demographic characteristics, previous medical conditions, and sexual behaviours. First-pass urine and cervical swabs were tested using nucleic acid amplification testing. We calculated the prevalence in each population and subgroup by age, education, and age at first sex. Multivariable binomial regression models were used to identify factors associated with CT. Results We recruited 881 pregnant women, 595 gynaecology clinic attendees, and 254 subfertile women. The prevalence of CT was 6.7% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 5.2%-8.5%), 8.2% (95%CI: 6.2%-10.7%), 5.9% (95%CI: 3.5%-9.3%) for the above three populations, respectively. The subgroup-specific prevalence was highest among those who had the first sex before 25 years and older pregnant women (&gt;35 years). The proportion of asymptomatic CT was 84.8%, 40.0%, and 60.0% among pregnant women, gynaecology clinic attendees, and subfertile women, respectively. Age at first sex (&lt;25 years), multipara, and ever having more than one partner increased the risk of CT. Conclusion Childbearing age women in China have a high prevalence of CT. As most women with CT were asymptomatic, more optimum prevention strategies are urgently needed in China.

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