smart education
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
A. Herliah ◽  
Yusring Sanusi Baso ◽  
Healthy Hidayanty ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Aminuddin Aminuddin ◽  

Obesity is a disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat. The nutritional impact is more than just disturbing the aesthetics of appearance. Obesity (overweight and overweight) is a new chronic disorder that soon becomes a global pandemic that is quite difficult to control. To improve the knowledge, attitudes, and Practice of Adolescent Girls about obesity. Use Pre-Experiment with one group pre-test and post-test design. Sampling technique using purposive sampling and obtained a total of 47 respondents. The research was conducted in the Senior High School of 12 Makassar in September-October 2021. Data analysis using the McNemar test. The results of statistics showed that there is an influence on the use of the web-based   She Smart education model of the knowledge and attitudes of Adolescent Girls with a value of p-value=0.008 (p<0.05). And there was no influence on the use of the web-based   She Smart education model on the Practice of Adolescent Girls with a p-value of 0.453 (p>0.05). There is an influence on providing obesity education before and after intervention through web-based obesity education media in improving knowledge and attitudes but does not affect the Practice of adolescent girls in overcoming the problem of obesity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Ernawati Ernawati ◽  
Yusring Sanusi Baso ◽  
Healthy Hidayanty ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Aminuddin Aminuddin ◽  

Anemia is a state of hemoglobin levels in the bloodless than normal numbers according to the sex and age group. The impact of anemia in adolescents is a decrease in achievement and learning spirit and can cause symptoms such as paleness, lethargy, decreased appetite, and growth disorders. Anemia has an impact not only on the health of adolescent girls but can have a long impact on the health of the mother and fetus. You can see the influence of anemia education on knowledge, attitudes, and practice. Uses the Pre-experimental method with the design of one group pretest and posttest. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of 47 adolescent girls. The research was conducted at Senior High School 12 Makassar in September-October 2021. Data analysis using the McNemar test. From the results of statistical tests showed that there was an influence on the use of web-based she smart education model on the use of adolescent girls about anemia with p-value = 0.000 (p<0.05), attitude p-value = 0.016 (p<0.05) and action p-value = 0.001 (p<0.05). Anemia education using web-based she smart can improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice before and after an intervention.

Data ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Deden Sumirat Hidayat ◽  
Dana Indra Sensuse

The application of smart campuses (SC), especially at higher education institutions (HEI) in Indonesia, is very diverse, and does not yet have standards. As a result, SC practice is spread across various areas in an unstructured and uneven manner. KM is one of the critical components of SC. However, the use of KM to support SC is less clearly discussed. Most implementations and assumptions still consider the latest IT application as the SC component. As such, this study aims to identify the components of the KM model for SC. This study used a systematic literature review (SLR) technique with PRISMA procedures, an analytical hierarchy process, and expert interviews. SLR is used to identify the components of the conceptual model, and AHP is used for model priority component analysis. Interviews were used for validation and model development. The results show that KM, IoT, and big data have the highest trends. Governance, people, and smart education have the highest trends. IT is the highest priority component. The KM model for SC has five main layers grouped in phases of the system cycle. This cycle describes the organization’s intellectual ability to adapt in achieving SC indicators. The knowledge cycle at HEIs focuses on education, research, and community service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-50
Dongil Kim ◽  
Younghee Cho ◽  
Eunjung Cho ◽  
Jungeun Lim

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Phat Nguyen Huu ◽  
Khang Doan Xuan

In this paper, we propose an algorithm to identify and solve systems of high-order equations. We rely on traditional solution methods to build algorithms to solve automated equations based on deep learning. The proposal method includes two main steps. In the first step, we use YOLOV4 (Kumar et al. 2020; Canu, 2020) to recognize equations and letters associated with the VGG-16 network (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) to classify them. We then used the SymPy model to solve the equations in the second step. Data are images of systems of equations that are typed and designed by ourselves or handwritten from other sources. Besides, we also built a web-based application that helps users select an image from their devices. The results show that the proposed algorithm is set out with 95% accuracy for smart-education applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yulu Cui ◽  
Hai Zhang

The attention to the laws of the brain and the mechanism of learning in the smart education era becomes the starting point for the convergence and development of education and neuroscience, which also inspired educational neuroscience (EN) affecting the teacher’s development. Although teachers always have a general curiosity about EN and its applications, the limited knowledge hinders their general practice, neuromyths begin to emerge, and there is no evidence to directly show the connection between EN and teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) knowledge. Based on an EN teacher training program for 216 teachers, this study verifies that EN training programs can promote teachers’ understanding of EN-related knowledge, and EN is also correlated to teachers’ TPACK. However, the EN training program does not promote high well-being and satisfaction. The research also analyzes the process of teachers’ EN knowledge dissemination based on interviews, and the research conclusion can further reveal the necessity of EN training for teachers in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-158
Tri Rejeki Andayani ◽  
Budiyanti Wiboworini ◽  
Nanang Wiyono ◽  
Farida Hidayati

ENGLISHThe covid-19 pandemic that has occurred for a long time brings changes in the entire order of human life, including religion. Religious and social activities, like "pengajian" must immediately adapt to the new norms. An educational program is needed to ensure that every activity in "pengajian" group complies with the health protocols and reduces the potential for the emergence of new Covid-19 clusters. "Salam Smart" Program is a Healthy and Happy Life Strategy in the pandemic period. It is hoped to increase the implementation of health protocols and mental health of the members of this community. This study aimed to describe the contribution of “Salam Smart” Program on mental health improvement and the implementation of health protocols in the "pengajian" group. There were 29 participants to determine the effectiveness of the program. Data were collected using the Prokesmen Scale consisting of subscales i.e. the Health Protocol Scale (Reliability 0.875), and the Mental Health Scale (Rel = 0.796). The descriptive quantitative data analysis was applied and resulted that there was an increase of 2.62 in the application of health care and 3.92 in mental health. It can be concluded that the “Salam Smart” Education Program can be carried on as a strategy to live a healthy and happy life during the pandemic.  INDONESIAPandemi Covid-19 yang cukup panjang tentunya membawa perubahan pada seluruh tatanan kehidupan manusia, termasuk agama. Kegiatan keagamaan dan sosial harus segera beradaptasi dengan norma-norma baru. Untuk memastikan setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan dan mengurangi potensi munculnya klaster Covid-19 baru dari kelompok pengajian, perlu diadakan program edukasi. Melalui Program “Salam Cerdas” sebagai Strategi Hidup Sehat dan Bahagia di Masa Pandemi. Program ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penerapan protokol kesehatan dan kesehatan jiwa para anggota komunitas pengajian. Ada 29 peserta untuk menentukan efektivitas program. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Skala Prokesmen yang terdiri dari subskala yaitu Skala Protokol Kesehatan (Reliabilitas 0,875), dan Skala Kesehatan Jiwa (Rel = 0,796). Analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan 2,62 dalam penerapan perawatan kesehatan dan 3,92 dalam kesehatan mental. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Program Pendidikan “Salam Cerdas” dapat dijadikan sebagai strategi untuk hidup sehat dan bahagia di masa pandemi.

Yuliia Kazak

The article deals with the study of specific features of smart-technologies use while studying the German language by would-be foreign languages teachers. It is stated that the use of Internet technologies promotes the higher education applicants’ motivation and cognitive activity, their desire to study foreign languages, provides studying intensification and individualization. Having analysed scientific literature and relying on the personal experience, the author analysed specific features, opportunities and prospects for smart-technologies use in the vocational training of would-be German teachers. Smart education is proved to provoke flexibility, a long list of literature, a variety of multimedia, the ability to perform a quick and easy adaptation to the student’s level and necessities. The education also causes active experience and idea-sharing, course personification, the time saving to modify the existing educational content instead of its primary formation. The fact that smart technologies are characterized by flexibility, individualization, interactivity, multimedia use of the educational process is predominated. It promotes the combined implementation of individual and group lessons. The article justifies the fact that smart-technologies use while studying the German language helps to solve a number of educational tasks: the formation of listening comprehension, reading, writing, advanced vocabulary skills and abilities. It also stimulates the higher education applicants’ formation of firm motivation to study the German language. The following educational sites are used by Uman State Pedagogical University applicants of the educational programme ‘Secondary education. The English language and literature, the German language and literature while studying the German language are analysed: Rosetta stone, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlernerblog, YouTube-channel “Easy German”, the online newspaper ‘Zeit online’. The methodology to work with the audio texts on the site “Deutsche Welle” is described. The main advantages of smart technologies implementation while the German language teaching are outlined. Keywords: innovative educational technologies; smart technologies; smart education; online resources; foreign languages would-be teachers; the German language; Deutsche Welle; language environment

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